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This Is Why Some People Get Promoted At Work


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i think the problem is that most youngster nowadays see management position as a holy grail.


i even know some guys that took a pay cut for a role with a "manager" title even though there is no direct report.


these people tend to see engineers/technical people as "low end/dead end" jobs . rather than a specialist role.


i feel that we don't give engineers enough credit. and i wonder, if all the govt initiatives into STEM and channeling all the money to make engineering "Sexy" is too little. too late. 


will be very hard to reverse the many years of neglect that the engineering profession has seen over the last decade


Lol problem is the one deciding the pay of the engineers is management people.

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Actually I'd say certain skills are generic and applicable everywhere. For example an analytical mind and the knack to solve problems are invaluable. These skills are what those consulting firms will pay for. The biggest problem is convincing them that you have the skills and you can jump from a shipping or commodities related industry into something else. MBA may be a route but it's definitely not the only route.

MBAs are over rated. At least in singapore.


I know several guys that actually took paycuts post MBAs


Unless it's one of those TOP tier Ivy League MBAs, I don't think it's worth the investment.

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MBAs are over rated. At least in singapore.


I know several guys that actually took paycuts post MBAs


Unless it's one of those TOP tier Ivy League MBAs, I don't think it's worth the investment.

Yup HBS, Wharton, GSB (Chicago and Stanford). The rest not so good. NUS Business School?
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if there is absolute control of promotion then everyone also knows what to do.


sometimes it's just luck and may not be education only.


but education helps, especially in the long run.

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So high flyer still not appreciative


I have never managed anyone in my whole working life


Only other people manage me



those 3 at home not count?:huh:
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This is very true!!!


I think my director looks after me very well. Promoting me and doing the same work. [laugh]



Me started with officer, then 3yrs later he need ppl at another dept. Send me there for 3yrs. Then transfer me back and came up with a assistant executive role for me with the same work scope as I joined the company. Then 3yrs later, promote me to executive role, work scope remian the same. Another 3yrs later, promote me to senior executive role but work scope remain the same. [grin]


you so dua jiak. He scared u come wallop him one day  [laugh]

Keep promoting you so one day u transfer out of his dept. See he keep transfering u out, but someone keep bringing u back in  [laugh]

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those 3 at home not count?:huh:

I have a matriarchial household


The head manages 4 boys



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yes, luck plays an important part in everything we do. our ba zi tells our 五行,金木水火土 and is linked to the trade we do.


a close friend of mine. a very humble and quiet guy. went to consult a feng shui master after he lost his direction in his career few

years ago. the master told him to change the name he used in his job, name printed on name card only, don't need to change on ID.

from then onwards, his career was pong pong ki.


can you imaging a company director waited for him in his carpark below his house just to offer him a position in his company?

my fren is a hardcore gamer. so he told this director that jurong is too far from his house and he got problem waking up early in the

morning (pa too much game). the boss says "nevermind one, you're a sales guy, you can come in at any timing you like as long as

you hit your target". so my fren joined his company lor. 


my fren was under a sales manager. reach orpit 11am+ everyday. manager also cannot touch him.


whole company got 1 month bonus, only he got 3 months. manager resigned.  :grin:


just recently, his boss offered to top up the different to pay up the 50% dp (at company expense) after trade-in his old getz to get a new car. 



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I believe mcfers are all high flyers and occupying high positions in their respective jobs.....


And they can surf mcf during office hours too



Except me of course I kah kia for life



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So change our names to


Throttle Tan?

Brake Loh?

Clutch Lim?


yes, luck plays an important part in everything we do. our ba zi tells our 五行,金木水火土 and is linked to the trade we do.


a close friend of mine. a very humble and quiet guy. went to consult a feng shui master after he lost his direction in his career few

years ago. the master told him to change the name he used in his job, name printed on name card only, don't need to change on ID.

from then onwards, his career was pong pong ki.


can you imaging a company director waited for him in his carpark below his house just to offer him a position in his company?

my fren is a hardcore gamer. so he told this director that jurong is too far from his house and he got problem waking up early in the

morning (pa too much game). the boss says "nevermind one, you're a sales guy, you can come in at any timing you like as long as

you hit your target". so my fren joined his company lor. 


my fren was under a sales manager. reach orpit 11am+ everyday. manager also cannot touch him.


whole company got 1 month bonus, only he got 3 months. manager resigned.  :grin:


just recently, his boss offered to top up the different to pay up the 50% dp (at company expense) after trade-in his old getz to get a new car. 


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Office politics very hard to understand.....


