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2019/2020 MCF Revamp - Feedback/Errors


Message added by BabyBlade


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Internal Moderator

Hi all. We're back in the game. Let us know the good, the bad and the ugly! ðŸ’Ÿ

Please be patient while we iron out the kinks.


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Isn't there a breakdown of

-all participated threads

-most active

-new threads since last visit



or have I missed something.

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Internal Moderator

I will share with you guys the summary tomorrow. If you guys spotted anything, please share with us inside this thread. We need your help to make this forum better. Thanks all!

  On 8/25/2019 at 2:19 PM, Heartlander said:

Would be good to have a summary of the upgrades and new features, despite the kinks. We can help to load-test through actual usage haha.



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Internal Moderator

For a start just to name a few, the mobile site should be more user-friendly now. We have almost the full functions as you'd expect from desktop. Most importantly, image upload, emoji enabled. 

There is also a 'multiple quote function' where you can select multiple comments to reply to at once. 

Praise and dislike function updated. Comes with reaction buttons now. Upvote/thumbs up (+1), Sad, Confused, Angry (0 points), Thumbs down (-1 point). 

The rest of the breakdowns will be summarised over the new few days. 

Loading speed is still a bit slow. Some of the functions may not be fully up too. Do allow sometime for the system to stabilise. 

In the meantime, please comment here (with screenshot if possible) if you spot any bugs in myCarForum. Afterall nobody navigates the forum better than the regulars here. ðŸŒ¸

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Pretty poorly-handled forum upgrade.

Future upgrades should be notified in advance so that users are aware of impending downtime. 

I was forced to add in more details about myself - age as well as whether I own a car or not. Obviously I was born in 1938 and do not own a car. 

Nevertheless the forum is free and I guess I should pay for it with some personal information I suppose.

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On first pass, seems extremely glitchy. Never thought it was possible but mobile interface actually worse than before. When I ended my last post with a smiley, I simply couldn't append text characters right before it. And I ran into issues praising @Macrosszero's post. Message said there was an issue the first time.

Sorry, not feeling it so far. 

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I am just happy you guys are back.

I thought MCF closed down and all the staff tio pok.


Might have helped if there was notice to say New look coming. 

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  On 8/25/2019 at 3:33 PM, Macrosszero said:

Pretty poorly-handled forum upgrade.

Future upgrades should be notified in advance so that users are aware of impending downtime. 

I was forced to add in more details about myself - age as well as whether I own a car or not. Obviously I was born in 1938 and do not own a car. 

Nevertheless the forum is free and I guess I should pay for it with some personal information I suppose.



I was born in 2019 and I don't own a car.

Oh yes, I also make more than 320k per yr.

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Was this a planned schedule or last minute thing? Give the impression it was closed down for some infringements.  Haha. Well hope you stay open as this is one of the forum that allows all views. Keep it up.

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