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Singapore Reckless Driver Part V


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If u want test ur brakes and alertness, i suggest u go little india..

U can test ur brakes until Gao gao .. night time for the hardcore one...

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Pink color in the middle of road still cannot see must suspend license

this is the daytime version of the video that's going around showing a spectre on the road divider at night ....

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Why would anyone want to cross the road here.. so dangerous and very hard to spot the jay walkers at the sides..


this shortcut I've been using since 10 years ago when Central Mall area still have a lot of KTV pubs.

Now nobody aldy, last time even more jaywalkers, all like to wear black somemore. :secret-laugh:

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Indians are like this,go to Little India,more of this... [bigcry]  :mellow:

I think due to cultural and lack of integration in SG.


On The other hand, if you drive in KL, the Malaysian will think the Singaporean are really clueless in driving. 

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I think due to cultural and lack of integration in SG.


On The other hand, if you drive in KL, the Malaysian will think the Singaporean are really clueless in driving. 


which we are, myself included. Most common way they taught me to distinguish between Malaysian and Singaporean drivers is at uncontrolled junctions, how the driver exit into main traffic is a very clear giveaway. :secret-laugh:

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Agreed, Malaysians are more disciplined and do a smarter job at the uncontrolled junctions.

which we are, myself included. Most common way they taught me to distinguish between Malaysian and Singaporean drivers is at uncontrolled junctions, how the driver exit into main traffic is a very clear giveaway. :secret-laugh:


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Mr Zxcvb, kindly share with us your reason/s for making this statement.


Especially from those who supported this.


A bit surprised that only kb27 thought otherwise.


Would love to hear from others too.


As any car owner will vouch, they take pride, ownership and responsibility for their vehicles. For rented cars or company cars, you just can't match that sense of ownership. The attitude of "not my car, not my problem." "Not I pay, why bother." "Returning the car, nevermind one" are all so common. With these negative attitude breeds bad driving culture - inconsiderate driving, no due care, selfish driving, cut queue, etc. Which in turn = more near misses, more accidents and more insurance payout (as reported).


My 5 cents.

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wow, what car is this? can brake in short distant...every good.


This type no kena bang, won't wake up their idea one :a-no:

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