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How many times you took to pass Driving Test (TP)?


How many times you took to pass Driving Test (TP)?  

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  1. 1. How many times you took to pass Driving Test (TP)?

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  On 1/22/2021 at 5:41 PM, ateo39 said:

I just took my TP test today.

Failed horribly, strike pole at ramp which leads to immediate failure. 
Never got to strike pole in my whole driving experience. During usual practice lessons I always thought I did not accelerate enough and hence during TP I accelerate more than usual. TP was extremely shocked cos he was ready to head down to remove the pole but he pointed to it when we both witnessed the pole falling down and had a loud metal falling sound. He said I brake too late. $$$$ fly. 

Afterwards, TP still proceed on with parking, crank course as usual. Maybe he wanted to let me drive more before heading back to the test area. :D

Felt really demoralized and shitty haha hope I really can pass the next TP test. Don't even have the courage to book the next one now. 
All my friends comforted me by saying only 50% passed the first time but somehow all my friends passed their first TP test. 

BTW I did greet the TP by saying "good afternoon sir" but he didn't reply soooo I had a bad feeling since then :"(


No big deal lah, dun be too bothered by the testers, some of who are out to unsettle you psychologically. 

Dun focus on the tester but on yourself, the road, the technique and no need to rush through anything, and no need to feel the need to perform for him. 

Good luck 😬

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  On 1/22/2021 at 5:41 PM, ateo39 said:

I just took my TP test today.

Failed horribly, strike pole at ramp which leads to immediate failure. 
Never got to strike pole in my whole driving experience. During usual practice lessons I always thought I did not accelerate enough and hence during TP I accelerate more than usual. TP was extremely shocked cos he was ready to head down to remove the pole but he pointed to it when we both witnessed the pole falling down and had a loud metal falling sound. He said I brake too late. $$$$ fly. 

Afterwards, TP still proceed on with parking, crank course as usual. Maybe he wanted to let me drive more before heading back to the test area. :D

Felt really demoralized and shitty haha hope I really can pass the next TP test. Don't even have the courage to book the next one now. 
All my friends comforted me by saying only 50% passed the first time but somehow all my friends passed their first TP test. 

BTW I did greet the TP by saying "good afternoon sir" but he didn't reply soooo I had a bad feeling since then :"(


Just a test, can always go again, no need to have a bad feeling. Practise makes perfect. Better to hit a pole down now, then hit a human in future. 

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  On 1/22/2021 at 5:41 PM, ateo39 said:


BTW I did greet the TP by saying "good afternoon sir" but he didn't reply soooo I had a bad feeling since then :"(


they purposely want to unsettle u 1.

my 2nd tester was friendly and smile at me i kenna 40 points.

the first tester and the last who pass me, both give me those dreadful stare and black face throughout, i fail my first test by only 3 pts. 

all the rest of the tester that pass me for heavy vehicle all give me the look that i own them money .

just greet them and then treat them like your instructor and all will go ok😁

regrading to bind spot checking, i can only say , the key thing is not u check or no check , but the tester see and know that u got check.🤣

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  On 1/26/2021 at 6:14 AM, 13177 said:

Now still have pole when parking? Thought no more liao?


i think ateo39 says its the pole at ramp, not parking. i can't remember what's its called, but where you have to go up the curb and stop before the pole.

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Neutral Newbie

@jethrojireh When would be a good time to check blind spot when turning so that the tester would not put incorrect checking of blind spot ie too early or too late. Also, must the blind check only be done after ensuring traffic is clear for turning(eg oncoming vehicles and pedestrians) and not any earlier?

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  On 5/16/2021 at 4:00 PM, Thunderblade said:

@jethrojireh When would be a good time to check blind spot when turning so that the tester would not put incorrect checking of blind spot ie too early or too late. Also, must the blind check only be done after ensuring traffic is clear for turning(eg oncoming vehicles and pedestrians) and not any earlier?


I would do a quick check on the rear view mirror to see if traffic is generally safe to lane change (eg no speeding cars etc), if it is safe, signal my intention, check my side mirror to see if it's clear and then do a WAYANG blind spot check just before lane changing. But isn't it better for you to check with your instructor instead? Most of us got our license many years ago so it may not be the correct procedure required of the TP test.

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still remembering donkey years ago, when i took the TP test for the 2nd time, the TP abang straight away put the handheld device onto the back seat.

After  the test, i asked him why he did not hold the handheld like the rest. He told me, aiyah, i remember it in my memory.

When i got the results. Only deduct 2 points, turning steering wheel when stationery. LOL

Nice friendly chap. 

