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COE Bidding – 1st Round of June 2019


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2 useful links for our dear MCFers, who are following the bidding exercise:

Real Time COE Bidding Results

Check Your COE Bidding Status

[sunny] [sunny] Good Luck to all vested! [sunny] [sunny]

Past Bidding Results (2001 - 2015)


Past Bidding Results (2016 - 2019)

Trend Chart (Jun 2017 - May 2019) *chart taken from www.sgcarmart.com

PQP (2010 - 2015)





PQP (2016 - 2019)


The details of the June 2019 1st open bidding exercise for Certificates of Entitlement (COEs) are as follows:

Tender opens: Monday, 3 June 2019, 12 noon
Tender closes: Thursday, 6 June 2019, 4.00 pm
Tender results: Thursday, 6 June 2019 (Available on the www.onemotoring.com.sg website)

The total quota available for this tender is 4,257 for the following vehicle categories:

Category A: Cars (up to 1600cc & 97kW (130bhp)) => 1,424
Category B: Cars (above 1600cc or 97kW (130bhp)) => 1,139
Category D: Motorcycles => 925

Category C: Goods Vehicles and Buses => 389
Category E: Open Category => 380

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Yeah. I think it will go up slightly and perhaps next bidding mellow down abit. Doesnt seems the trend is stabilised yet.

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Hope Cat B keep dropping so I can get a bigger car for my family use.

What Cat B car you are targeting le?

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A car owner who revalidate his COE takes one COE from supply but also remove demand for one. I am assuming they are not buying a 2nd car.

So is there more demand for new cars pulling up COE prices or less COE supply pushing COE prices higher?

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If COE renewal trend will continue to rise, LTA will come out with new VES scheme on COE cars on the name of environment protection ;)


Last time govt intro ETS to psycho biz owners to change their diesel powered vehicles.


Sadly no ETS for private car owner (wait long long also wont have)


I predict COE will hover around current price cos mkt too weak le. Showroom no people but there are alot of people renewing COE. renew which category? 5 or 10 years? that the qtn. renew COE affect the next tranche of COE not the current tranche


CAT A (27000-30000)

CAT B (37000-40000)

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Cat A will rebound to $30k but will drop back to $27K or less at the June 2nd bidding.


This is provided the private hire firms don't enter the scene.

Edited by Vinceng
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For the 1st 3 months of the year, Cat A (5 year renewal plus 10 year renewal) is 9,929, which is higher than a typical 3-month Cat A quota of around 9,000.  The respective figures for Cat B is 7,499 and 7,000.  It means that the COE quota for Cat A and Cat B in the next few quarters will plunge sharply.





I think the figure for COE revalidation for April and May 2019 will be even higher.  LTA's monthly figures is still showing only March 2019.

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