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Singapore Private Property prices still up or down? Part III


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alot of free hold condo meh ? dont really see many projects lel .... many dev also keeping the FD status in their pocket , and offer burn-a-hold status for you :XD:

GLS only LH ... FH becoming rare, recent all from enbloc fever.

Those FH status but sell as LH can avoid, future wanna enbloc huat at discretion of developer, ahgong should put a stop to this and not be allowed.



New private homes see highest June sales in 6 years; more snapping up freehold condos


"The uptrend is expected to continue as more freehold units will be launched in the coming months,"


"It is rare to have a good selection of premium, freehold projects being launched at choice locations. This could be a good opportunity for buyers to snag a freehold property; otherwise they may have to wait for the next collective sales cycle that is likely to take place many years down the road,"

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Maybe we can do MCF meet up there at same time at Amara hotel [laugh]  , we can purchase a few square foot of land, surely @angcheek interested buy with me , got kopi with some kueh or not there :D ??  


Ok OK back to topic


Good class bungalow in Belmont Road up for auction in mortgagee sale with $42m guide price


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GLS only LH ... FH becoming rare, recent all from enbloc fever.

Those FH status but sell as LH can avoid, future wanna enbloc huat at discretion of developer, ahgong should put a stop to this and not be allowed.



New private homes see highest June sales in 6 years; more snapping up freehold condos



Ya lor .... when free does not mean free
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Small District 9 condo sold in 2019's first residential collective sale


A SMALL District 9 apartment building has broken a more than six-month silence in the residential collective sale market.


The five-unit Sophia View was sold in June in Singapore to a private investor.


Marketing agent SRI declined to reveal the exact price tag coughed up but said each unit will get about S$2 million.


Sophia View, at 108 Sophia Road, is zoned residential and has a plot ratio of 2.1


the buyer is purchasing it in his own name and is "keeping his options open". The buyer will later evaluate whether he wants to redevelop the land or submit for potential change of use.


"Essentially for this investor, he sees the potential upside of the area and value of the land and is taking a long-term view of the market."

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Maybe we can do MCF meet up there at same time at Amara hotel [laugh] , we can purchase a few square foot of land, surely @angcheek interested buy with me , got kopi with some kueh or not there :D ??


Ok OK back to topic

Group buy? [laugh] sounds fun. Many psf cannot afford, a few square foot of land still can.

If workable then let me know :D


I think should have some refreshments, no buy but we can still MCF meet there for the free kopi/kueh? [sly][:p]


Ya lor .... when free does not mean free

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Today we wonder why our parents did not get a piece of landed 30 years ago (any size based on their Budget and affordability).


We also wonder today why some of us did not grab any good freehold ten years ago.


Thirty years later for those who skipped the opportunity of our time, our children will also wonder why we did not opt for a LH private property (any size or location based on one’s Budget and affordability).

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wah.... hindsight 20/20


there was a time when people said that singapore won’t make it... but we did


there was a time when troubles seemed too much for us to take... but we did


what if you bought the land during those times but we didn’t make it? then today you won’t even be wondering



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if you dont have a FH on hand now, blame your laopeh

if your kid dont have a FH on hand then, blame grand peh

if you dont buy now ... blame sky moon and star ... [laugh]

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There's a nice HDB flat in Tiong Bahru, that I drive by often, and I always feel a tinge of regret for not getting it - complaining that it was expensive back when 400k for a place next to a MRT seemed expensive...


But I've been blessed with other homes, and many other things, and the love, warmth and joy provided by a good wife, and a meaningful job. 


Just like many things or people, some things aren't meant to be and it's ok. Enjoy what we have and that's enough  [thumbsup]

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sam hui gor said



but property cheongster said ... that’s AH Q thinking ... LOL

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With the property structured this way, the odds are ever in your favour.


Don’t let the fruits go to foreigners.


Which piece of land bought 30 years ago in any country lost money today? Or for that matter, which private property?

Edited by Showster
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actually sometimes i am lost in the rules of classification....example: rivergate condo have al the facilities and by no means small, yet classfied as apartment by propertyguru.


The classification between condo and apartment is set by URA.  The main criteria is


The condominium is one of the most common type of private estate in Singapore. ... While the definition of a condominium is pretty similar to what an apartment estate consists of, the key difference lies in the total land area of a condominium development which needs to be at least 4,000 square metres or larger.Sep 14, 2015


Another important difference is


They have different setback requirement from boundaries for a given height. Apartment is less. Condo requires more setback.  Basically setback is how close another development can be build right next to you.  Condo has a bigger buffer.



I found out about all these as  the condo I bought recently ....arhmm  should be apartment I bought recently got me curious as it is classify as apartment despite having full range of facilities and it is fairly large development of slightly over 500 units with 2 towers over 20 storeys.


So an apartment development doesnt mean it has less or no facilities or the gym or pool is tiny.


For all purpose it is a technicality and when caveat is lodged it will reflect as "apartment"  , to most people they will still think of it as condo.


However it is good to know, coz if there is an empty plot of land next to you, it may very mean they can build very close to you.

Edited by Weezersg
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Today we wonder why our parents did not get a piece of landed 30 years ago (any size based on their Budget and affordability).


We also wonder today why some of us did not grab any good freehold ten years ago.


Thirty years later for those who skipped the opportunity of our time, our children will also wonder why we did not opt for a LH private property (any size or location based on oneâs Budget and affordability).

30 years later ...... will there be any chewren around?? I mean really “local indigenous” true blue singaporeans -3 rd or 4th/5th Gen kiddos ??........ we might be last of the Mohicans
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most likely the condo happened to have an overzealous condo manager or old schooled condo council members who walks around looking for such minor infarction.


i have seen quite a few condo seal up their open balcony with those smart windows or blinds....


last time when i wanted to install drying rack at the external facade of my yard area, i also bo chap, just install.


most times if bother to ask, will not be approved. because all condo managers also err on the side of caution. rather tell us cannot, than tell us can.

Some council members just like power to lord it over all. To me is small balls syndrome. Never had the power and authority in real life so seek to use powers as MCST to clamp down on this and that.

Almost all got hidden agenda. Serve for free for the good of the condo? My big fat foot! No different to grassroots!

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That will be tough to find true blue Singaporeans because you need to trace back to Sang Nila Utama times when pirates still roamed the seas around Singapore. Then, you can probably buy the whole plantation land for $10 [laugh]

Sang Nila time the Lions owned Singapore, we are the squatters
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