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Neutral Newbie

@BabyBlade Yes, i was taught the same method for lane changing and i do not have much problems with lane changing. However, I am more concern with turning at corners, especially with discretionary turns where I have to check extra for opposing vehicles and pedestrians. I  was told that I had to ensure the path is safe(no oncoming vehicle and pedestrian) before I could check my blind spot which I find it managable if I was stationary. However, I find it difficult for that when my vehicle is moving as when I found the path is clear, I am almost about to turn and if I were to check my blind spot at that moment, I would not be focused on any sudden coming of vehicle or pedestrian. Any tips to overcome this? Perhaps i am approaching the turn too fast? Checking for blind spot before checking for a clear path?

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Nowadays, testees very sing nang. Can use the 'wing' mirrors and vehicle has air-con .... :we-all-gonna-die:

My time in 1975, have to do hands signals when turning left or right, hand signal to slow down and hand signal to stop at junction...... 

Whilst using hand signal, left hand on steering wheel, right hand do the hand movment (signals), head glanced at the rear view mirror once and also looking over your left or right shoulders before turning......  :=B:

Those taking test on raining days have to bring a piece of cloth to clean the vapourise windscreen .... :yeah-im-not-drunk:

Those were the days of taking a driving test .... :meaw:

There wasn't any "Confusing Signal" back then like @SiLangKia always faces ...  :secret-laugh:

Edited by Picnic06-Biante15
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  On 5/20/2021 at 9:32 AM, Thunderblade said:

@BabyBlade Yes, i was taught the same method for lane changing and i do not have much problems with lane changing. However, I am more concern with turning at corners, especially with discretionary turns where I have to check extra for opposing vehicles and pedestrians. I  was told that I had to ensure the path is safe(no oncoming vehicle and pedestrian) before I could check my blind spot which I find it managable if I was stationary. However, I find it difficult for that when my vehicle is moving as when I found the path is clear, I am almost about to turn and if I were to check my blind spot at that moment, I would not be focused on any sudden coming of vehicle or pedestrian. Any tips to overcome this? Perhaps i am approaching the turn too fast? Checking for blind spot before checking for a clear path?


Assuming I am also taking my license right now and assuming I am the first vehicle, I would slow down or even come to a stop especially if my view is obstructed  by a bigger vehicle such as a bus or even a car, If traffic is clear and it's good to go, check your blind spot just before turning. I believe slow down should be your answer. In the school world, only turn if it's absolutely safe because you'll be penalised for any emergency braking. In reality, it's a different thing. Check with your instructor! He is the best person to clear your doubts. Sorry can't be of much help.

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Took 2 times to pass, first time failed horribly with immediate failure apparently within the circuit but still went out to the road. Think got 28 points or 30 plus  points something like that can’t remember. 2nd time managed to pass with 18 points, just made it heng ah. Still remember the test car, Honda Civic  es5, 1.7 VTI manual. Since then haven’t driven manual at all (12 years and counting)😂. Got license in 2009 only.

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Neutral Newbie

Need some help. I noticed in the tp assessment that there's a demerit for not checking mirrors before slowing down. My question is do we need to check the rear mirror every time we step on the brakes or is this for certain situations such as traffic lights stopping. I understand this is checking for tailgaters but in situations where we realise that we need to slow down(eg spotting a pedestrian crossing), it seems counter-intuitive to still check for mirrors instead of actually slowing down

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  On 5/31/2021 at 9:14 AM, Thunderblade said:

Need some help. I noticed in the tp assessment that there's a demerit for not checking mirrors before slowing down. My question is do we need to check the rear mirror every time we step on the brakes or is this for certain situations such as traffic lights stopping. I understand this is checking for tailgaters but in situations where we realise that we need to slow down(eg spotting a pedestrian crossing), it seems counter-intuitive to still check for mirrors instead of actually slowing down


BabyBlade to ThunderBlade, just do what is required to pass and what the instructors have taught you. Steal quick glances but for wayang purposes, make your action bigger. In real life day to day driving, make it a habit to check your mirrors (rear view + side) from time to time. Just to be aware of your surroundings especially for vehicles which you may have noticed to be behind, but have moved to your blindspot. In doubt, please clarify with your instructors. They are the best people to help you pass. 

I typed so much but actually I don't remember what's required to pass haha. What school are you in?

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Neutral Newbie

@BabyBlade thanks, I will try to do more frequent checks. Just finding ways to reduce unnecessary mirror checks as it will make me lose focus of the road. I am a private learner.

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