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The continuing GLOBAL stressful thread! Part II


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Take photo of some guy = nothing wrong

Take photo of xmm/milf = pervert, hum sup lo, must call polis, call black cats, call mp, call water

Poor guys hard truth :(

Auntie kee tao hong, can't differentiate among the 3xmms


You sure know my tricks :XD:

Sometimes Uncle kee chee hong also cannot differentiate many Xmm(s) especially in KTV.

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She invite you drink this for the night.



I think better Keep Walking.....

Later kena black label.

At least she knows some commando Unit names.... I don't even know what are our commando's called?? I only know SWAT (US) from the TV series and maybe reserve unit here or Gurkha's ....... BTW what is our commando's called ??? Red Berets??

(hope its not meow meow :wub: )

Called SOTF

Not to be mistaken as SOFT

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Still no news in her rationality?

polis send her to polyclinic (must wait long hours one) then get appt letter at IMH (must wait even longer one); This is called subsidised health care [laugh] She not celebrity leh 

RIght now she lim kopi at Station and teach how to commando and defensive self defence tactics there  

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Don't mess with xiao lang man...






Mental patient kills 3 with chopstick in Chinese hospital: Reports
  • Posted 06 Apr 2017 08:23
  • Updated 06 Apr 2017 08:30
CCTV footage shows Yang Shitou, a schizophrenic patient, picking up a chopstick up from this table before stabbing four other patients in the same room.
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A mentally ill man in a China hospital stabbed four female patients with a chopstick, killing three of them, at a hospital in China, according to local news reports.

China Daily reported that the Luoning county government released a statement on Tuesday (Apr 4) saying that the hospital had been closed for an investigation after the incident. 

The mental health hospital is "suspected of chaotic management" and has been closed while an investigation team looks into the attack, while two county health officials in charge of supervising local hospitals have been dismissed, the statement said.

Shanghai Daily reported that the attack took place on Feb 24 at Luoning Dazhong Hospital in Henan Province. 

The attacker, identified as Yang Shitou, was tied to a bed with belts in a ward along with other patients with severe mental illness. 

Surveillance footage obtained by China's The Paper shows the man believed to be Yang - who it said had schizophrenia and was warded because of dangerous tendencies - successfully breaking free of his restraints at about 8.28pm, before picking up a chopstick from a coffee table in the ward.

He is seen tying his shoelaces and walking off-camera to go into another room, which The Paper reported was shared by two of the victims. 

About two minutes later, he is seen re-entering the room and stabbing two women in quick succession. 

Two medical staff enter the room less than a minute later and are shown restraining Yang.

One of the women died at the scene, while two others died in hospital from their injuries, according to China Daily.

All of the victims suffered brain injuries, Shanghai Daily wrote, adding that Yang has been held by the police for investigations. 

- CNA/mz


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First, reported that quite a number of innocent people in Syria died as a result of nerve gas attacks, which the West is blaming the Govt forces for using against attacking the rebels. Chemical weapons are banned by UN.


Then today saw this being escalated to Tomahawks being fired at Syria in retaliation.


Peace is flying further and further away from Middle East...





US Launches Missile Airstrikes in Syria

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States fired a barrage of cruise missiles into Syria Thursday night in retaliation for this week's gruesome chemical weapons attack against civilians, U.S. officials said. It was the first direct American assault on the Syrian government and Donald Trump's most dramatic military order since becoming president.
The surprise strike marked a striking reversal for Trump, who warned as a candidate against the U.S. getting pulled into the Syrian civil war, now in its seventh year. But the president appeared moved by the photos of children killed in the chemical attack, calling it a "disgrace to humanity" that crossed "a lot of lines."
About 60 U.S. Tomahawk missiles, fired from warships in the Mediterranean Sea, targeted an air base in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack that American officials believe Syrian government aircraft launched with a nerve agent, possibly sarin.
The president did not announce the attacks in advance, though he and other national security officials ratcheted up their warnings to the Syrian government throughout the day Thursday.
"I think what happened in Syria is one of the truly egregious crimes and shouldn't have happened and it shouldn't be allowed to happen," Trump told reporters traveling on Air Force One to Florida, where he was holding a two-day summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The strike came as Trump was hosting Xi in meetings focused in part on another pressing U.S. security dilemma: North Korea's nuclear program.  Trump's actions in Syria could signal to China that the new president isn't afraid of unilateral military steps. even if key nations like China are standing in the way.

(Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)


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First, reported that quite a number of innocent people in Syria died as a result of nerve gas attacks, which the West is blaming the Govt forces for using against attacking the rebels. Chemical weapons are banned by UN.


Then today saw this being escalated to Tomahawks being fired at Syria in retaliation.


Peace is flying further and further away from Middle East...





US Launches Missile Airstrikes in Syria

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States fired a barrage of cruise missiles into Syria Thursday night in retaliation for this week's gruesome chemical weapons attack against civilians, U.S. officials said. It was the first direct American assault on the Syrian government and Donald Trump's most dramatic military order since becoming president.


The surprise strike marked a striking reversal for Trump, who warned as a candidate against the U.S. getting pulled into the Syrian civil war, now in its seventh year. But the president appeared moved by the photos of children killed in the chemical attack, calling it a "disgrace to humanity" that crossed "a lot of lines."


About 60 U.S. Tomahawk missiles, fired from warships in the Mediterranean Sea, targeted an air base in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack that American officials believe Syrian government aircraft launched with a nerve agent, possibly sarin.


The president did not announce the attacks in advance, though he and other national security officials ratcheted up their warnings to the Syrian government throughout the day Thursday.


"I think what happened in Syria is one of the truly egregious crimes and shouldn't have happened and it shouldn't be allowed to happen," Trump told reporters traveling on Air Force One to Florida, where he was holding a two-day summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping.


The strike came as Trump was hosting Xi in meetings focused in part on another pressing U.S. security dilemma: North Korea's nuclear program.  Trump's actions in Syria could signal to China that the new president isn't afraid of unilateral military steps. even if key nations like China are standing in the way.

(Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)




sabre rattling to China


syria very poor thing leh....collateral damage



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1 airbase need 60 tomahawks? Tomahawk so low power one ah...


Need to take out the control tower, hangers, runways, warehouse and other stuff like anti-aircraft missiles/radars/fuel bunker/pilot quarters/etc.....



Tomahawk not atomic bomb. The diameter of impact not that large.

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Imma gonna go clear out my bomb shelter and start prepping water, food and emergency supplies . For reals.



Trump might think is show power and assad sucks. But If action is being done with no real plan of what to do later, isis will be back.

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1 airbase need 60 tomahawks? Tomahawk so low power one ah...

need to clear the old stocks so that got excuse to make new ones

missile never fire will spoil... better fire them before it spoil....

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