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Shanmugam warns of foreign interferences in Singapore


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Shxt stirrers. 

Fair game. I suppose we have ppl all over with nothing between ears, 2 green eyes and itchy fingers on keyboards. Some paid somemore to create hatred and ill feelings towards govt of the day.

So read and understand before being led by the noses. No perfect govt and no perfect policies that sit well with all. 

I have a simple gauge. Peaceful sleep, full stomach and no green eyes to envy those who have alot more than me and a heart to help within my means without blowing trumpets or letting anyone else know so that my rewards are heavenly, not earthly ones. Works for me.

Not for everyone because we are not all fat, tall, thin, healthy, sick, idle, lazy etc etc.  

This type of topic always reminded me how once awhile ago, our pilots were planning a strike. Intelligent men and women with alot going for them. Led by a Malaysian chief pilot with secret exit plan to Australia with own family liao.

Singaporeans? Haiz.

So easy to manipulate. Just introduce a topic that's self centred and u will hear kpkb non-stop. And mind u, the sharing got alot of dragons, tigers and lions all in, only they the smartest and cleverest to think above the govt.

Ask them go serve the ppl first, walau, no lah, wife dun allow, scare this scare that, or dun want lah, where got so free? Then? Talk still free regardless the passage of time.

😂😂😂i want a roof over our heads, clean water and food. Safety and security so that the weaker gender do not get raped for fun, guys not beaten up or robbed. Good secured job that may not allow me to have big cars or houses or fly here there for holidays. Medical facilities that's near and do not need me to watch the vulture alongside, waiting for my flesh as its meal.

Sometimes i pity these shxt stirrers. They must really be very bankrupt inside and only drink jealousy when reading of citizens doing better than themselves elsewhere. They get satisfaction when they can poke and stir hatred or anger.

Why do we let them? 

Just yada-ing 

Safe ride. Heavy rain east side where Changi is.





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Mind your own biz is correct. More so when we publish reports, we must also stay neutral. Singapore government must watch out our media to be non bias and project wrong or negative reports of others if we don't want others to do the same to us. Our overseas correspondents or FT reporters are people we need to scrutinise closely.

Edited by Victor68
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  On 9/25/2019 at 7:24 AM, PSP415 said:

Singaporeans? Haiz.

So easy to manipulate. Just introduce a topic that's self centred and u will hear kpkb non-stop. And mind u, the sharing got alot of dragons, tigers and lions all in, only they the smartest and cleverest to think above the govt.




is it better to "train" singaporeans to think for themselves or have them believe whatever is churned out by govt controlled media?

warning abt hazards from foreign interference is kinda ironic, given our high dependency on foreign imports of labour, PRs, and new citizens, not to mention FDI.

why didn't he mention other foreign media outlets? might as well ban CNN, BBC, FT, etc.

it seems to be he is only concerned abt  foreign interference when it doesn't agree with the govt's narrative or when it's negative.

keep hearing the good stuff.


oh and yeah, focus on the messenger rather than the message. Character assassination is a tried and true tactic.

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  On 9/25/2019 at 12:13 PM, JohnSHL said:


is it better to "train" singaporeans to think for themselves or have them believe whatever is churned out by govt controlled media?

warning abt hazards from foreign interference is kinda ironic, given our high dependency on foreign imports of labour, PRs, and new citizens, not to mention FDI.

why didn't he mention other foreign media outlets? might as well ban CNN, BBC, FT, etc.

it seems to be he is only concerned abt  foreign interference when it doesn't agree with the govt's narrative or when it's negative.

keep hearing the good stuff.


oh and yeah, focus on the messenger rather than the message. Character assassination is a tried and true tactic.


Hmm...kill one to warn many?

Better to nip it in the bud now then wait for flowers to fall into piles of shxt or seeds of falsehoods to disperse beyond a comfortable line. 

I am guessing that a line has been crossed and its good to let the actors or actresses be introduced in broad day light since these thought they are safe.

No country is immune and with internet and ease of sharing, rojak can become heavenly duck and lies sounds more juicy and satisfying than truth. 

It is a good reminder to use the matter between our ears to discern and not assume everything that's written as facts. 

