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Perodua Bezza


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If Uber / Grab exit the market, 2nd hand car buyers got to be very careful when they purchase that Kia Cerato Forte K3, Honda Vezel, Toyota Altis, Mitsubishi Lancer/Attrage.


High chance of mileage being tempered with.


A 6 mths old Private hire Altis I sat in recently already has 36,000km on the odometer.   [crazy]

PHV same like taxi lo, so their mileage confirmed high within a short period of time.

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these U/G are creating more cars on the road.....whether is peak or off peak....thus causing for traffic....



gahment say build erp to ease traffic, which every with-brain sinkies knows works or not....


now this U/G come in, making the roads more jam.....isnt it contradicting?



knn gahment , money he pocketed, sinkies suffer.....

To ease road congestion, on top of the broad-brush regulations already in place - re COE (controlled ownership) and ERP (deter usage along earmarked roads), the main drive now is to switch the Singaporean mindsets from self-owned cars to car-sharing schemes and public transport.


In concept: car-sharing = U/G mah!


As more and more households "disown" cars (as a result of disincentives piled on, or reaching marginal unaffordability) and move toward car-sharing schemes like U/G, and public transport, our roads will be less congested! No?


Analogy: 10 families share a common pool of U/G car for their daily commute, vs each family owning at least a car = 10 or more cars on the road daily!


How can you out-think the garmen scholars?!!!



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Recently i encountered u/g drivers on the road cut here cut there like no body business... Has anyone also encountered that?

I do encounter too.

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Lets get back to the topic about bezza. I saw a red slq plate bezza at cck just the other day and best of all, its an opc car!


Cheap until cannot be cheaper already.

Bezza is suitable for OPC lo. Anyway, i still have no luck seeing bezza on the road?!

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Recently i encountered u/g drivers on the road cut here cut there like no body business... Has anyone also encountered that?

Every day I see that.


They don't give a flying flip


to any one else. They time is more


important than yours.



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Bezza is suitable for OPC lo. Anyway, i still have no luck seeing bezza on the road?!

Ya loh... I dont understand why rental companies dont buy bezza for u/g but they prefer attrage.... Is it parts should be cheaper for bezza?
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Ya loh... I dont understand why rental companies dont buy bezza for u/g but they prefer attrage.... Is it parts should be cheaper for bezza?

Maybe the price they are paying for bezza might as well buy attrage. Afterall attrage is jap brand.

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But looking at the specs(stability control)and even aero-stabilizer fins on the tail lights and wing mirror

Edited by currypuff
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But looking at the specs(stability control)and even aero-stabilizer fins on the tail lights and wing mirrorððð and bezza is 4 cylinders, bezza seems more value...

There's no stability control(ESC) in Premium X trim sadly..
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But looking at the specs(stability control)and even aero-stabilizer fins on the tail lights and wing mirror

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Maybe those phv companies already sign mou with some of the dealers to get those particular brands and models so unable to get bezza.


Or even better, maybe Perocom is also not willing to negotiate with them for a contract.


But I think most probably is both sides kinda know that perocom, with their small service centre behind the show room, sure won't be able to cope with the sudden increase in number of cars. Both sides will suffer from the disruption in service caused by backlog.

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