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COVID-19 III: SG Circuit Breaker EXTENDED TO 1ST JUNE: 1,037 New Cases - (23 Apr)


Message added by kobayashiGT

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46 minutes ago, Silver_blade said:

The old folks are the hardest to comply with the new rules cos they think they know better & like to stick to their routine. 


I notice, lovey dovey couples also, still hug hug [laugh]

Potentially linking 2 families in ways that they wouldn't wish ...

I'd say let those people who are jobless and income-less for 1 month (or potentially longer) come out and whack some sense into those others who still insist on gathering outdoors!

Edited by Sosaria
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1 hour ago, Adrianli said:

At last, they come and pump out the stagnant water. 


Raining again now, have to remind them to continue come to pump out water.

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45 minutes ago, kobayashiGT said:

Tahan abit more. 27 more days to go. jiayou!

Because I did not get to spend time with my aged parents, in return, I will report any gathering I see in my neighbours' residence.

Watch out all AMDK, an Asian snitch is having his vengeance. 😡

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1 hour ago, Silver_blade said:

The old folks are the hardest to comply with the new rules cos they think they know better & like to stick to their routine. 


Anyone want group buy for this?



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On 4/5/2020 at 11:44 PM, Icedbs said:

People tell me they buy study table for the kids....

But that's strange, cos on normal days, the kids do homework on the floor?

Most homes are quite tight now. Reckon most are make do with co-sharing working table space in the past. Now, father, mother, kids at home doing work and homework, sudden surge in furniture demand has resulted.

Same with laptops and computing devices including accessories like pointing devices, keyboards, ethernet cables, etc. That's why you see long Q at Challenger, etc also.

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7 minutes ago, Kangadrool said:

Most homes are quite tight now. Reckon most are make do with co-sharing working table space in the past. Now, father, mother, kids at home doing work and homework, sudden surge in furniture demand has resulted.

Same with laptops and computing devices including accessories like pointing devices, keyboards, ethernet cables, etc. That's why you see long Q at Challenger, etc also.

Challenger still opens during the CB?

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25 minutes ago, Weez911 said:

Because I did not get to spend time with my aged parents, in return, I will report any gathering I see in my neighbours' residence.

Watch out all AMDK, an Asian snitch is having his vengeance. 😡

You need this!!!



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Now parkway parade super empty.. At 7plus pm.. No people.. People are listening to government to stay at home as much as possible... 

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4 hours ago, 13177 said:

No buy this before CB, now courts dont think got open. Lol.

I ordered my $22 Remington on q10 a couple of years back.... My son has phobia of barbers.... So I shave his hair myself.  Saved lots of money too! 

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2 hours ago, Beanoyip said:

This is what reiterating earlier that no gathering of more than 2.. finally they get the message 

Singaporeans really need G to spell out all the do and don't of covid-19. People still playing mahjong last weekend, crazy fxxks...

They should also tell everyone to mask up in crowded places. Govt not discouraging wearing of mask is just not good enough coz too many sheeps around. 😓

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2 minutes ago, kobayashiGT said:

I am going down for a jog. Will try to stay a distance from ppl!

No, is you run too fast so people will become further and further away from you 🤪

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7 hours ago, Turboflat4 said:

You could well be right. That's all I'll say.



Is the next level measures (aka KNN) going to kick in soon??? Before even CCB ended???


DPM Ah Heng going to announce Covid-19 Package IV soon also???



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15 minutes ago, Kangadrool said:

Most homes are quite tight now. Reckon most are make do with co-sharing working table space in the past. Now, father, mother, kids at home doing work and homework, sudden surge in furniture demand has resulted.

Same with laptops and computing devices including accessories like pointing devices, keyboards, ethernet cables, etc. That's why you see long Q at Challenger, etc also.

yes, I also bough a foldable square table, going to double up as mahjong table [laugh], 1 month is a long time to stay in 24/7[sweatdrop]

next I am getting a mahjong set, good that delivery still go on, I received 4 parcels today :D


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1 hour ago, kobayashiGT said:

Tahan abit more. 27 more days to go. jiayou!

I vote you for most optimistic person of the month award! 

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