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Unfair Treatment at CIQ Woodlands


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There is so many advantages of being polite to security guards, customs, toilet cleaners, sexytaries and receptionists.


One night my staff skirt got torn and I was bending over to staple the tear and a security guard came him. Because I always greet him, immediately he said no problem sir, I am checking everyone is safe and there was no incident report or gossip.


You know how some people can misinterprete this kind of situation and add pepper and salt and I would have to explain to my wife.


Even customs in one country asked me purpose of visit and I said I am bringing hundreds of tourists to see your beautiful country and he immediately said sir you don't need to queue and I was escorted out without having my bags checked.



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I was at Changi with a Korean colleague and one suck as s saw him and said sir you don't need to queue and escorted him to the counter. So I said to the guy I also don't need to queue I am with him. My ticket price same as his what why should he get special treatment? Just because he looks foreign?


My boss told me this story. He was traveling with a friend and they were queuing to get out of the plane waiting for the door to open and his friend switched on his phone and the yaya steward shouted at him you cannot switch on your phone. So he replied why you shout at me and never shout at him pointing to an ang moh is it because I am Chinese? The ang moh also switch on his phone at the same time.


These examples are really unfair treatment.



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I was at Changi with a Korean colleague and one suck as s saw him and said sir you don't need to queue and escorted him to the counter. So I said to the guy I also don't need to queue I am with him. My ticket price same as his what why should he get special treatment? Just because he looks foreign?


My boss told me this story. He was traveling with a friend and they were queuing to get out of the plane waiting for the door to open and his friend switched on his phone and the yaya steward shouted at him you cannot switch on your phone. So he replied why you shout at me and never shout at him pointing to an ang moh is it because I am Chinese? The ang moh also switch on his phone at the same time.


These examples are really unfair treatment.



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ICA officers have a job to do. You can reason with them, but don't overdo hor!  Someone said he had dented the counter top! That could amount to something which he had never bargained for!

To post here is just for sharing purposes, but it can turn out the other way! 

Best is to feed back to ICA and let them investigate, if there is a case! This will also help them to improve or synchronize their processes so that it is seamless.


Btw, checking of PP is by Immigration Officers and not Customs!

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I've ever experienced unprofessional service by a few of the ICA officers.


This was a few months back and I might still have the car cam footage with me as i distinctly remember i saved it after the experience.


Anyway, there was a long queue to clear SG customs at 2nd Link. Was waiting to get my passport checked (was behind another car) and my car was positioned near to the end, so that meant i could only choose between 2 booths. Both of these booths were open at this point in time.


I presume it's time to change shift because the booth on my right closed, with an ICA officer putting a cone in front of that booth's lane.


Fine, I still had that one booth to clear me.


Then another ICA officer came along and put a cone right in front of the last booth that was open to me. I had no choice but to honk at the ICA officer to try to get his attention. Those who drive VWs will know that the honk is rather loud, close to an airhorn. Still, the ICA officer "did not" hear me and just walked off.


My passenger then got out and asked the nearby Aux Police Officer what he wanted us to do. He then started motioning the cars at the back to reverse.


We did not get the logic of this as why make the whole line of cars reverse when you can just let my car and the next car through? It'll only take 15 mins max. 


Unhappy, my passenger went to the ICA office. This time he came out with an ICA Encik. The Encik took a look, and told his men to let us through.


We thought that was the end of it but the very ICA officer who placed the cone there in the first place came along, grudgingly took the cone and threw it aside.


I was very very tempted to file a complaint given that he displayed this kind of unprofessional attitude by throwing it. 


But at the same time I did not want to break his ricebowl. However, I have since then seen these ICA officers in a different light. I know not all of them act like this, but it was really crappy of him to throw the cone.


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I was coming back from Korea at about 10+pm on the flight at T3. My girl is like almost going to fall asleep liao (which i was trying to avoid until the taxi ride, cos then i won't have hands to handle the luggage) My wife already carrying the younger one. 


Cos of my kids, we can't go through self automated customs. So we were queuing up with all the asean/all passport lines. There's one line for singaporeans but it was also for other nationalities (so no difference in queue duration).


I encountered this same situation last time (that one was at 3-4am in morning) and this is the 2nd time I encountered this. So i was quite pissed off from a tiring flight and an impending concussing 16kg child and started bitching to my wife


"how come there's no queue dedicated to singaporeans?"

My wife: "aiyah all automated now mah".

Me: "ah gong ah ma know how to use automated meh? How ****ing difficult is it to have a queue for singaporeans in a singaporean airport? What kind of planning is this"


The airport police officer who was standing nearby said "sir there is a queue over there for special priority, elderly or young children". I thought special priority was for disabled or what, so never made use of it.

Ha the foreigners around me must have thought I'm some kinda dick  [laugh]

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I was coming back from Korea at about 10+pm on the flight at T3. My girl is like almost going to fall asleep liao (which i was trying to avoid until the taxi ride, cos then i won't have hands to handle the luggage) My wife already carrying the younger one. 


Cos of my kids, we can't go through self automated customs. So we were queuing up with all the asean/all passport lines. There's one line for singaporeans but it was also for other nationalities (so no difference in queue duration).


I encountered this same situation last time (that one was at 3-4am in morning) and this is the 2nd time I encountered this. So i was quite pissed off from a tiring flight and an impending concussing 16kg child and started bitching to my wife


"how come there's no queue dedicated to singaporeans?"

My wife: "aiyah all automated now mah".

