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Singapore Reckless Drivers Videos part II


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That mrt forum will probably have more complaints .... :D

God what. More postings, more traffics, more advertisement revenue for the forum [laugh]
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Actually I wanted to ask so I don't flout any rules.. is there a maximum thread size or even a sell by date?

Eg, if there was a thread on the matter from 3-5 years back, is it ok to start another thread..

Thanks sir.


If it's still relevant best to add on as it is continuity


As for size if it's too big we start a part 2.


'Sell by' won't happen as forum rules state NO SELLING on the forum. Use the market place


If not, start. We will see how it trails in and will merge if need be


If not u get warning lo haaaaaaaa



Just kidding. U are responsible from recent inputs



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I know this part of the road and the lane is turning left to hougang Ave 7 and always have vehicles changing to this lane to turn left or vehicles not turning left coming out. The bus stopping at the bus stop is the obstacle to these vehicles and it does create confusion if the driver is not familiar with the road. Moreover there are a lot of foreign workers on bicycles traveling around the area so at zebra crossing must be careful. The merc may have speed a little faster to overtake the bus and into the left turn lane in case bus or any vehicle block the left turn lane and hit the bicycle.
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Actually I wanted to ask so I don't flout any rules.. is there a maximum thread size or even a sell by date?

Eg, if there was a thread on the matter from 3-5 years back, is it ok to start another thread..

Thanks sir.



haha you ask until like that like damn scared of @radx like that...  


here reasonable la.. my first post kenna from him must explain myself liao! Explain liao all forgiven


monkey see monkey do lor..  juz always search before posting new thread...

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haha you ask until like that like damn scared of @radx like that...  


here reasonable la.. my first post kenna from him must explain myself liao! Explain liao all forgiven


monkey see monkey do lor..  juz always search before posting new thread...


Scared... live and do like the Romans right?


Different forums have different SOPs..

Eg the local photo forum actually wants members to start new threads and not tag onto old ones. They close your thread very quickly and make you start new ones all the time.

I am still new here, don't wanna get whacked for nothing - look what happened two pages back - that was one upset bro man... posted about the Oz accident and I kenna sai..

Mods here are very pro and active, some other forums, you seldom see mods posting or contributing. Different styles.. go with the flow.. [drivingcar]


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Scared... live and do like the Romans right?


Different forums have different SOPs..

Eg the local photo forum actually wants members to start new threads and not tag onto old ones. They close your thread very quickly and make you start new ones all the time.

I am still new here, don't wanna get whacked for nothing - look what happened two pages back - that was one upset bro man... posted about the Oz accident and I kenna sai..

Mods here are very pro and active, some other forums, you seldom see mods posting or contributing. Different styles.. go with the flow.. [drivingcar]

I have checked his postings and I think you had offended him before and he is holding a grudge. You go and see parallel importer thread the postings between the 2 of you.

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with side mirror, most likely e-bike again.


maybe weaving in/out in front of the mercs earlier.


even overtook the bus.

if im the cyclist, i will be guai guai stay behind the bus


no sympathy from me. serve him right (Is James Tan's family member here? dont poke me pls. It's the fact).




Got mirror does not necessary means PAB.


Whether to stay behind bus or not, it is a matter of judgement.  No right no wrong.


Without video prior to overtaking bus, you already assume "maybe weaving in/out in front of the mercs earlier".


Where's the fact?



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I have checked his postings and I think you had offended him before and he is holding a grudge. You go and see parallel importer thread the postings between the 2 of you.


ooo.. juicy...  @therock ... let me know when is round 3.. i bring out popcorn to watch? 



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Scared... live and do like the Romans right?


Different forums have different SOPs..

Eg the local photo forum actually wants members to start new threads and not tag onto old ones. They close your thread very quickly and make you start new ones all the time.

I am still new here, don't wanna get whacked for nothing - look what happened two pages back - that was one upset bro man... posted about the Oz accident and I kenna sai..

Mods here are very pro and active, some other forums, you seldom see mods posting or contributing. Different styles.. go with the flow.. [drivingcar]

our mod steady wan.....most are old......pensioner....errr...sorry i meant old bird in this forum. They were also new birds like us once upon a time and they can take as much as they can give....
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I have checked his postings and I think you had offended him before and he is holding a grudge. You go and see parallel importer thread the postings between the 2 of you.

Hmm... yes.. now I recall him / her..

The thing about forums, is you win some, and you may lose some friends too.

I still stand by those posts.


Oh well. I get I won't get an invite to be his facebook friend  [laugh]

ooo.. juicy...  @therock ... let me know when is round 3.. i bring out popcorn to watch? 




No popcorn la bro..

Live and let live.. 

I prefer to discuss car related matters and other hobbies than get into a brawl.. uncle car, uncle poster.. 

Save your popcorn for the movies - another area I woud love to talk about..


Ok OT OT... no more.. cheers

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our mod steady wan.....most are old......pensioner....errr...sorry i meant old bird in this forum. They were also new birds like us once upon a time and they can take as much as they can give....

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he referring to tht vquah character lah...


u dun find trouble hor









thats one damn sensi fella...he shd live on a tree and not bother abt the world....shessh

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with side mirror, most likely e-bike again.


maybe weaving in/out in front of the mercs earlier.


even overtook the bus.

if im the cyclist, i will be guai guai stay behind the bus


no sympathy from me. serve him right (Is James Tan's family member here? dont poke me pls. It's the fact).

dont say like that lar.....if the guy fall after kana swipe by the merc no matter what the merc will be in the wrong. Not happy just come out and wait for the biker and give him a piece of his mind. No need to injure him and causing trouble to ownself!

u ask that @bismarck fella...he now kanna MARK :grin::a-admin:

why ar? I also no see him quarrel with anybody! or marked to get promoted to become mod!
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First and foremost, drivers are to maintain control over their vehicle at all times. If not, then could potentially end up with issues with a tree, a railing, a lamp post, or another car. List goes on.


Driver is responsible for his and occupants' well-being.


Cannot expect trees, railings, lamp post etc to be crash-friendly.


Just saying.


Nobody feelings hurt right ?


Haha no feelings hurt..


I agree with you that the driver is responsible for his and occupants' well being.


But my reasoning is that whatever object that is put in place should serve its purpose well.


The trees are there to recycle the carbon dioxide and to provide some shade and make the city looks green.


The lamp post is there to provide sufficient light at night so that drivers can see the road at night.


The railings, being safety railings should try prevent the cars from one side from crashing through to the other side, it should also not impose too much of a danger should a vehicle crash through. But however it seems like recently there's a lot of cases where if a vehicle crashes through there is a high chance that a rod will pierce through the vehicle and seriously injure or kill the driver or passenger. If that occurs too often, then it should be taken note and reviewed. If the railings injure/kill more people than actually saving lives, then maybe should not build railings in the first place.. If want to build then build a safer one.


Just like purpose of MRT is to transport people from point A to point B and being a public transport, should have a high reliability rate.. It should not break down so many times  [:p]  [:p]  [:p]


Just saying.  [;)]

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with side mirror, most likely e-bike again.


maybe weaving in/out in front of the mercs earlier.


even overtook the bus.

if im the cyclist, i will be guai guai stay behind the bus


no sympathy from me. serve him right (Is James Tan's family member here? dont poke me pls. It's the fact).

Not necessarily... I put a side mirror on my normal trek bike also.

Reading last few pages as if this is Treating Others Feelings Pt. 2 instead of SRD Pt 2!!

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