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Why don't BMW Drivers use indicators?


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Another reason why bmw driver did not signal:


A friend who owns both a Beemer & a Merc always confused the signal sticks, especially while in the Beemer. Merc signal stick is on the right while bmw one is on the left.


Usually resulted in him activating the wipers in the bmw instead. So, he sort of avoid the signal stick while driving it.




Apologies to those who were puzzled by this post.

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Which Merc does he have bro?

All the ones I know have the signal lever on the left leh.. the drive selector is on the right side ...


Lol the one uses for burning... i guess all conti made signal is on the left and nowadays those korean and jap also follow.

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Give way by speeding up? Hmm.. I have never learnt it this way.

How about situation where you are exiting expressway so you keep left, but there are also vehicles entering before the exit, and if both keep to same speed maybe he at 50km/h, and you're 80km/h, he would have stop or would hit each other? Do you slow down to 40km/h to give way, or speed up to 90km/h so he can enter without stopping? Of course you can heck care him as well and let him stop and wait.


During filtering something similar can happen. If he's already too close, I see no reason why I have to slow down so much to give way. So to facilitate him to move into the lane, I move up and create a bigger gap behind so he can filter in.

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Can be coded to click up to 12 times.

I coded till 5 times.. I only F20 Leh

Newer models the signal will stay in position


Older ones donât

Ya lor 3 years old liao.. old car
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What is the obsession with the number of blinks?


I use my non-BMW signal stalk this way:


When I anticipate I will be leaving the signal on for long period of time, eg waiting at junction/stop line to turn left or right, I will just activate the "permanent" stage of the turn signal.


Another situation is in jam highway, want to signal to filter left to exit, need to keep the signal on  for a longer time to see if anyone will let you filter left.


When I want to make a decisive filter to right or left, if there are not other cars in the immediate vincinity, I will just soft touch activate the 3-5 blink signal function. By the time the signal is done, I should have completed the lane change.

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That is a hardware modification - nothing the coding can do.. lol



I only know can code to 5 times with euro style  [thumbsup]


Anyway code liao PML will overwrite whenever servicing after software update  [sweatdrop]

Edited by Pohhenry
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Learn something today.. always wonder why these BMW,Merc drivers don't signal... thought they wanna drive fast fast, so the manufacturer drop some stuff to lost some weight...

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Many makes & models do not use signals when changing lanes. I always practise defensive driving and anticipating dangerous situations. For those that have a couple of years driving experience can roughly know if the car in the next lane is trying to go into your lane or not despite them not turning on their turn signals. The driving language we can roughly tell but of course there are those that change lane abruptly so we can to be careful and anticipate their next move.


I do not grumble and mumble about other drivers not indicating or other bad driving habits. I only know that I have to be careful and anticipate kayu drivers as well as quickly accelerating out of a kayu driver's way to keep my passengers and myself safe.


There is no end to bad driving habits of others, we can pinpoint certain makes & models on their usual weird driving behaviours as what some call "profiling", certain type of people are attracted to certain makes & models. BUT end of the day, we need to be observant and careful when driving on the roads.


Give and let live, you will be much happier. During my younger days, any small moves by other drivers, I will react in aggressive manner but has now mellowed, just relax and enjoy my car. Reach home, good mood, relaxed and feel good. 

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I agree.


And this particular driver have been changing car every month cos all brands also got like this one. Or maybe the brain scare if chut signal, can get electrocuted or car battery die. Cos last time long long ago, used to put hand out and turn finger machiam for better blood circulation.


Just yada-ing.


Safe ride


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