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Handover of Christmas Island


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True on the "legal" thingy  [laugh]  I bet China must be thinking the same now  :D


I'm just hopeful if it can be transferred back to Singapore via minimum confrontation (referendum Scotland, UK and Crimea come to my mind). I guess it will only work if there are unrest in CI due to the residents there yearning for our curry chicken noodle, and faces political pressure to resolve the unrest. Ultimately, the islanders should decide for themselves the colour of their passports. I don't think the aussies are the kinds who resort to violence to suppress the wish of their people (I may be wrong on this). [laugh]    


The creation of this thread was not difficult, the challenge was avoiding duplicated thread to prevent @Radx flashing my name. I have a tough time browsing through 3 pages using search fields such as "Christmas" and "island". [laugh]

Leaving legal arguments aside, if asked to choose, I doubt the people in CI would choose to leave Australia and join Singapore- no need to do NS. [laugh]

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give them 50 years concession. [:)]


Leaving legal arguments aside, if asked to choose, I doubt the people in CI would choose to leave Australia and join Singapore- no need to do NS. [laugh]


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Leaving legal arguments aside, if asked to choose, I doubt the people in CI would choose to leave Australia and join Singapore- no need to do NS. [laugh]

All chose Australia lar......
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Its for additional GRC



oh ya, let those crabs there to vote for the crap.....

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Keep in mind though there are always ideas to take back Singapore.



If sovereignty is determined by a piece of toilet paper then we don't need the SAF.


aiyo, the Chinese already happily drawing their own map that include much of South Asia into their territory....


But then again...... no need say draw until CI..... the dotted line out a bit only our dear Neighbours already call for holy war, destructions of Singapore, annulation of our people.... like machiam we kill their parents like that.... [lipsrsealed]

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Looking from military standpoint, if Australia is our ally and Indonesia is our perceived threat, then selling CI to Australia makes strategic sense. Australia can use it as base, right outside Indo doorstep.

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Don't worry, Australia are buddy with Britain and USA. They are champion for rights. Didn't they support many countries to fight for their territory rights?


Australia didn't return because we didn't ask and USA didn't know about it. Just ask lah.

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Keep in mind though there are always ideas to take back Singapore.




If sovereignty is determined by a piece of toilet paper then we don't need the SAF.

We are all part of the SAF
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must have a few carriers then can SGTK [laugh]


We have many carriers mah. Those carry round things one. From the peoplerootgrassassociations.

Edited by Ake109
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Can we submit this map with Dash-line (That I drew) for International Arbitration?


We might stand a chance...... :grin:

cannot lar....the 9- looks like a huge overhung dick...while yours look like a big giant ball....very different liao!
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