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Bid / Buy / Sales of Vehicle Registration Numbers


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Neutral Newbie

Wts 80s lucky plate that share our nation's birthday. Sincere enquiry to 81399130. Tks.

SBP 809 B

Selling $1689 only excluding LTA fees.

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Neutral Newbie


Anybody with the car plate starting alphabets with SCW, numbers doesn't matter. It is my name initials so would really love to have one, after 20 odd years after it is commenced, trying my luck here. 

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Neutral Newbie
On 9/16/2019 at 10:15 PM, Darkknightrises said:

Price drop to $6k for serious buyers. New SMJ 668 plate already selling for $4800!

Sold. Thanks!

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Actually for those looking for just numbers, just go and bid new ones lor. Cheaper than buying off others.

unless you want the older series alphabets then bo pian. 

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41 minutes ago, inline6 said:

I am planning to buy an F10 520i. Any idea how much does it cost for carplate number with 520?

Look around. 520 probably can get at next to nothing.

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