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Singapore Reckless Drivers Part VI


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Discretional turning on green is useful when straight going and right turning traffic volumes differs significantly on both sides of road. It helps alleviate traffic congestion at a particularl junction by shortening the " green time " allowed for right turning traffic .  At a junction where straight going and right turning traffic volumes on both sides are almost equal , it is pretty much useless .



I would say remove them on accident prone junctions , or dangerous junctions or junctions with more than 3 lanes , but I wont call for a total removal for ALL junctions . 


I also find " Left turn on red "  schemes allowed at certain T junctions practical and useful . Do we want to remove ALL " left turn on reds " if a fatal accident were to occur one day ?


Traffic accidents are bound to happen despite all the safety consideration put into the design and the biggest contributor is still due to human error . 



Edited by F355
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Like the hand clapping...it takes two to achieve a resounding outcome.


LTA and TP can definitely do better to help bring down the statistics...while all road users - pedestrians included - need to be educated or reminded of the important part we all have to play for a safe journey.


We have seen enough of the ill effect of mobile devices on all front...It’s time for deep reflection and act accordingly.


Safe and peaceful journeys to all.

You are correct [thumbsup] ! I am reiterating the education and reminder/refresher part, which I think is most important. Not only for this generation of drivers, but future ones as well. If I can start a petition or participate in one over this issue of road safety, I'm all for it to get the relevant government agencies to immediately create/commence road safety refresher course for current road users.


Make this compulsory! For matter of speed, the authorities can use existing vehicle ownership requirements to get these drivers/riders to attend the course/workshop. For example, bring back renewal of driving/riding licenses such that when a license is up for renewal, make the driver/rider sit thru' a half/full day course.


Alternatively, since vehicle owners have to send their vehicles for inspection periodically, apply the same too. That is, when a driver send his/her car in for inspection, make him/her sit thru' the safety reminder/refresher course. If the LTA insists that all vehicles must be inspected periodically for safety reasons, they can insists all vehicle users be 'inspected' periodically for the same reasons! 

Edited by X5actor
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SLJ743U toyota altis lady driver watching bollywood show while driving along mce to ecp


i think the cam car slow down and tell her off [thumbsup]

and road hog at the end, very obvious not focus on driving,  [knife]

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I had signed the petition.


The link was posted & re-posted in reckless driver thread.


Mod, look into merging this thread into road fault thread.

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Discretional turning on green is useful when straight going and right turning traffic volumes differs significantly on both sides of road. It helps alleviate traffic congestion at a particularl junction by shortening the " green time " allowed for right turning traffic .  At a junction where straight going and right turning traffic volumes on both sides are almost equal , it is pretty much useless .



I would say remove them on accident prone junctions , or dangerous junctions or junctions with more than 3 lanes , but I wont call for a total removal for ALL junctions . 


I also find " Left turn on red "  schemes allowed at certain T junctions practical and useful . Do we want to remove ALL " left turn on reds " if a fatal accident were to occur one day ?


Traffic accidents are bound to happen despite all the safety consideration put into the design and the biggest contributor is still due to human error . 


Since most drivers are bad, remove "left turn on reds" & "discretionary right turn".


It is safer to the road.  There are just too many accidents since last Friday.


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You are correct [thumbsup] ! I am reiterating the education and reminder/refresher part, which I think is most important. Not only for this generation of drivers, but future ones as well. If I can start a petition or participate in one over this issue of road safety, I'm all for it to get the relevant government agencies to immediately create/commence road safety refresher course for current road users.


Make this compulsory! For matter of speed, the authorities can use existing vehicle ownership requirements to get these drivers/riders to attend the course/workshop. For example, bring back renewal of driving/riding licenses such that when a license is up for renewal, make the driver/rider sit thru' a half/full day course.


Alternatively, since vehicle owners have to send their vehicles for inspection periodically, apply the same too. That is, when a driver send his/her car in for inspection, make him/her sit thru' the safety reminder/refresher course. If the LTA insists that all vehicles must be inspected periodically for safety reasons, they can insists all vehicle users be 'inspected' periodically for the same reasons! 


I agree with your re-education in spirit.


I will not agree with the implementation.


Most of the time, civil servants are catching their own tail rather than forward thinking.


What we learn in the re-education could be useless once you are out of the classroom.

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SLJ743U toyota altis lady driver watching bollywood show while driving along mce to ecp



According to TP, this isn't illegal right? Since the phone is mounted and can't really prove she is watching other than she is going slowly.

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I agree with your re-education in spirit.


I will not agree with the implementation.


Most of the time, civil servants are catching their own tail rather than forward thinking.


What we learn in the re-education could be useless once you are out of the classroom.

I agree to a certain extent but at the current state of affairs, what more (effective) can be done? If we don't take small steps at a time, then nothing is going to improve. I just heard about the petition over the radio 15 mins ago.

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I agree to a certain extent but at the current state of affairs, what more (effective) can be done? If we don't take small steps at a time, then nothing is going to improve. I just heard about the petition over the radio 15 mins ago.


If there is NO political will to change the current situation, we can talk till cow comes home also no use.


I saw the petition on FB since wkend.


I had posted it twice on Reckless driver thread.


Oldjaffa also posted it previously.

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SLJ743U toyota altis lady driver watching bollywood show while driving along mce to ecp


Clueless and oblivious driver, stay far away.. Never even bother to on headlights... Summon her pls [thumbsdown]


Edited by Beanoyip
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Video no sound - I wonder why.


Porsche looked like he was waiting for the yellow box to clear and as he resumes to make progress cam car probably lays on the horn, unnecessarily.  A bit of give and take in these situations goes a long way, cam car kept poking.

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I had signed the petition.


The link was posted & re-posted in reckless driver thread.


Mod, look into merging this thread into road fault thread.


merged.  Thanks


@carloverguy2017 in future look at the trend of topics posted.  Your thread duplicated a current hot thread here so do your due diligence before posting.  It bordered on the same premise of discussion

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no have 500 hp vehicle, please give way to any porker macan


if have, then can take


give and take logic




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