1. Some like to talk loud showing off as if they know everything but in facts they know nothing Me

2. Some act like very busy but in fact they are slow, hoping that no one would give him/her more work Me

3. Some like to act in front of bosses Not Me

4. Some like to give lots of suggestions but b'cos of his suggestions, others have to do the work due to 'his' suggestions  [furious]    and the suggestions will never be about his own work  Me

5. Some work in silent and always get things done and hoping that others don't poke into their work Me

6. Some come in to work on Monday talking about what happen during weekends and by Wednesday, planning for weekends Me

7. Some work on the dot. In at 8.00am and left at 5.00pm sharp Me

8. Some like to carries tales to bosses ears [rifle]Not Me

9. Some are very helpful and assist others who couldn't finish their work .. [thumbsup] Not Me

10. Some would just said: "your work is your work, don't push to me" Me


11. (Worst Kind) some will do the work but when got problems & always not their problems. Me

12. Some after assisting him, expect you to be automatic to help him again cos, they will said, he had done if before and so he should get the work as he knew the work...   Me

13. Some like to cc everybody to show off his work which doesn't concern you or your department at all. (apart from safety matters, office rules or general instructions) - show off    Me


We work in the same office?



Edited by Jamesc
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This is definitely me. 


I'm at the stage in my career where I am starting to be put in charge of other people and their work and I hate it.


Currently looking for an opportunity where I can develop my expertise without being a manager.


Management is not for everyone.


I am heading 3 departments and 1 division and I absolutely love it.


What is there not to like?


Ordering people around. Making them do silly things cos I couldn't work out


what was the smart thing to do. Talking nonsense for hours in meetings.


Being condesending to staff and telling them - Look I told you a million times


your guess is not as good as mine.


And I can tell you honestly I never needed to go for any training to be a manager.


All this come naturally to me. I was born to mislead people and no one enjoys


doing this more than me. Stress? I don't know the meaning of the word.


I have never felt stress telling people to do the wrong thing. I really love doing it.



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Not quite agree with a few points, especially "Promotions are not about reward and punishment" & "Promotions are about the future, not the past"...


Promotion is definately a reward for the past performance. No 1 will promote a person that "may" perform well in the future, its not measurable. The candidates should have proven his value in the company before the promotion is given.


As for promotion is not about reward and punishment.... what else could it be? If a person perform well and doesnt get promoted, isnt that a punishment? [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


And whats wrong with creating a position for promotion? If I were to motivate a person who perform well, I dont just give him a pay rise, I would give him a same pay rise with promotion (eg, from Technician to Senior Technician)! 1 stone kill 2 bird, while making him happy, I make him do more work.  Or better still, give promotion without increment, that would be even more ideal for company [grin] [grin]

Edited by Tigershark1976
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Th difference between me and my peers


is I can be absolutely honest about being


a bad manager. I take pride saying this.


How many managers have you ever heard


being brutally honest and admitting they are


bad managers? So few that I am in a class


of my own.


What is the point of having power if you cannot


abuse it?  That's like having a lot of money and


not being about to spend it. Might as well not


have it.


I should teach management, as least with me you


get no BS.




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Th difference between me and my peers


is I can be absolutely honest about being


a bad manager. I take pride saying this.


How many managers have you ever heard


being brutally honest and admitting they are


bad managers? So few that I am in a class


of my own.


What is the point of having power if you cannot


abuse it? That's like having a lot of money and


not being about to spend it. Might as well not


have it.


I should teach management, as least with me you


get no BS.




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i think the problem is that most youngster nowadays see management position as a holy grail.


i even know some guys that took a pay cut for a role with a "manager" title even though there is no direct report.


these people tend to see engineers/technical people as "low end/dead end" jobs . rather than a specialist role.


i feel that we don't give engineers enough credit. and i wonder, if all the govt initiatives into STEM and channeling all the money to make engineering "Sexy" is too little. too late. 


will be very hard to reverse the many years of neglect that the engineering profession has seen over the last decade


The mentality here is, and always will be, management will be 'higher' than hands-on staff. For the simple reason being that management involves managing, controlling and ordering other people about. It's a representation of power.


It's classic Singaporean mentality. Power is everything. Why do when you can get others to do for you? Even our politics and civil service also like that.  [shakehead]

yes, luck plays an important part in everything we do. our ba zi tells our 五行,金木水火土 and is linked to the trade we do.


a close friend of mine. a very humble and quiet guy. went to consult a feng shui master after he lost his direction in his career few

years ago. the master told him to change the name he used in his job, name printed on name card only, don't need to change on ID.

from then onwards, his career was pong pong ki.


can you imaging a company director waited for him in his carpark below his house just to offer him a position in his company?

my fren is a hardcore gamer. so he told this director that jurong is too far from his house and he got problem waking up early in the

morning (pa too much game). the boss says "nevermind one, you're a sales guy, you can come in at any timing you like as long as

you hit your target". so my fren joined his company lor. 


my fren was under a sales manager. reach orpit 11am+ everyday. manager also cannot touch him.


whole company got 1 month bonus, only he got 3 months. manager resigned.  :grin:


just recently, his boss offered to top up the different to pay up the 50% dp (at company expense) after trade-in his old getz to get a new car. 


Wah. What company is this. Good sia. I also want leh.  [laugh]

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In order to get a promotion :



It is not important what you know or what you do !!!!! :=B:


It's who you know & who's know you at the top.    :we-all-gonna-die: 

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