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Bid / Buy / Sales of Vehicle Registration Numbers


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Yes.. i will skip SLZ.. 35X and 36T


If SMA out i am very keen.. SMA35R SMA36M


But SM on buses liao right?

SMA11D would be very funny.
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Guess the alphabet behind 35/36 play a part too?

avoid the Z, C, X. these alphabets reduce the value of the plate. I personally like A a lot. just like seeing it in a blackjack game. Edited by xinz
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avoid the Z, C, X, J. these alphabets reduce the value of the plate. I personally like A a lot. just like seeing it in a blackjack game.

Can share why J too?
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Can share why J too?

removed J. my own dislike. likely due to what someone told me about the recent SLJ series. Don't account for J.
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removed J. my own dislike. likely due to what someone told me about the recent SLJ series. Don't account for J.

SLJ looks ugly but J as a checksum letter seems alright to me.
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avoid the Z, C, X. these alphabets reduce the value of the plate. I personally like A a lot. just like seeing it in a blackjack game.

What's the reason to avoid Z?
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avoid the Z, C, X. these alphabets reduce the value of the plate. I personally like A a lot. just like seeing it in a blackjack game.

one man's meat is another man's poison lo. good that others dont like so that you can buy for lower price.
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What's the reason to avoid Z? ð

C,Z,X are proven to have a part on Car Plate value. Just do a research on resale plates and one would see plate with any of these alphabet command/ask for lower price.


Z is mainly due to it symbolize last. Most people like to be first and hence A is popular. Can imagine for Z.


To add, besides flippers who buy and flip number plate, who constantly bid for 1st tier numbers, there isnt many other individual who go after the same number especially for the second tier number. I guess mostly 2 to 4 contenders on 2nd tier numbers base on my few bidding experience and many kapo sessions. therefore, if really want to bid for own use, chose a strong combination of nice number and alphabets, pay the right price and be happy with it for a long time.

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one man's meat is another man's poison lo. good that others dont like so that you can buy for lower price.

you are right. if buy low also means carry low value and later sell low. if one is not bothered than logic does not apply and anything goes.
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Didn't know some 3-digit can sell do much ..... wahaha

Edited by Pocy
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why bother buying a nice number plate for people to remember your car easily? the more complicated the car number, the better it is for me. i don't like people to know my car.

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Didn't know some 3-digit can sell do much ..... wahaha ð¤£


@Freeder interested?

This number sounds like some ktv ang pai number lei..

Somemore can do all the full works one lei...

Not simpur number..

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SMx series will still proceed (skipping SMB for SMRT bus, which soon will be history, as will outsourcing model, all public bus will eventually come with "SG" plate). Just like SBx series (skipping SBS for SBS bus back then).


So SM* series still have on car ah. Quick funny how come there is SMB plate for buses then no continue from there?! If buses will eventually come with SG plate, SG plate enough for the buses to run meh? Cannot be the plate only have SG?!

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