To me, i am glad to know that there are actually outsiders behind such a platform giving their opinions as if they are one of our citizens. We dun need masked cowards like those in HK.

And pls get the fxxk out of our country's business.

They are Malaysians telling us to rise up against our govt? Why? Jealous of our strong dollar? Or our peace and harmony? They should focus on helping their own govt on how to improve their country.

Dun cause trouble here so their country will look better. We Singaporeans are not stupid. Its our lives here and we never forgot that we once left totally alone to fend for ourselves. Period.

We forgave but we never forget. 

That's my personal thoughts. I do know that internal strife is the best weapon. No need to go to war. Just fight against each other over an ideology or perceived untruth and there, Singapore can be another current HK. 

And end up like Egypt.  

So if anyone here is a fake Singaporean pretending to be very concerned about country and countrymen, be warned. Your foxy tail will be exposed sooner than later. Not difficult if one study the history of posts and contents. Hehe.....but we have good Mods here to sniff these out.

Just yada-ing. Paiseh, my sharing not directed at u per se. The train of thoughts sometimes ignore mental red lights and run like democracy. Freedom of thoughts. 

Safe ride


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  On 9/25/2019 at 12:13 PM, JohnSHL said:


is it better to "train" singaporeans to think for themselves or have them believe whatever is churned out by govt controlled media?

warning abt hazards from foreign interference is kinda ironic, given our high dependency on foreign imports of labour, PRs, and new citizens, not to mention FDI.

why didn't he mention other foreign media outlets? might as well ban CNN, BBC, FT, etc.

it seems to be he is only concerned abt  foreign interference when it doesn't agree with the govt's narrative or when it's negative.

keep hearing the good stuff.


oh and yeah, focus on the messenger rather than the message. Character assassination is a tried and true tactic.


My message to our policy maker: 清者自清 浊者自浊 (direct translation => A person with clear conscience do not need to explain anything to others, a bad guy will still be seen a bad guy even if he try hard to clear things).

While I do not like foreigner to interfere with our national affairs, the way our MSM are being controlled really irk me. If the government are really concerns with foreigner "manipulating" Singaporean with "fake" news, they should start with cultivating critical thinking, instead of finding ways to clamp down on alternate media.

My apologies but seeing the above article mentioning TOC, I can't help associating it with the recent dispute between its editor and our PM, and whatever happening now look much like past cases involving politicians...:a-no:

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  On 9/25/2019 at 9:25 AM, Victor68 said:

Mind your own biz is correct. More so when we publish reports, we must also stay neutral. Singapore government must watch out our media to be non bias and project wrong or negative reports of others if we don't want others to do the same to us. Our overseas correspondents or FT reporters are people we need to scrutinise closely.


Lhl stir Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and China how?😓

Am just so happy he kept quiet over the recent Indonesian ex president habibie death. 

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  On 9/25/2019 at 1:42 PM, JohnSHL said:

then what abt foreigners that wax lyrical abt how good SG is and how fortunate Singaporeans are? should we tell them to STFU?



Singapore no good ah?

If foreigners wax lyrical about Singapore and how fortunate Singaporeans are, these are untruths or falsehoods?

Till now my HK friends still say HK good and safe leh. Just avoid those places where protests will take place,  they say. 😂😂😂

If u meet happy Singaporeans, foreigners will think Singapore is a happy place. If u meet kpkb Singaporeans, foreigners will think gosh such unhappy lot of ppl, they should come to my country and see what type of living conditions my ppl are in.

😂 we be humble. If read good things about ourselves, take with a pinch of salt. Or a whole packet or entire beach oso can. 

If write bad things about us, go report to Shanmugam for his team to suss out if Malaysians or HKers or Americans or UK or Russia or China behind these horrible stuff, especially the juicy ones that tells family trees and all the hearsay type of things, u know, the you say, i say, he say, she say, they say, we say but actually all gossips that these days, men more than women are passing their days by. No gossips of richer and govt ppl, they think will get dementia earlier. 


At the end of the day, one must discern truth from falsehoods. Emotions not counted because can dramatize or distort or exaggerate either ways.

I love Singapore. It is my home and my life.

