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Bid / Buy / Sales of Vehicle Registration Numbers


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I need help and advice regarding swapping car plates


Car A is registered under my name

Car B is registered under my wife's name


We intend to sell Car B but want to retain Car B number on Car A. 


How can we do it?



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I need help and advice regarding swapping car plates


Car A is registered under my name

Car B is registered under my wife's name


We intend to sell Car B but want to retain Car B number on Car A. 


How can we do it?



You do a ownership transfer of car B to your name before you sell, and then pay $1300 to transfer the car B number to your car A car. 

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You do a ownership transfer of car B to your name before you sell, and then pay $1300 to transfer the car B number to your car A car. 




after doing this, what number will Car B have when it is sold? a new random number?

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after doing this, what number will Car B have when it is sold? a new random number?




once you retain your existing number of the current car, it will auto assign a new number..

  • Praise 1
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If you transfer A to Wife and back, your record will show number of transfers as 2 meaning, it is already third hand car on record.  If you want to sell, dealers may low ball you. You may think of using dealer's cars for this transfer.


If you plan to drive till eol, no issues.




thanks everyone for the quick replies!! 


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Urgent? There is no 3363 available in market. Not interested to bid?


Quite urgent but if can't get will just get E plate, been awhile since I chat here, how are you?

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Quite urgent but if can't get will just get E plate, been awhile since I chat here, how are you?

Long time no see you chat here. Been busy with what?
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Neutral Newbie

Hi all,


My friend has a spare registered carplate number which I'm keen to take over, I would like to put it on my current car.


May I know how can I go about doing this?


Do I need to transfer the carplate number to my name first before using it to replace my existing number? If yes, how can I make a transfer?



Thanks all.

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1. Register his car plate on his car (if it is reserved)

2. Transfer that car to your name

3. Transfer the plate to your car

4. Put the newly assigned number on his car

5. Transfer the car back to him.

Hi all,


My friend has a spare registered carplate number which I'm keen to take over, I would like to put it on my current car.


May I know how can I go about doing this?


Do I need to transfer the carplate number to my name first before using it to replace my existing number? If yes, how can I make a transfer?



Thanks all.


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Neutral Newbie

Hi all, I am looking for a number plate starting with SDR. If you’re interested to sell kindly PM me. Thanks

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