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Cheapo rider accused Gojek driver of kidnapping


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I saw the whole clip. nothing else but the clip only. No doubt what the girl did was uncalled for but I then to see it in another angle:


1) I saw a girl who is scared and paranoid and incorherent in her actions which soon lead to her irrational behaviour.

2) I saw a driver who is fed up, tried but give up quickly on his part and shut himself off from further negotiation, further fuelling that paranoia.

3) When the driver and police spoke in Malay, I see the girl getting even more paranoid due to she lack of understanding of the language, when into full freak-out mode.

4) I saw a girl who do not understand autolock, get 200% freak out mode, fuelled by her assumption accumulated from 1-3.

5) That full-panic mode fuelled more irrational thought, probably due to isolation in language, that she thought race was involved.


As all this happen quickly and escalated so quickly on one involved had time for calm rationale thinking. Girl freak out, driver pissed out, policeman not fully impartial.


All this is understandable. The driver is just protecting himself, the police is not at fault, perhaps the girl is 50-50 in some perspective.


But within hours, this escalated into the biggest hoo-ha like it's the biggest news of the century:

1) Initially there are response

2) Then someone make memes

3) More jump into to make memes

4) Larger entities jump the bandwagon to create more memes. I'm talking about you mothership, SGAG, etc

5) My FB is feed is flooded with this story..


WTF is going on!!? How far have we sink ourselves to be so low of the lowest level we can be. We are effective laughing ourselves off at someone's mistake and misery. That makes us the biggest bullies than she will ever be.


Let's face it. I'm in 50% of my life already and I made mistakes too. But I guess I was lucky as it was not exposed. I believe many here are too. The girl just met the driver, I'm sure she is not deliberate. Yes she has trust issues. yes she made a mistake by being irrational for that moment, the girl freaked-out. And she got punished and scarred for the rest of her live....just like that. Her name, her age, her friends.


Have we gone too far? If she deserve such hash cyber witchhunt, I'm sure I do too and many here are guilty as charged.


This is not true justice. This toxic. It is sickening and I'm truly disgusted by what we as netizens are capable of.



Finally, one of the truly mature and serious posting that I have seen in awhile in this forum.  


I agree with the perspective. The girl may have some trust issues, but the driver is no saint either.  In the end, it is just another scene of mild squabble which can happen to anyone. There is no need to blow it up like one is god and the other one is the devil.


If I am the driver, I will just pay for the ERP and move on. Afterall, when you are running your own business, you are expected to get clients that may not be always reasonable. That's part of entrepreneurship so accept it and move on. With the right attitude, I am sure he will get clients who will tip him as well. So give and take, it will come back to the same.

Edited by Icedbs
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Saw the video last night ... funny as hell [laugh] [laugh]


Then again, some thoughts -


The lady had a mental breakdown. People make mistakes. The Internet is so unforgiving with so many meme popping up within a short space of time.


Cut her some slack lah.



Exactly... mistake made. Move on

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Finally, one of the truly mature and serious posting that I have seen in awhile in this forum.


I agree with the perspective. The girl may have some trust issues, but the driver is no saint either. In the end, it is just another scene of mild squabble which can happen to anyone. There is no need to blow it up like one is god and the other one is the devil.


If I am the driver, I will just pay for the ERP and move on. Afterall, when you are running your own business, you are expected to get clients that may not be always reasonable. That's part of entrepreneurship so accept it and move on. With the right attitude, I am sure he will get clients who will tip him as well. So give and take, it will come back to the same.

TS fault for starting thread?
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Finally, one of the truly mature and serious posting that I have seen in awhile in this forum.


I agree with the perspective. The girl may have some trust issues, but the driver is no saint either. In the end, it is just another scene of mild squabble which can happen to anyone. There is no need to blow it up like one is god and the other one is the devil.


If I am the driver, I will just pay for the ERP and move on. Afterall, when you are running your own business, you are expected to get clients that may not be always reasonable. That's part of entrepreneurship so accept it and move on. With the right attitude, I am sure he will get clients who will tip him as well. So give and take, it will come back to the same.

I'm no Saint like you and Im with the driver.


It sucks to be wrongly accused of dangerous driving, cheater etc. And even kidnapping. These are big accusations. It won't sit in well with me either.


You argue that the lady have trust issues. That is her problem. If she has trust issues, don't take PRIVATE hire.


The same can be used to support the driver, ie he doesn't trust the laws of Singapore to protect him (woman's charter) so he kept a record of the entire episode. He published it and it's for the world to judge.

Edited by Friendstar
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I'm no Saint like you and Im with the driver.


It sucks to be wrongly accused of dangerous driving, cheater etc. And even kidnapping. These are big accusations. It won't sit in well with me either.


You argue that the lady have trust issues. That is her problem. If she has trust issues, don't take PRIVATE hire.


The same can be used to support the driver, ie he doesn't trust the laws of Singapore to protect him (woman's charter) so he kept a record of the entire episode. He published it and it's for the world to judge.


It surely sucks to be accused, but when you are running your own business, you do get clients that sometimes that can be unreasonable.


