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G vs nonG COE in this current climate


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If its MY money I would go non G string.


We are going to be hit by a recession.




Yield inversion hit for a second time this year.


Before every recession this happens.


This year this has happened twice already.


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Dont worry lah.


Dealers have their way of bidding. Like I mentioned before, if u want the model, color they have alot.. they will submit bid first. If they have limited stocks.. they will delay bidding.


The same situation when i bought KIA in 2010.... C&C bid for me on the 5th round and secured. Need to top up $2k of cos...


As long as u buy from C&C, they will give u a COE.


For me, my 5th bid last wed was unsuccessful. Booked my cat b SUV with C&C in early March, nonG - COE was then around 35k++. So annoying, missed the mark by just a few dollars on my last 2 bids....  [furious]


Will C&C really give COE? or they will just go for refund? I'm prepared to go for used cars liao.  [pirate]

Edited by gamekidz
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For me, my 5th bid last wed was unsuccessful. Booked my cat b SUV with C&C in early March, nonG - COE was then around 35k++. So annoying, missed the mark by just a few dollars on my last 2 bids.... [furious]


Will C&C really give COE? or they will just go for refund? I'm prepared to go for used cars liao. [pirate]

If more buyers came in later and at higher prices (and if higher prices = higher profits) then maybe you GG already.


Anyway, good luck, hope you get your COR n car.

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For me, my 5th bid last wed was unsuccessful. Booked my cat b SUV with C&C in early March, nonG - COE was then around 35k++. So annoying, missed the mark by just a few dollars on my last 2 bids....  [furious]


Will C&C really give COE? or they will just go for refund? I'm prepared to go for used cars liao.  [pirate]


Don't be worry about it. Most likely your SE will call you up if they really felt that you wouldn't be able to get your COE for you.


Worst case is you get the refund of deposit and you can move on from the deal.

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For sure i will bang table only if my car is ready for collection and its August 2019 liao.

Now car not ready yet if i go bang table abit inconsiderate of me.


I think most ppl buy from AD, they dont even bother to check their COE and stuffs.

Now Cat B seem to be slowing down, maybe next bid they might actually decide to bid properly for me lol.

The past 2 bidding on April, First round is 36K+, Second round is 39K+. Too far off from the successful bid price.

Sharing some of my experience. Somewhere in May 2010 when COE started to go uphill i'm also like Bro QuinceyPoh. COE keep cannot get from one of the reputable AD. I when through the 6 bid COE and 5/6 failed. Till the very last bid, my SE call me up to top-up $3k to increase the chance. In the end, i throw in another $3k to secure the COE.


From then onwards, i make it a point that i will get G-COE no matter wha, as long as the G-COE and NonG-COE difference is less than $2k, i will go for G-COE.

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For me, my 5th bid last wed was unsuccessful. Booked my cat b SUV with C&C in early March, nonG - COE was then around 35k++. So annoying, missed the mark by just a few dollars on my last 2 bids....  [furious]


Will C&C really give COE? or they will just go for refund? I'm prepared to go for used cars liao.  [pirate]


IMHO, if C&C wants your business, they will tell you to top up and give you an open Cat COE in the event when your 6 bids all GG.... [gossip]

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If COE going up and people go G they are happy to get a car with higher COE.


What if go G and COE fall a lot?


People still happy?




If happy then go G.


If happy then go G.

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My SE told me that C&C will never ask their customer to top up and told me not to worry. She said COE will sure get within 6 bids. Anyways now still early as my car likely only able to collect on august. So i guess i will just wait and see.

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I think it's more if CNC want your business they top up themselves.


If buyer want the car more then the buyer top.


If want your business means ask customer to top up then all companies want you business.


Or put it more accurately want your money only.



My SE told me that C&C will never ask their customer to top up and told me not to worry. She said COE will sure get within 6 bids. Anyways now still early as my car likely only able to collect on august. So i guess i will just wait and see.

Don't worry bro.


I am very confident you will get your car.


Either COE will fall or the profit margin with be high enough to cover it.




Either way you win.

Edited by Jamesc
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My SE told me that C&C will never ask their customer to top up and told me not to worry. She said COE will sure get within 6 bids. Anyways now still early as my car likely only able to collect on august. So i guess i will just wait and see.

That's what my SE said too....i suppose all SEs will say that too. LOL


Well, next week is the 6th and last bid. Wish me luck!  [thumbsup]  

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My SE told me that C&C will never ask their customer to top up and told me not to worry. She said COE will sure get within 6 bids. Anyways now still early as my car likely only able to collect on august. So i guess i will just wait and see.



Not true leh... just last weekend, the C&C SE tell me... for few thousand.... got for G.... cfm get..... so far never got SE tell me top up... cause will ask them fly kite.... they want your biz..... they will get it... even offering you open cat from their stock.... even got SE tell me no need go for G... sure get one.... this is how they should do biz...  [:p]

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