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The continuing GLOBAL stressful thread! Part II


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Maths qn..  


how many people does it take to occupy a table for 6?


one umbrella..



jin random...u from which planet ha?? :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

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jin random...u from which planet ha?? :grin:  :grin:  :grin:


was searching tru this thread for their picture...  all the heavily censored ones very disturbing... lol 

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Wth none want to discuss on that link!


What if one day we fall victim to stroke and wheel chair bound. So how? Don't think anyone of us can confidently declare stroke immune. In house doctor can concur. So if that do happen than we can fly over Taiwan to release stress.

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Wth none want to discuss on that link!


What if one day we fall victim to stroke and wheel chair bound. So how? Don't think anyone of us can confidently declare to me. In house doctor can concur. So if that do happen than we can fly over Taiwan to release stress.

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Wth none want to discuss on that link!


What if one day we fall victim to stroke and wheel chair bound. So how? Don't think anyone of us can confidently declare stroke immune. In house doctor can concur. So if that do happen than we can fly over Taiwan to release stress.

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ok lai, what you want to discuss about the link, cum I talk with you. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

Thought yours would be keen to discuss whether on how handicapped release steess.


Well me be abit serious here. When event take a wrong turn in life which can happen to everyone here. It never the end. There are many avenue on how one can continue to live a normal life.

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Thought yours would be keen to discuss whether on how handicapped release steess.


Well me be abit serious here. When event take a wrong turn in life which can happen to everyone here. It never the end. There are many avenue on how one can continue to live a normal life.



Ok lets talk serious. 


yes, there are ways to lead a normal life after an incident, but that will take time and effort. Some strong ones get on with life, but many stay put until they die, preparing and thinking about it is totally different from when thunder strike, understanding is one thing, accepting is another.


Those stronger ones are usually hit young,  so they get use to the way of life, and they move on a normal life, but how many cases out of the many? If one is hit in their 20's -40's, and if they do recover, chances are they be trying very hard to get back on track. If one is hit  after their 50's, most likely they be fighting to recover or stay alive. 


releasing that kind of stress will most likely take no priority, or thoughts mayb deleted from the data base. Physically they may not even be able to relate, even if they do, the body will take care of the discharge at night for most men ( I dont know about how  females work ard it tho).  [:)]

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My old classmate who is obese had a stroke just more than a year ago. Lucky he survived and now he lifestyle changed drasrically. Watching his carbs and doing high intensity exercises. Was really glad seeing him losing weight over the year.

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My old classmate who is obese had a stroke just more than a year ago. Lucky he survived and now he lifestyle changed drasrically. Watching his carbs and doing high intensity exercises. Was really glad seeing him losing weight over the year.


Dieting to lose weight does not solve the existing health problems... infact.. its dangerous becoz it lulls the person into a state of presumed safety...  


I know of some older acquaintances who pass on suddenly at young age.. looking fit and healthy now.. but have a history of obesity..  basically.. arteries clogged ... will still be.. regardless of change.. 


pls advise him to still watch his health.. regardless of weight.. 

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Dieting to lose weight does not solve the existing health problems... infact.. its dangerous becoz it lulls the person into a state of presumed safety...


I know of some older acquaintances who pass on suddenly at young age.. looking fit and healthy now.. but have a history of obesity.. basically.. arteries clogged ... will still be.. regardless of change..


pls advise him to still watch his health.. regardless of weight..

Ahem... smoker hor



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I no doctor, but I think any drastic change in lifestyle or diet will never be too good. Let your body adjust gradually to your new change, not suddenly change. 



i gradually slack and stop exercise can?   [sweatdrop]  [sweatdrop]

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Dieting to lose weight does not solve the existing health problems... infact.. its dangerous becoz it lulls the person into a state of presumed safety...  


I know of some older acquaintances who pass on suddenly at young age.. looking fit and healthy now.. but have a history of obesity..  basically.. arteries clogged ... will still be.. regardless of change.. 


pls advise him to still watch his health.. regardless of weight.. 

I have no doubt he is watching his health. When you put your mind to change your lifestyle, is already an indication health is important to him now.

Agree what was damaged can't be undone, but doing nothing about it and carry on leading old lifestyle is just aggravating matter worst.

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So, I happily ordered "Fish and Chips" at Level33 in MBFC. At first, I thought this is just the appetizer. Turns out this is the SGD$17.50 dish. I almost died from laughing with internal-organs-explosion. It's like buying a Car and instead they give you the Toy Car for the same price.






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So, I happily ordered "Fish and Chips" at Level33 in MBFC. At first, I thought this is just the appetizer. Turns out this is the SGD$17.50 dish. I almost died from laughing with internal-organs-explosion. It's like buying a Car and instead they give you the Toy Car for the same price.



LOL.. It really looks like April Fool joke. Even the chips is so expensive, only 8 pieces of potato.

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