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Hong Kong protesters demonstrate against extradition bill


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On 3/27/2025 at 1:23 PM, Mkl22 said:

That's why I say he 两头不到岸。

He got no future in china or HK already. And now US dun trust him also. Despite all his effort to support the roiters 

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I initially thought the divestment was consented by the PRC govt as a semi peace offering to Trump.
But later yuan lai, it's just a commercial decision.

If really never recently consult with PRC or their SOE, then it's like pretending there's no emperor in beijing...


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On 3/27/2025 at 1:40 PM, Lala81 said:

I initially thought the divestment was consented by the PRC govt as a semi peace offering to Trump.
But later yuan lai, it's just a commercial decision.

If really never recently consult with PRC or their SOE, then it's like pretending there's no emperor in beijing...


Fair assumption.

I am sure US MNC investing big in China these days will need to "consult" Washington and the answer will probably be a no. Trump earlier threatened many US businesses (John Deree, GM, Apple, Ford, Harley-Davidson, etc), seeking to offshore manufacturing with extra tariff, so the old rule book can be thrown out these days.

LKS' 在商言商 is no longer possible in today world whereby geopolitics trumps everything else.  

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So far only thr media making the noises. Yet to hear from xi. 

Even pikachiu yet to official denounce Li deal. Too much at stake for hongkonger. 

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On 3/27/2025 at 2:53 PM, Victor68 said:

Like a chess game, till the checkmate, you never know who will be the eventual winner. I bet on the one with the head thinking not the mouth. 😆 

When I was in early teen, I played international chess with a much older oredi working brother of a classmate at his place. I only knew the basics becos I played chinese chess not international...there were advance rules with swap moves i didn't know of...it lasted over 2 hours past midnight until my fren also gone to bed liao...i made him stood for another half an hour to finally checkmate me...i slept well that night becos i was sitting the whole time while he stood the whole time thinking he could chiet me within minutes...😂

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On 3/27/2025 at 3:26 PM, mersaylee said:

When I was in early teen, I played international chess with a much older oredi working brother of a classmate at his place. I only knew the basics becos I played chinese chess not international...there were advance rules with swap moves i didn't know of...it lasted over 2 hours past midnight until my fren also gone to bed liao...i made him stood for another half an hour to finally checkmate me...i slept well that night becos i was sitting the whole time while he stood the whole time thinking he could chiet me within minutes...😂

The moral of the story? Persistent or end result the same 😆 

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