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Singapore Reckless Drivers Thread VII


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Likely in the blind spot. But the driver also cock. Bang already cannot hear? 

Mother fault for not holding his hand. 


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  On 10/6/2019 at 2:31 PM, Ct3833 said:

Hope the boy did not suffer anything too serious, at least it looks like not too bad. While the  boy was  at fault, I am more keen to know what punishment the driver would be getting.


Should punish driver of the illegally parked car too.  

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  On 10/6/2019 at 10:17 AM, Ct3833 said:

Even if he was so  color blind or ignorance,  how could he missed  seeing  the bus and other cars started moving out ! eyes  must be on handphone. 


Nowadays got many "valid" excuses and mitigation. 



Good family 

GPA 4+ from NUS

Etc. Etc. 

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Malaysian cars have a higher ground clearance 

small boy should be fine.. maybe a few skin cuts  but he will remember for life and so will his mum

the screaming was probably more excruciating than the accident... 

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  On 10/6/2019 at 2:20 PM, Mkl22 said:

Likely in the blind spot. But the driver also cock. Bang already cannot hear? 

Mother fault for not holding his hand. 



looks like a MY car. Did he/she even stop after that ? <_<

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  On 10/6/2019 at 5:18 PM, therock said:

Malaysian cars have a higher ground clearance 

small boy should be fine.. maybe a few skin cuts  but he will remember for life and so will his mum

the screaming was probably more excruciating than the accident... 


Look like a Singapore registered Toyota Vios to me.



Although the boy look relatively OK after the impact, the car hit him at 2 critical body part, i.e. Spine and Head, so there are still risk of some serious or even permanent injury... 

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  On 10/6/2019 at 4:53 PM, Jellandross said:

OMG nearly gone case 😱😱😱 Ffwd to 0:50



How to see like that.. Run out like that kanna blindspot, then when got infront also kanna blindspot due to height same as the bonnet and super near.. Confirmed the driver did not notice anything.

Heng the car ride height is not low.. If not confirmed the boy will be dragged below and not go under and come out behind. Another one good thing about higher ride height car. 


I think they boy kanna fracture both leg.. Look at the mother want carry him up, but he keep cannot stand up and the leg shagging down and look at the bending from the knee below. Hope it is just fracture and not broken legs.. Haiz.. 


Looks like newer cars with collision warning system will help in this case. As the collision warning sure detect the boy and stop in time where we human unable to see due to blindspot. 

Edited by Yewheng
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  On 10/6/2019 at 10:54 PM, Beanoyip said:

Need all cars fitted with AEB now!


What is aeb? 


* Found through Google search.. AEB = autonomous emergency braking. 

Edited by Yewheng
Found in Google search.. AEB = autonomous emergency braking
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  On 10/6/2019 at 4:53 PM, Jellandross said:

OMG nearly gone case 😱😱😱 Ffwd to 0:50



The illegally parked car (solid white line) is also to blame as it removed early visual warning for the driver of the offending car. 

Parking is made illegal in certain circumstances for a reason, it's not just to be officious or to suck money. One must respect that. 

Wouldn't it be ironic if the illegally parked car also belonged to this Indian family? 

By the way, I've been in the cam car's sitch before (thank god never the other car's). I always honk to holy hell once I see a pedestrian trying to be funny. At the very least, that has a hope of alerting all vehicles in the vicinity. Unfortunately, some pedestrians (the unreasonable adult types) take it the wrong way, never thinking I'm trying to save their worthless lives. 

Edited by Turboflat4
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  On 10/7/2019 at 12:37 AM, Mockngbrd said:

Not need ppl to cross road properly? 


ppl need to cross properly, that's by default, but you can't control human nature, so technology need to be in place 

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