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How much I can bargain with a Dealer


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Neutral Newbie

I am heading to show room to for a MPV, Odyssey or Estima are my targets. Please could you let me how much I can bargain based on the listed price?  how about 5k?

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Neutral Newbie
  On 12/26/2016 at 1:36 PM, Joshualimse said:

Search in Sgcarmart to get an idea about depreciation. Then go and look at each car and calculate the depn.



thanks for the suggestion. 

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Can bargain or not,also depends on the model,can sell or not,Honda,won't sell cheap,price quite fixed,those can bargain usually are the P.I.s,but must be very careful when buying from small P.I.s,they can give you very "Cheap",but later run away with your $$$$ [bigcry]  [furious]

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Most of the big ADs for popular models wun give much discount on top of whatever mgmt allows them to give. There's no additional discount. The most you can get is extra freebies like car mat, or better solar film etc. But mostly such freebies would come from the agent's own pocket.


For PI, it can vary widely. Some PIs can bargain more, some wun budge at all, want to earn AD margin also. :P Don't try to bargain too much with the smaller PI, they might collapse and run away with your money.

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buy from BIG PI (trailing AD margin) might as well buy from AD unless the model you want can only get from PI

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  On 12/26/2016 at 1:09 PM, Zvicki said:

I am heading to show room to for a MPV, Odyssey or Estima are my targets. Please could you let me how much I can bargain based on the listed price?  how about 5k?


Chinese people have a saying ... "When you cannot bring the price down further, then ask for some free spring onions ...."

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Some ADs who aren't that popular or popular ADs that carry unpopular models would have a higher chance of giving better discounts, incentives to move stock. 


All about demand and supply. 

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muahahahaha ... walk in straight ask 50% discount > 30% > 20% > 15% ... walk out


  On 12/27/2016 at 6:42 AM, Thaiyotakamli said:

Start from half of the list price hehe just like in pasar


Edited by Wt_know
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  On 12/26/2016 at 1:09 PM, Zvicki said:

I am heading to show room to for a MPV, Odyssey or Estima are my targets. Please could you let me how much I can bargain based on the listed price?  how about 5k?

if u have a car to trade in, then they will bargain with lowball you on the trade in price.


typically, for new AD cars, no bargaining other than what is on standard offer.


only bargaining is on trade in price and freebies.

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bargain <> dealer ... it's mutually exclusive la

not kena chopped robert considered lucky liao

still want to bargain?

dealer can ask buyer to fly kite .... and not the other way round hor

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  On 12/27/2016 at 6:49 AM, Theoldjaffa said:

if u have a car to trade in, then they will bargain with lowball you on the trade in price.


typically, for new AD cars, no bargaining other than what is on standard offer.


only bargaining is on trade in price and freebies.


hmm.. juz a qn..  


doesnt it make sense to ''overtrade'' a car that has a few mths left?? 

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  On 12/27/2016 at 6:56 AM, SuPerBoRed said:

hmm.. juz a qn..  


doesnt it make sense to ''overtrade'' a car that has a few mths left?? 


overtrade is offered by a dealer, see whether they wanna give anot.


it's just another way to play around with discounts.


as long as nett nett the price is what you want for the new car, then go for it. 


but usually cars with a few months left, only paper value. you'd be lucky to get a few hundred more for body.

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Bargain for price difficult to happen. But all my cars are from AD. So I don't know how PI work. But if you take used car as gauge, $3k to $5k is doable.

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  On 12/27/2016 at 7:15 AM, Theoldjaffa said:

overtrade is offered by a dealer, see whether they wanna give anot.


it's just another way to play around with discounts.


as long as nett nett the price is what you want for the new car, then go for it.


but usually cars with a few months left, only paper value. you'd be lucky to get a few hundred more for body.

not quite true. BMW offered an OT of 8k on my 1st Feb 2017 to be scrapped Altis.


if push my SE harder..think 10k doable

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  On 12/29/2016 at 1:06 PM, Darrenyc said:

not quite true. BMW offered an OT of 8k on my 1st Feb 2017 to be scrapped Altis.


if push my SE harder..think 10k doable

Because the margin they make on the car is so huge, that's why you can get that kind of overtrade.


The basic cost of a 318 is about 118k based on 51k COE.


I don't know what's the actual price now, but if Assuming one buys at 165k, that's 47k margin for them. Not that difficult to give 8k overtrade.


The scenario I refer to is for those dealers who sell bnb cars and thus have lesser margin. You see if they can give you 8k overtrade for your Altis anot hehe.

Edited by Theoldjaffa
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