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Singapore Reckless Driver Part V


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PHV SLL2904Z - I already noticed he buay zai liao so I slowed down. True enough he veered into my lane. Horned him, then he signalled and turned right from a straight only lane. Inconsiderate driving la. Never check blind spot and do illegal right turn.


Part 1



Part 2



This looks like the type of drivers who encounter difficulties in simple lane change on a daily basis.  Root cause is really due to the lack of understanding on how to execute a lane change successfully - you either have to be much faster or much slower than the car beside you.  And also do it decisively and don't ai mai ai mai like that.


Hovering around the same speed alongside another car with the signal perpetually on will only work (or maybe not) during heavy traffic. 


During clear traffic like this video, either speed up (when sensing the other car has slowed down) or go slower behind the other car to change lane.  Creeping alongside another car at similar speed will naturally freak the other driver out coz the intention is not clear.  Its all about showing clear intention early and making your move decisively.

Edited by Jellandross
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everyone's threshold for recklessness differs.

Looking at the green beemer lane cutting, i find it ok as all intention was made and the manoeuvre was smooth. 


Yup. To me, that's reckless cuz he was so close to the other vehicles whenever he overtake. All less than 1 car length gap. There is no room for error and probably will have an incident if any of the drivers make an unexpected move.

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Slightly old news but seems to have attracted a lot of attention in other countries [laugh]

Edited by Kyrios
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From my observation, motorcyclists will always attempt to run road in an accident. Happened to my bro, my wife and my friend.


And I saw some motorcyclists while lane splitting knock out wing mirrors and just zao.


These buggers have no integrity at all.


Wait till you see those with tiny upturned license plate. Even if you have video, you won't be able to get their license plate number. I wonder how is it that our customs can allow such motorbikes in.


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