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Start review of caning in schools


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Start review of caning in schools


It was reported that in schools, corporal punishment is allowed for male students in severe cases of a grave or repeated misconduct and that such punishments are carried out in private (Most parents here don't spare the rod on kids at home: Study, July 30).

I commend the Ministry of Education's (MOE) guidelines on how corporal punishment is carried out as it maintains the offender's dignity and ensures he commits to a path of redemption and counselling.

Certain schools have even abolished corporal punishment and opted for counselling and follow-up guidance instead.

The term "grave or repeated misconduct" is broad and subjective.

It is about time MOE started a review on caning. Offences liable for corporal punishment should be streamlined, specific and standardised throughout Singapore's education system.

Anelka Tay Salam, 16

Secondary 4 student


This topic is really up for debate. what do you all think about caning as a punishment?



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The last time i saw a caning was when my classmate had been stealing our stuff on multiple occasions. And even stole class funds.

If minor issue, will need to cane meh. The school is implementing internal discipline so that not to bring it to the attention to the authorities. In a way, they are trying to help the student.


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During my secondary school days, they had public caning during assembly.

The discipline master will carry out the caning and he swings his arm full arc like teeing off with a 9 iron.

One big bully of the school got caned for walloping a group of younger boys.

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Didn't get caned in school, only kena the metre-ruler.  However got plenty of caning at home and the govt didn't regular that!  😂

PS to the IT team - the new emojis are terrible - no colour and so small!  People with old flower eyes cannot distinguish one from another.  Bring back the old ones please!


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Corporate punishment i.e Public caning should not be abolished .... :a-toast:

Some of these Gin Na belongs to those category of 'No Hamtum No Wake Up' type [gossip]

If one never commit any grave mistake, why one should be worry about tio corporate punishment in school -_-

Counselling and follow-up  guidance to some gin na are just bull shxt to them niah [lipsrsealed]

Above are my personal opinion ..... which may not be in trend with some .... [laugh]



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ha ha ha my time the cheachers all belly trigger happy , anytime is a good time for rotan

Public caning every Friday to see who's who in the market 😁 trending (make it to the Pricipals List Awards)

I quite lucki oni studi Preambree 🌲 tree , spared caning till rest of skool years😌

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So proud. Never once kena caned in school.

Only at home😔. Late mum was the executor. Tell lies will have chilli padi stuffed into mouth. When she scolded any of us kiddos, 10 blocks away can hear her. She not shy one. We very.

Please cane. Some kids need the cane to understand how loved they are and change. Counselling and soft methods are like nagging and ineffective. 

The problem lies in the formula milk.😂😂😂 I kid. 

Just dun cane in an angry mood. Can cross line to abuse liao. 1 cane away.

Just my tots 

Safe ride 


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  On 9/5/2019 at 4:36 AM, Mzrmazda3 said:

Corporate punishment i.e Public caning should not be abolished .... :a-toast:


Corporal punishment bro. 

Corporate punishment comes after graduation. Most of us kena that, it's lifelong, and often much worse than a bit of caning.😂

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Time has changed, and we can no longer use "my time" as the gold standard to manage.

Its easy to say just cane lah, last time we also kena cane growing up. Are the condition the same now with what the kids are going through now and what we went through at the same age?  

30-40 years ago, a 16 years old probably wont even know how to "ON" a computer. Today, a 13-14 years old know how to get a grab and order food delivery on his/her mobile phone. Many factors contribute to the shift in maturing earlier, even voting ages are pushing forward.

Caning was the fear used to manage students, but that fear factor is longer strong, in many cases it has even become a proud moment for IG stories. Human being react differently to fear at different age, and to manage the current generation, the effective way is to find what they "fear", and caning is out of fashion. 

Yes, I cane, and I still encouraging caning, but at a younger age, when "pain" was fearful for them. Once they reach 10-11 years old, caning doesnt really work anymore.[laugh][laugh][laugh]


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  On 9/5/2019 at 7:08 AM, Jman888 said:

nowadays with so many protective parents, who dare to cane these kids?


yah, easy to say just cane, but when the time come and their own children tio cane, most parents will KPKB until go to every forum, newspaper and radio stations. 

every parent to school: "Yes go ahead and cane, but be sure is someone else kids, never ever you touch my child hor, I can ownself cane!!!" [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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  On 9/5/2019 at 9:36 AM, Tianmo said:

Time has changed, and we can no long use "my time" as the gold standard to manage.

Its easy to say just cane lah, last time we also kena cane growing up. Are the condition the same now with what the kids are going through now and what we went through at the same age?  

30-40 years ago, a 16 years old probably wont even know how to "ON" a computer. Today, a 13-14 years old know how to get a grab and order food delivery on his/her mobile phone. Many factors contribute to the shift in maturing earlier, even voting ages are pushing forward.

Caning was the fear used to manage students, but that fear factor is longer strong, in many cases it has even become a proud moment for IG stories. Human being react differently to fear at different age, and to manage the current generation, the effective way is to find what they "fear", and caning is out of fashion. 

Yes, I cane, and I still encouraging caning, but at a younger age, when "pain" was fearful for them. Once they reach 10-11 years old, caning doesnt really work anymore.[laugh][laugh][laugh]



can cane at home behind closed door 😂

but hard for school to do it today.

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  On 9/5/2019 at 8:30 AM, Turboflat4 said:

Corporal punishment bro. 

Corporate punishment comes after graduation. Most of us kena that, it's lifelong, and often much worse than a bit of caning.😂


Old flowery eyes.... 😨

Type salah also dunno... 😩

Paiseh.... 😬

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We shouldn't go down the road of certain hyper liberal Western countries. One family migrated to Canada and the children were misbehaving in a supermarket. Mother yelled at them and threatened to whack them (only threatened hor, never raise hand in public).

Shortly after returning home they were visited by the child protective services. They insisted on interviewing the kids without parents present to ascertain they were being well looked after and not "abused" 

Jeeeeeeez. 🙄

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Old saying goes , spare the rod n spoil the child 

too much of western human rights this and that ....... look at the HK rioters akin to thuggish gestures, hell bent on disruption of the economy ...... just my 2 cents 

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