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COVID-19 III: SG Circuit Breaker EXTENDED TO 1ST JUNE: 1,037 New Cases - (23 Apr)


Message added by kobayashiGT

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OK guys, let's try to take a tally here.

What we (a good sized subset) wanted vs what we got.

Before I list these, maybe I'll say the gahmen is absolutely justified in saying that people will always try to find loopholes and reasons why this cannot be done etc., so I'm proud of them for finally taking a courageous stand on this.

So,, let's start with school closures. I think quite a few of us wanted this. I can't remember there being too many naysayers. But this is the one thing I think had some realistic objections in terms of working parents being unable to supervise their kids, and we need to be sympathetic to this. And they've found as elegant a solution as they could in the circumstances: essential workers who can't look after their kids can still send them to school. Kudos. I do expect some friction and conflict when this sort of thing is actually being negotiated with the schools, but I think common sense will prevail.

Next, businesses. The gahmen is *very right* when they say some business owners and managers will be stubborn mules when it comes to allowing telecommuting. I mean, even here I actually saw something that boggled my mind - someone was actually talking about how we need to continue working at offices to enhance bonding! I mean, for the love of... anyway, that remark was so crazy, I didn't even bother responding, but I remember thinking how massively idiotic it was. Anyway, again, by mandating closure of non-essential businesses, gahmen has cut the Gordian knot. Well done.

And next, eateries. I (and I'm sure some others) were pushing hard for this earlier - no more dining in, only allow ta bao and home deliveries. And again I was seeing the most spurious objections to this, worrying about the wait staff etc. I'm glad the gahmen has done exactly what I wished for them to do.

Finally, face masks. It's simple common sense that when you have a strong likelihood of asymptomatic transmission, you need to basically push for universal mask use. And yet, even until very recently, I was seeing all kinds of objections to this. While the thing about keeping the masks for the HCWs sounds like a very sensible thought on the face of things, you must be off your rocker if you think the major healthcare institutions haven't already got a secured supply for our business continuity. So the public needn't worry about that anymore. Again, I refrained from replying to that. But what the gahmen's doing by giving out the reusable face-masks sends a strong message. (the only thing I might have done differently here is make the distribution easier, example, allow people to get these to their homes with a nominal postage fee, rather than having to queue up and gather at the collection points).

The other stuff happened earlier, even before this latest measure - like the suspension of ICT - again, absolutely ridiculous objections about how we must be prepared to fight even in the face of illness, etc. I'm glad this was taken care of earlier.

I haven't named anyone here, but I guess you may be able to figure out to whom I'm referring. I don't want to start a flame war or anything, but I think we should all move on from this with a bit more assurance that perhaps the properly articulated views of a number on this forum are being seriously considered. I'm sure it's other fora and other social media platforms saying the same things. Where I can, I've given direct feedback to Ministry people as well, I'm lucky enough to have that conduit. But I hope they continue to listen to us and implement the very sensible measures they've embarked upon.

One last thing: I think GKY and KM handled the DORSCON ORANGE question very adroitly. Most of us worry about the effector arm (the measures each level implies or even mandates) - and the reporter was right that closure of workplaces etc. sounds like a measure under RED. But GKY and KM stated that they were also considering the afferent arm, by which I mean they monitor the daily case load and look at the continued feasibility and "point" of doing contact tracing. As long as contact tracing etc. are ongoing - which means we're trying our darndest to identify and ring fence cases and their contacts as they crop up - we'll remain at ORANGE. That's a good thing. It means no one has thrown up their hands and admitted defeat. I'm very happy they're implementing measures (effector arm) of RED while still maintaining the afferent arm of ORANGE.

Edited by Turboflat4
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13 minutes ago, kobayashiGT said:

I dunno leh.

But I hope they can close completely. take it as a cold turkey treatment for my mother.

Maybe after this, she won't bet so much on 4D anymore. 🤣


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2 minutes ago, inlinesix said:

Quarantine pax broke 5k yesterday.  You think they no scare?

Your daily charts are good.......[thumbsup]

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10 minutes ago, Fcw75 said:

Yah, I saw his look. In his mind, he’s probably saying KNN la...

Who asked? What’s LZ?



Lianhe Zaobao.

Interestingly, they just called the Malay news BH, expecting everyone to know it meant Berita Harian.

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Now that we finally have shutdown that ppl wanted.. I'm waiting for ppl to kpkb say why one month so long lah.. Home based learning so difficult why MOE never send teachers on site saiyang my kids lah.. Stay home too long depressed lah.. Etc etc... 

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2 minutes ago, Jellandross said:

Now that we finally have shutdown that ppl wanted.. I'm waiting for ppl to kpkb say why one month so long lah.. Home based learning so difficult why MOE never send teachers on site saiyang my kids lah.. Stay home too long depressed lah.. Etc etc... 

Just do what is right for the sake of all Singaporeans.

One question, all these enhanced measures only start next Tue right?

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Just now, Fcw75 said:

Just do what is right for the sake of all Singaporeans.

One question, all these enhanced measures only start next Tue right?


Don't anyhow cheong now hor

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Learn a new word today   circuit breaker to replace "lockdown"

I am trained in electrical engineering by profession and I will never look at those circuit breakers the same way again. 


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4 minutes ago, Icedbs said:

Learn a new word today   circuit breaker to replace "lockdown"

I am trained in electrical engineering by profession and I will never look at those circuit breakers the same way again. 


Pls add "brakes" too. A few brakes somemore😂😂👍

Take care and keep well 

Safe ride 


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Masks! More masks at Value Shop at Changi City Point 



No related to the business or anything here. 

Take care and keep well 

Safe ride 


Edited by PSP415
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2 minutes ago, PSP415 said:

Pls add "brakes" too. A few brakes somemore😂😂👍

Take care and keep well 

Safe ride 


This is like make or break. 

Let's call it brake or break.

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2 hours ago, kobayashiGT said:

Actually Aircon servicing should consider essential. Aircon spoil no joke one. 

I lived last one week without AC hor , ...........now got AC but nowhere to drive  

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Just now, Turboflat4 said:

This is like make or break. 

Let's call it brake or break.

Can! As long as not baked or half baked. Gone case then 


Take care and keep well 

Safe ride 


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23 minutes ago, Icedbs said:

Finally, they did the right thing.....to close schools and non essential businesses for a month. It is what some of the people here have been advocating like a month ago.  As mention before so many times, it is very hard to balance economy with public health during a virus outbreak.  They could lose both and I am glad that they saw that coming. 

Could have been earlier,  but better late than never.   

Let's hope the numbers come down quickly and we can get back our normal life soon.

I think it’s about enforcement. If they come down hard on those irresponsible people, we might be able to avoid a shutdown. Or if they did more stringent measures earlier. 

i am not sure what is there to be happy about. Lockdown is basically a failure. Is Taiwan locked down yet? Korea? To me, its a failure on our government and the people. 

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2 minutes ago, BanCoe said:

I lived last one week without AC hor , ...........now got AC but nowhere to drive  

#safedistancing drive alone 

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Internal Moderator
7 minutes ago, BanCoe said:

I lived last one week without AC hor , ...........now got AC but nowhere to drive  

never mind lah. 🙂 Look at the bright side of life. You car is repaired before this even happen!

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