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Haunted office


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maybe white pigeon flapping wings?




But the window is close leh? cos air con room.

And the hand is inside the window,not outside.

If outside,maybe it will start knocking the window.lol.....

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in my old office there was a cluster of workstations for the senior secretaries outside the ceo's office. 4 of them would sit there doing routine work for their respective bosses.


One lunch period only one of them was there, the other 3 went out.

She looked to the side and lo and behold a lady in white, long hair covering face was seated at one of  her colleague's seats.


she screamed her lungs out, security came in and the figure disappeared.


i'd never stay past 6pm there. [sweatdrop] 

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maybe white pigeon flapping wings?




good thing was i no need to learn to strip the M16 and how to shoot and some basic foot drills. other than that, not much use. but i cannot really remember how i got thwrough NS, esp the first 6 months.


how come....basic requirement during bmt must pass strip and reassemble M16 in......wait har.....hmmm.....forgot how many seconds liao...
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in my old office there was a cluster of workstations for the senior secretaries outside the ceo's office. 4 of them would sit there doing routine work for their respective bosses.


One lunch period only one of them was there, the other 3 went out.

She looked to the side and lo and behold a lady in white, long hair covering face was seated at one of her colleague's seats.


she screamed her lungs out, security came in and the figure disappeared.


i'd never stay past 6pm there. [sweatdrop]

there was once i was listening to youtube on a malay ghost programme from mediacorp........3 pm plus with no one in our workshop. The programme have those pontianak laughter and shriek and from out of nowhere the smell of jasmine or frangipani wafted in.........my hair stood on ends. I quickly off the youtube, went to general office and clocked out!
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Human mind can be very creative. People complain of 'crying noise' in the toilet at night. Checked and found it is actually the lift moving up and down the shaft and the shaft is adjacent to the toilets.


Then they complain office door suddenly opens by itself. Check and found that the office air distribution cause the room to be positive pressure. When ac shut down, the pressure differential cause the door to move slightly. 


TS case is also classic. Some staff are ready very greedy. Even if you tell them items belong to someone, they will still eat them. 

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last time SAFINCOS also liddat.


but when all of them went for training, we will all move to the second floor.


btw, I became LOBO when I was in SAFINCOS.



NCO aka COS did ask me whether want to shift down to nco room together with him anot?

I prefer to stay in my bunk.I think he more scare than me,lol...

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Human mind can be very creative. People complain of 'crying noise' in the toilet at night. Checked and found it is actually the lift moving up and down the shaft and the shaft is adjacent to the toilets.


Then they complain office door suddenly opens by itself. Check and found that the office air distribution cause the room to be positive pressure. When ac shut down, the pressure differential cause the door to move slightly.


TS case is also classic. Some staff are ready very greedy. Even if you tell them items belong to someone, they will still eat them.

I buy snacks and tidbits put for everyone in office to eat
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maybe white pigeon flapping wings?



good thing was i no need to learn to strip the M16 and how to shoot and some basic foot drills. other than that, not much use. but i cannot really remember how i got through NS, esp the first 6 months.


Why so good no need to learn to strip the M16 in NS? Thought it is one of the basic training in NS?!

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I buy snacks and tidbits put for everyone in office to eat

Like. [thumbsup]

Why so good no need to learn to strip the M16 in NS? Thought it is one of the basic training in NS?!

I don't mind playing with the rifle ...


but I made it through NS without learning how to swim !! maybe got angel protecting me ??

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Like. [thumbsup]

I don't mind playing with the rifle ...


but I made it through NS without learning how to swim !! maybe got angel protecting me ??

Learning how to swim is one of the requirement needs to pass during your BMT le? How come you so special?

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there was once i was listening to youtube on a malay ghost programme from mediacorp........3 pm plus with no one in our workshop. The programme have those pontianak laughter and shriek and from out of nowhere the smell of jasmine or frangipani wafted in.........my hair stood on ends. I quickly off the youtube, went to general office and clocked out!

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Imo 99.9% of the time, there is a logical explanation for most things.


To me, yeah. But for those who actually see figures (red dress, child etc etc), haha i don't know how to explain.

my mother has seen some stuff before also...


Anyway i'm not 100% sure there aren't phenomenon that science cannot explain at this juncture. 

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this one is actually your mind at work.

U watched the program, so your mind subconsciously think of the cultural/mythical connection between pontianak and the association with the above smell. Hence u "smelt" this smell.


If someone was with you, they probably wouldn't have smelt anything.

maybe.........but i always hear the programme at home alone and nothing lei. That time i always hear the youtube version at work until that smell wafted in. I heard rumours that my workplace got 1 pont***k and 1 old uncle that dwell around the building.....a few staffs had seen them....but i never saw before. Now building is primed and refreshed......hope they are no more liao....
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Why so good no need to learn to strip the M16 in NS? Thought it is one of the basic training in NS?!


i mean as in not go in blank cold like most folks and then kallangkabo, drop firing pin, drop bolt carrier, push in the firing pin the wrong way then kanna stuck etc.


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Near me. I'm from Keat Hong 40Sar. A very old camp, but luckily I never encounter anything supernatural.



Hmmmmm............. you never encounter your RSM meh ... [sly]


All Peng Kia saw RSM siam far far and can classified RSM as "supernatural" .. :dizzy:


You must be RSM runner ... :we-all-gonna-die:




Edited by Picnic06-Biante15
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Haha,in fact is the whole battalion go Thailand.

A,b,c,d and support company.

I m in c coy.

Of cos other coy also have one or two person stays behind.

Each company there is three platoons.

Second storey one platoon,third storey other platoon and so on.

So every storey nobody there.

Only cos on duty in first storey and me in 4 storey.

And the bunk due to everyone pack their things including matress inside the locker,when we shout,there is echo,lol....


cannot go to the other company to find the other fellows to talk cock meh?


and since you already geng so that you have to stay in camp, why not geng more and get some MC?

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Lady in red chio?


Why can't she be in full black or white and floating ... :ph34r:


Remember, when she is in red, she means to return to take revenge after life... [sweatdrop]


You sarbo her ? :huh:

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