The govt of the day is like the Managing Agent. They stay or go is up to all Singaporeans with voting  rights. Not Malaysians or whoever or wherever they are masked from. 


We dun need ppl to tell us who to vote or not to vote. It is called democracy. We have freedom of choice. 

I trust my fellow countrymen and respect their freedom of choice. You vote with your mind, or your heart or both or backside, it is totally your choice.

70% or 30% or 40% or 80%, all Singaporeans. Just dun be a poor loser regardless the result. Stop throwing tantrums. Wait kena punished to face the wall then u know. 

Again, not directed at u per se. I have often heard foreigners say Singapore very good but they cannot stay because of families back home. I say bring them all over, with all your fortune and love my country. Beats having ungrateful ones anytime who just whined and whined. 😅😂😂

Safe ride



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My son grew up interested in reading, so I recently bought him a special edition of Orwell's 1984, hard cover, found in a book rental shop (so rare these days!) at far east. 


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  On 9/25/2019 at 2:16 PM, Sosaria said:

My son grew up interested in reading, so I recently bought him a special edition of Orwell's 1984, hard cover, found in a book rental shop (so rare these days!) at far east. 



That's kinda heavy reading isn't it.. I reckon that's probably for post sec level. 

Actually Animal Farm would probably be good literature for sec school as entry level. .. but no surprise it would be deemed too sensitive. 

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  On 9/25/2019 at 2:00 PM, Carbon82 said:

My message to our policy maker: 清者自清 浊者自浊 (direct translation => A person with clear conscience do not need to explain anything to others, a bad guy will still be seen a bad guy even if he try hard to clear things).

While I do not like foreigner to interfere with our national affairs, the way our MSM are being controlled really irk me. If the government are really concerns with foreigner "manipulating" Singaporean with "fake" news, they should start with cultivating critical thinking, instead of finding ways to clamp down on alternate media.

My apologies but seeing the above article mentioning TOC, I can't help associating it with the recent dispute between its editor and our PM, and whatever happening now look much like past cases involving politicians...:a-no:


I think it is important to highlight the players behind this TOC and really be concerned about their objectives. 

Because ppl who are unaware will think walau why so serious until court case?

When i realised that these are foreigners stirring shxt, my immediate thought is GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. 

Seriously. Critical thinking is good but we are at an era where before one can process a thought, wham! Information gushed at you at such a speed to paralyse one on purpose. 

If one starts to have a distrust in someone, being humans, everything not good about that someone is more readily accepted. Its guilty unless proven innocent. Instead of innocent unless proven guilty. 

Hmm. That's my thought. 

If someone tells me carbon82 abuses his Mod rights, and tells me instances of when it happened and provided me with his version of those abuses, i wont buy it. Why? Because i trust carbon82.

But if someone tells me its JMman with middle finger kiddo pointing up, i will believe. Because that avatar already is a statement of a Mod not following house rule. So the ability to go above his rights is possible. 

Ok. I am NOT after dear Mod JM. And i am fine with that picture. Cross my heart. I confess i once was but overtime i realised there could be a strong valid and totally acceptable reason for his insistence on not changing it. So i respect that i am not privy to that confidence.

And i accepted and respect him.

Just sharing ya. No hard feelings. I have the fortunate or unfortunate circles of ppl in my life who taught me to be content and count my blessings. Hence, if my pov seems insensitive or offends, i am sorry. 

We can agree to disagree ya. 

Safe ride


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  On 9/25/2019 at 2:28 PM, Playtime said:

That's kinda heavy reading isn't it.. I reckon that's probably for post sec level. 

Actually Animal Farm would probably be good literature for sec school as entry level. .. but no surprise it would be deemed too sensitive. 


I read that. George Orwells. Good book. Reality of life. "Some will always be more equal than others" iirc.

That's life. Unfairness and misfortunes. The poor, sick and homeless. Genocides and senseless fighting.

Vanities of life.

Rights and wrongs. 

Haves and have nots.

Yet at 1 time in history, the richest man in his lifetime committed suicide because he found life boring and meaningless.

Great wealth. So stupid hor. Many of us will be very happy.😂😁😁

Just yada-ing 

Safe ride 


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