You just have to think how to quickly calm that person down and not making it worse.


Anyway, my post is made in relation to what Pocus had said...do we really have to blow every squabbles out there into the internet  and then condemn one party as the evil one?

Edited by Icedbs
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It surely sucks to be accused, but when you are running your own business, you do get clients that sometimes that can be unreasonable.


You just have to think how to quickly calm that person down and not making it worse.


Anyway, my post is made in relation to what Pocus had said...do we really have to blow every squabbles out there into the internet and then condemn one party as the evil one?

Honestly. You mentioned a lot about business client relationship. Do the drivers really feel they are running a business? Aka businessman.


If I'm Amazon CEO Jeff and I get rudely treated by a client, I'm sophisticated and composed enough to just move on.


If I'm a phv driver trying to make ends meet, I'll hardly think like businessman

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.“


Remember jover chew from sim lim square?

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.“


Remember jover chew from sim lim square?

Ya, next thing is motor insurance fraud, waiting for one day something big happened and it spread in social media and went viral. Then authorities will do something to stop it. Hope it will not go to this way to get thighs done.. The motor insurance fraud should be tackle before things get uncontrollable..

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May I say something someone once say before.  Not I say one hor but I just say what people say one hor...


"MRT trains will break down from tum to tum.  This is to be expected.  Lets move on"


So this young auntie and abang must also listen to this non so wise one who said this line, n think like this...


"ERP charges will be charged from tum to tum.  Some tum kena charged sum tum KTGL no charges.  This is to be expected if you take Go-Jek. so move on"


,,,huh who said this initially hah?

Edited by Ahbengdriver
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I'm no Saint like you and Im with the driver.


It sucks to be wrongly accused of dangerous driving, cheater etc. And even kidnapping. These are big accusations. It won't sit in well with me either.


You argue that the lady have trust issues. That is her problem. If she has trust issues, don't take PRIVATE hire.


The same can be used to support the driver, ie he doesn't trust the laws of Singapore to protect him (woman's charter) so he kept a record of the entire episode. He published it and it's for the world to judge.

i watch and listen to the video.


from how the lady speak, she dun sound like having mental problem to me.


seem like a super niao calculative person, ( like some of my customer )

(abit buay song want to sue, call police, lawyer letter ababa ba)

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i watch and listen to the video.


from how the lady speak, she dun sound like having mental problem to me.


seem like a super niao calculative person, ( like some of my customer )

(abit buay song want to sue, call police, lawyer letter ababa ba)

Sounds like spoilt brat
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Finally, one of the truly mature and serious posting that I have seen in awhile in this forum.  


I agree with the perspective. The girl may have some trust issues, but the driver is no saint either.  In the end, it is just another scene of mild squabble which can happen to anyone. There is no need to blow it up like one is god and the other one is the devil.


If I am the driver, I will just pay for the ERP and move on. Afterall, when you are running your own business, you are expected to get clients that may not be always reasonable. That's part of entrepreneurship so accept it and move on. With the right attitude, I am sure he will get clients who will tip him as well. So give and take, it will come back to the same.

What trust issue you talking about- it is about the mentality of the girl using scare tactics to yield  what she want the driver to avoid route  that pay ERP at all cost to City Hall which is impossible. The driver was calmed to reject her wishes- then use scare tactics- word use like cheater, dangerous driving, kidnapping & etc-


Maybe she thinks most PHV or taxi driver are of low mentality or not highly educated will succumb to her wishes. She overplayed her confidence and as a result back fired by the cool driver who fully known his "right" as a driver. Maybe most normal drivers would have panicked and drive her to city hall as to avoid any commotion.


Very calculated risk she has taken- knowing full well how to play the "victim" card. ENd of the day she meet her match. The driver job is take passenger to their destinations. Nothing else to argue about but to pay the ERP fee n taxi fare. WHat so complicated about it. Why all these commotion in the first place at all?

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i watch and listen to the video.


from how the lady speak, she dun sound like having mental problem to me.


seem like a super niao calculative person, ( like some of my customer )

(abit buay song want to sue, call police, lawyer letter ababa ba)


wah boss. what kind of biz are you in?


everyday difficult customer?

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Problem is he uploaded it

If he send to Gojek and LTA, Doubt any problem

I probably won't upload it as well but consider one factor.


She was also filming him. I believe one thought that went through his mind is that she is going to accuse him and upload the video on social media as well accusing him of all sorts of things - something that we find familiar today?


The driver might be thinking before she upload it better tell his side of the story first. Because yes he can just submit evidence to the police and go jek but UNLESS they are going to release that clip as well, he will just end up falsely accused and may be quietly let go "for company reputation sake".


The big question is, if your livelihood is at stake, do you believe your company will do everything in its power to prove your innocence to the public (assuming there is evidence) even at the cost of its own reputation and potential profits?


So some times we wonder why upload to social media and why so rash but it could also be a situation that there is no more trust in bosses and companies to look out for its own workers so it's "every man for itself". More so when it involves jobs where the worker might be easily replaceable.


My two cents. Peace.

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