Me: "ah gong ah ma know how to use automated meh? How ****ing difficult is it to have a queue for singaporeans in a singaporean airport? What kind of planning is this"


The airport police officer who was standing nearby said "sir there is a queue over there for special priority, elderly or young children". I thought special priority was for disabled or what, so never made use of it.

Ha the foreigners around me must have thought I'm some kinda dick  [laugh]


you so big size... think also dont dare to say out loud la ... buay kia si ah?  [laugh]

I've ever experienced unprofessional service by a few of the ICA officers.


This was a few months back and I might still have the car cam footage with me as i distinctly remember i saved it after the experience.


Anyway, there was a long queue to clear SG customs at 2nd Link. Was waiting to get my passport checked (was behind another car) and my car was positioned near to the end, so that meant i could only choose between 2 booths. Both of these booths were open at this point in time.


I presume it's time to change shift because the booth on my right closed, with an ICA officer putting a cone in front of that booth's lane.


Fine, I still had that one booth to clear me.


Then another ICA officer came along and put a cone right in front of the last booth that was open to me. I had no choice but to honk at the ICA officer to try to get his attention. Those who drive VWs will know that the honk is rather loud, close to an airhorn. Still, the ICA officer "did not" hear me and just walked off.


My passenger then got out and asked the nearby Aux Police Officer what he wanted us to do. He then started motioning the cars at the back to reverse.


We did not get the logic of this as why make the whole line of cars reverse when you can just let my car and the next car through? It'll only take 15 mins max. 


Unhappy, my passenger went to the ICA office. This time he came out with an ICA Encik. The Encik took a look, and told his men to let us through.


We thought that was the end of it but the very ICA officer who placed the cone there in the first place came along, grudgingly took the cone and threw it aside.


I was very very tempted to file a complaint given that he displayed this kind of unprofessional attitude by throwing it. 


But at the same time I did not want to break his ricebowl. However, I have since then seen these ICA officers in a different light. I know not all of them act like this, but it was really crappy of him to throw the cone.


juz saying btw... those guys ard that area are most likely certis....  and not customs per se...  

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you so big size... think also dont dare to say out loud la ... buay kia si ah?  [laugh]


haha sometimes making noise in general (not directed to any specific person) also helps  [laugh]



Aiyah, under stress or unhappiness, everyone can turn nasty. I can't say TS is wrong to be pissed off/irritated but the ICA officer also doing their job part (except the go toilet part could have been handled better).

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Well, different country has different policies. Eg, in USA, it is 'Innocent unless proven guilty.' But in Singapore, I believe the stand is 'Guilty unless proven innocent'. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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Well, different country has different policies. Eg, in USA, it is 'Innocent unless proven guilty.' But in Singapore, I believe the stand is 'Guilty unless proven innocent'. Please correct me if I am wrong.

think in US now is shoot first prove later [laugh]


in immigration such logic won't work any more.

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Majority of airports have lanes for their own citizens. When the lanes for citizens are under-utilised, then they will direct foreigners to use those lanes. HK, I believe also have automated clearance, but still keep the human lanes for residents open.


Why our airports cannot do this, I also wonder. Perhaps it's the same as taking away the cash top-up for EZ-Link from senior Singaporeans also.


Thereafter, the local media will proudly interview 1 or 2 elderly citizen to say they have no problem with having no cash option. Which those of us with elderly parents all know it's BS. [laugh] [laugh]


Having said that, once I was crossing a land border where there is an extraordinary line at the immigration that didn't move for more than 1 hour. Virtually everyone in the line are local citizens, all the seasoned foreigners go to a side window where you will be processed at high priority after paying a "fee".

Your last sentence indicatland of smile.

what hundred of tourist?

His sperm. Cone in hundred and thousand. You don't get the joke.
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Well, different country has different policies. Eg, in USA, it is 'Innocent unless proven guilty.' But in Singapore, I believe the stand is 'Guilty unless proven innocent'. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Correct but both have their flaws.


Innocent until proven guilty

A suspected murderer or child molester can roam free uninhibited until proven in court he is guilty. Potential terrorists have gotten away with it because as long as they have not committed the act and they are not actually carrying bombs they are presumed innocent.


Things changed after Sept 11. But I think the rules are different for non citizens hence the controversial guantenamo bay.


Guilty until proven innocent

No flaw except what if you really were innocent? Then your life is ruined unnecessarily.


BTW. Some things I learned. In court you are found NOT GUILTY not INNOCENT. Meaning that in court all they can say is the court cannot find enough evidence to prove your guilt and not that you were actually innocent of the crime. The implication in this statement is that you could be guilty of the crime but just that there is insufficient evidence to prove it.


Two cents.

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Love blood



And then the vampire went to the bar......

Bartender ask, "How do you like your blood? On the rocks or neat?"

Vampire: "Give me a glass of hot water"

Bartender: "What? Look vampire don't drink water"


Vampire took out a used sanitary pad & says "I wanna make tea"

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Nothing is fair in this world


Try to have a balance Perspective


算了啦, incident is over, instead of dwelling in the negativity, why not think of what you can do for yourself today


Doggie going to pools, hope must buy de [:p]

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Everything is fair in the world.


It's just that we don't get the reward or punishment immediately.


I done so many bad things but I was never caught but I did suffer for things I don't deserve.


The problem is people cannot see things objectively. The always think they are the victims, they only remember the bad things that happen to them and conveniently forget the bad things they do.


We all have selective memory.



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Nothing is fair in this world


Try to have a balance Perspective


ç®äºå¦ï¼ incident is over, instead of dwelling in the negativity, why not think of what you can do for yourself today


Doggie going to pools, hope must buy de [:p]

wah....so chief is the one organising pool parties


not me lah



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