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Your loot of the day


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Got this, although FOC by itself, but actually is funded by my income tax, isn't it? [:p]






Am very curious what is the distance I covered everyday, as I really walk a lot...


buy certain health food will also clock points.


Can redeem for voucher depending on tier . but took a rather long wait for it to arrived. Use the 360 app to redeem. Quite simple.

Edited by Sdf4786k
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Yesterday's loot!


Asics Gel Kayano 23 Gecko to replace my intact but worn Kayano 19 (approx 2yr old [blush] )


Went for the cheapest Kayano 23s (newest model is 24s) and this is the only colour that stands out for me....SGD181 nett.


Only when I reach home and Googled then I realized that this is a limited edition version. :a-happy:


Uh 181 bucks then better be limited edition ...
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that is local pricing for Kayano series lah...just that I think the shop did not price in the fact that it is limited edition......

.wait till you see their Kinsei range's price.... [jawdrop]


who ask me to have flat + over pronation feet  :D 


Uh 181 bucks then better be limited edition ...


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that is local pricing for Kayano series lah...just that I think the shop did not price in the fact that it is limited edition......

.wait till you see their Kinsei range's price.... [jawdrop]


who ask me to have flat + over pronation feet  :D


So expensive locally?


I bought a Kayano 19 in Jan 2014 from Amazon for 72 USD.

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yeah...i did check Amazon prior to buying locally:



Checked Amazon, those model which ships to Sg in the ballpark of:

Kayano 23   SGD 170

Kayano 24 SGD 185


all priced inclusive of shipping. 



the above was posted in another thread.



So expensive locally?


I bought a Kayano 19 in Jan 2014 from Amazon for 72 USD.


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Yesterday's loot!


Asics Gel Kayano 23 Gecko to replace my intact but worn Kayano 19 (approx 2yr old [blush] )


Went for the cheapest Kayano 23s (newest model is 24s) and this is the only colour that stands out for me....SGD181 nett.


Only when I reach home and Googled then I realized that this is a limited edition version. :a-happy:


So will it be 181K in 5 years time? [laugh]


Good price, btw. Kayanos always set me back 200+ grrr!

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yeah...i did check Amazon prior to buying locally:




the above was posted in another thread.

Ah. That's cuz you only target those with direct delivery whereas I pinch a little more and find those cheap ones that need to be handled by a separate forwarder.
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$1 each at Guardian clearance at Bugis Junction podium outside Sony shop.

Bro, watch out for expiratory date and especially food watch out that they are not placed out in the sun.

Bought another rolex yesterday.


And one more tonight.





Next week loot one last one before i fly to Hokkaido for holiday.



Any reason why the dislike? Is it for the Rolex or holiday in Japan?


Or click wrongly?

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Bro, watch out for expiratory date and especially food watch out that they are not placed out in the sun.



bar soap got expiry date ? both are not food items as per picture. 

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bar soap got expiry date ? both are not food items as per picture. 

 Soap: 3 years, according to manufacturers, for both bar and liquid soaps. Yes, even soap canexpire, particularly if they contain essential oils.Nov 21, 2013
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Yeah. But luckily I bought locally. Seem like 23 series onwards there is slight change in the upper shoe construction, more fitting. I had to get half size bigger than my 19.


No real biggie, just a difference in using thinner socks or thicker socks. 


Ah. That's cuz you only target those with direct delivery whereas I pinch a little more and find those cheap ones that need to be handled by a separate forwarder.


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that is local pricing for Kayano series lah...just that I think the shop did not price in the fact that it is limited edition......

.wait till you see their Kinsei range's price.... [jawdrop]


who ask me to have flat + over pronation feet :D

May i know if surgery would help with over pronation feet.


Or keep it stock? Lol


Soap: 3 years, according to manufacturers, for both bar and liquid soaps. Yes, even soap canexpire, particularly if they contain essential oils.Nov 21, 2013



​Do Skin Care Products and Toiletries Ever Expire? - Lifehacker


I use value shop cheap bar soap as a claybar for my cheapo car. Seems to work. Edited by Sdf4786k
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Normally proper shoe supportive at the right section can solve the problem.


Unless you use your legs to race competitively at international level, no sane orthopaedic surgeon will risk modding for you even if you insist.


Risk of surgery with potential of not solving the problem is too high for them.


I say stay stock and use proper shoes to tampah..good enough :D


May i know if surgery would help with over pronation feet.

Or keep it stock? Lol


Edited by Vratenza
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Got a new android headunit. Plug and play if your car harness is stock. 

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