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Solar flim


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Neutral Newbie

Anyone tried this brand called "Thermal Guard" (thermalguard.com.sg) before? I bought my mazda and my agent gave me a voucher for it. It entitled me to the moonlight series, but i topped up $350 for the platinium one.


On the second day after installation, i noticed some dirt and tiny air bubbles trapped in the front windscreen. And my right rear window has a little bit that is not sticking to my window.


I'm planning to go back to the store and get these 2 pieces reinstalled. But I can only go down this weekend... meanwhile, I can only live with it...

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Hi Hungry,


please cool down.

I experienced the same situation like you before.

Me using window film for 10 over years.

Been to a few places too, talk to the installers and understand that normal films always easiler to install.

Well,the important thing is How that particular Film company Rectified.

As an consumer basically you just want ppl to do a perfect job.

And also the technology of the film is also important cause what i understand is that HO ceramic films are thicker than many others.

Anyway hows the perfomance of the film you install? Any feedbacks?



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Neutral Newbie

Hey topcat, so did u get the films replaced? I have similar problems too, hopefully it would go away after much baking (just 5 days so far) for me.

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Neutral Newbie

Hi Xabby,


Sorry to hear about the trouble... [:(]


I went down to the installer and explained to him the problems. He had a look and did say that on certain cars where the rear window has a steeper angle, this problem has a tendency to crop up due to the air gaps between the film and demister wires. Anyway, he tried to 'rub rub' the rear window film to squeeze out the air pockets. Spent quite some time doing it.


That night, was out driving and noticed that the problem is still there, although less noticeable...


Next time will try to get them to re-install the film. If it doesn't work again, I might visit other solar film installers and see if they can guarantee that won't have this problem...then just change the rear window [dizzy]


Hope you will find a better solution!

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hi all


did with Llumar serangoon


my honda civic fd


after replacing the front wind screen solar tint, there is still wavy lines


he said it was the glue or is it the angle of the honda civic wind screen


that gives dis type /////// of distortion


any civic brothers, need advice



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quite common for solar film to behave this way. they r afterall woven glassfibres plus spluttering of chemicals over it. difficult to control spluttering process.


from certain angle, the film will b thicker hence can see the wavy

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Is it normal to have some little small bubbles on newly installed solar flim as my installer said it will go away after awhile ?

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Is it normal to have some little small bubbles on newly installed solar flim as my installer said it will go away after awhile ?

Lousy workmanship.. Mine has no bubbles since the first day..
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Lousy workmanship.. Mine has no bubbles since the first day..

Not even small bubbles like 1-2mm ?
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After a while then monitor if still at there lo. They already tell u after a while. U want them replace also need give them benefit of doubt. Normally 3-5 days clear already. IMO is normal. Mine was gone within 3 days. If after a while still there then ask them replace.


But check how long is their a while.

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Usually around 3-5 days will be gone. Also will say cannot wind down windows for 3 days. By then, all the bubbles should be gone or else can go back to them again.

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Mine already 3 weeks ...

3 weeks will not go away anymore. go back and show them.

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