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This type of cams should have a reset button.  Press in (maybe use a paper clip) for 5 to 10 seconds to reset.  Then should be able to connect using default password.


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  On 11/5/2021 at 3:59 PM, Castrol said:

@Volvobrick problem is, where to press. I see their online manual, didn't say about how to do a hard reset on the cam. 😞


I googled - should be on the side next to the SD slot. Could be a tiny hole. If on off button then try pressing for 5 to 10 seconds. Good luck! 

Edited by Volvobrick
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Hi guys, would like to share my experiences with having a Marbella KR8S Pro and get some advice. I bought the carcam in Jun 21 and few days later when i download the videos, footages will be intermittently distorted or greenish. 

Installer and Marbella have changed the front cam 3 times, rear cam once, SDcard twice and all wirings over few months to isolate the issue but to no avail. 

Fast forward and it has been 8 months but issue still persists. Now I am faced with another new issue after the last front cam change 2-3months ago which is it will intermittently reboot automatically while driving. Again, i have replaced with new sdcard but doesn't help.

Trying my luck here to see if anyone who has same encounter can suggest something ? 

Thanks in advance !

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  On 2/4/2022 at 6:29 AM, Ahlongbeng said:

Hi guys, would like to share my experiences with having a Marbella KR8S Pro and get some advice. I bought the carcam in Jun 21 and few days later when i download the videos, footages will be intermittently distorted or greenish. 

Installer and Marbella have changed the front cam 3 times, rear cam once, SDcard twice and all wirings over few months to isolate the issue but to no avail. 

Fast forward and it has been 8 months but issue still persists. Now I am faced with another new issue after the last front cam change 2-3months ago which is it will intermittently reboot automatically while driving. Again, i have replaced with new sdcard but doesn't help.

Trying my luck here to see if anyone who has same encounter can suggest something ? 

Thanks in advance !


Suggestion……. Bite the bullet, Change to BlackVue or Thinkware 😅😁

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  On 2/4/2022 at 6:29 AM, Ahlongbeng said:

Hi guys, would like to share my experiences with having a Marbella KR8S Pro and get some advice. I bought the carcam in Jun 21 and few days later when i download the videos, footages will be intermittently distorted or greenish. 

Installer and Marbella have changed the front cam 3 times, rear cam once, SDcard twice and all wirings over few months to isolate the issue but to no avail. 

Fast forward and it has been 8 months but issue still persists. Now I am faced with another new issue after the last front cam change 2-3months ago which is it will intermittently reboot automatically while driving. Again, i have replaced with new sdcard but doesn't help.

Trying my luck here to see if anyone who has same encounter can suggest something ? 

Thanks in advance !


Either change car cam or car. 


Happy Lunar New Year! 

You are a very patient person to have changed front cam 3 times, rear once. SDcard twice and all wirings over a few months. 

Car battery not once went flat? 

Probably a lemon unit, I mean the car cam. But. If subsequent other brands of car cams gave same issues, change car. 👍


My car cam will, once a month tell me my SD card is damaged. Other cams will say re-format SD card. 😅

Stay safe 


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  On 2/4/2022 at 6:29 AM, Ahlongbeng said:

Hi guys, would like to share my experiences with having a Marbella KR8S Pro and get some advice. I bought the carcam in Jun 21 and few days later when i download the videos, footages will be intermittently distorted or greenish. 

Installer and Marbella have changed the front cam 3 times, rear cam once, SDcard twice and all wirings over few months to isolate the issue but to no avail. 

Fast forward and it has been 8 months but issue still persists. Now I am faced with another new issue after the last front cam change 2-3months ago which is it will intermittently reboot automatically while driving. Again, i have replaced with new sdcard but doesn't help.

Trying my luck here to see if anyone who has same encounter can suggest something ? 

Thanks in advance !


I am using it. Got it installed in July last year, one month later than yours. So far so good. Then in Dec, I added the Marbella battery pack. Very satisfied with it. I think these kind of brands really heng suay one. I once had a iRoad v7. Kena blur camera, auto shut off. Change front cam, change rear cam, change cable. I saw some others use this brand and model also but ok lea.

If yours is still under warranty, and if you have time and not scared of mafan, can continue to go back bang table and get it replaced until I get a good set. Then again, if really cannot tahan liao, go with a new one ba. 

I agree with bro @D3badge, bite the bullet and change to another brand. I would also suggest go for Thinkware or Blackvue. 

P.S. Did you check if it was your car that causes the issues to the camera? Although I would think the chances are damn low la. Unless the installer or Marbella confirmed and admitted is a camera problem. Then try your luck by asking a refund or partial refund. Better than nothing. 

Edited by Wormee
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My kr8s sort of died....like cannot connect via WiFi. Anyone know if the wiring is compatible with other brands like blackvue where you can swap without rewiring again? 

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  On 3/29/2022 at 3:33 PM, Hosaybo said:

My kr8s sort of died....like cannot connect via WiFi. Anyone know if the wiring is compatible with other brands like blackvue where you can swap without rewiring again? 


Did u do a factory reset first? Or disconnect direct wires to unit? Do a reformat of sd card? 

I kinda do a factory reset for my car cam, though not a marbella. And went thru the WiFi connection steps and it works well. 

Just sharing. Thought it might be worth a try. 

Stay safe 


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Just took some time and checked out the SD card. Seems like it is more of the card issue cos the card cannot be read. I probably jumped to conclusion too fast, partly because I could not detect the wifi signal. Replaced the card and it seems like all is well again!

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Neutral Newbie

Dear Marbella supporters,

Thank you for your continuous support in Marbella products since 2007.

After reading all the correspondent here, the management has decided to activate an official account here to service our customer here to avoid further misunderstanding and at the same time interact with the customer here to elevate our service level.

We will respond to your queries here from Monday - Friday from 10AM - 5PM and please allow us to revert the next working day.

Thank you for your continuous support in this local brand from Singapore and we look forward to hear your feedback soon.

Yours Sincerely,

The Support Team

Marbella Singapore

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me too, less than 1 month, the front camera is blur, cannot even see the plate number of the car parked in front of me.

Wifi also hang (wifi led keeps lights up even after off engine), need to unplug the power to restart the camera. 

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  On 6/24/2020 at 4:53 AM, Rbthx0408 said:

anyone using a kr8s have prob with the image quality?

mine is very blurry and grainy, I basically cant see the no. plate of moving vehicle under low light (carpark) or when I am on expressway


me too, less than 1 month, the front camera is blur, cannot even see the plate number of the car parked in front of me.

Wifi also hang (wifi led keeps lights up even after off engine), need to unplug the power to restart the camera. 

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