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Taiwan Elects Tsai Ing-wen as First Female President


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yes ... it was a silly matter that no one give a sh.it ... man on the street don't give a damn

it's taiwan DPP mouthpiece who everyday bombard the news to gain political milleage

and also the fker wang an now living in china blogging the issue out of proportion ... he is a taiwanese

then china tv overact want to cancel all contract with jyp

then jyp has no choice but to kowtow


i believe majority of the China people dun give a damn


Edited by Wt_know
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actually Tzuyu dun have to be bothered by the China netizens.... she doesn't even have to apologize


there will always be online trolls or and keyboard warriors around (just look at hwz forums for our local ones), trying to see the world burn


i believe majority of the China people dun give a damn


but of cos, nationalism is a double-edged sword... it always being used by some people with agenda to create trouble or chaos



i doubt she even know what is going on, the company probably under pressure and threaten her to make public apologies, if not they will terminate her contract where her career has just started to pick up.


She probably dun get any legal advice knowing how these entertainment companies work. Many female artists commit suicide due to such pressure.

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unlike ah bien ... who everyday stir s.hit ... tsai most critical task now is unity (the party and taiwan people)

and most importanly economy and people bread and butter issues (housing and jobs)

taiwanese are pragmatic people too ... the issue of "independence" can take a backseat and tackle current critical needs

once the election euphoria is overed ... livelihood issues will take centrestage



really?? u think KMT lost becoz MYJ did a bad job with the economy??


no.. i feel taiwanese are not pragmatic people... they are voting with their hearts...  


phrase it this way...  imho.. many taiwanese vote for the ''bigger picture'' without realizing the micro issues which previous may have pumped $$ into.. and discontinued by the new administration...  


maybe i am too pragmatic... when i toured some other parts of taiwan... always see alot of ''wastage'' and money wasted for the parties to fight each other...  

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IMO nobody in the tw polical arena wants to be president becoz of China. A lot of them wants to be a critic but nobody wants to be president, ends up tw has its first woman president. :D

This president is sandwich between China and tw ppl who wants or rather hopes to break away from China but cannot as it's heavily dependent on the Chinese economy. We might see little change as the new president will continue to do the balancing act between China and the tw ppl...just like her predecessors. Same thing happen to president Ma. Whatever he does he is being criticise from either side or sometimes both sides, ends up ppl say he does nothing during his term. :D


To me the tw president will be a fail bridge that cannot connect its ppl to China or vice versa. Tw will always be in some kind of internal conflict whoever the president the ppl have elected. It's like a curse that won't go away.

Edited by Watwheels
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When the honeymoon period is over, she will have to face harsh reality or in our parlance hard truth- a market of 1.3b population to the weak ROC economy.


Despite all the PRC-sceptic rhetoric, DPP and their supporters must know the only way forward is to continue maintaining the vital economic links to the mainland but maybe in more creative ways than what their predecessors did. 


We will see how she manoeuvre her way through the political minefield they themselves created. Can understand why they did it to clinch both  the presidency & legislature for DPP but now after winning them they must figure out how to hang on to them.


4 years ago MYJ was voted in by roughly the same number of votes (NB: 1st term: 58.45% of votes & 2nd term lower but still 51.6% of votes) to bring fresh perspectives to both Taiwan's economy and politics. He failed miserably in his two terms unfortunately.


This is due to old KMT politics at play which sickens the public in general. This is not helped by a weak economy, depressed wages, food scandals, etc all of which tip the scales towards the DPP camp. 


4 years later from today Taiwanese will take out their score sheets to judge her & her party's performance in the legislature.


Really hope the DPP can tidy up all the mess and forge a brighter future for ROC henceforth.



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IMO nobody in the tw polical arena wants to be president becoz of China. A lot of them wants to be a critic but nobody wants to be president, ends up tw has its first woman president. :D

This president is sandwich between China and tw ppl who wants or rather hopes to break away from China but cannot as it's heavily dependent on the Chinese economy. We might see little change as the new president will continue to do the balancing act between China and the tw ppl...just like her predecessors. Same thing happen to president Ma. Whatever he does he is being criticise from either side or sometimes both sides, ends up ppl say he does nothing during his term. :D


To me the tw president will be a fail bridge that cannot connect its ppl to China or vice versa. Tw will always be in some kind of internal conflict whoever the president the ppl have elected. It's like a curse that won't go away.



can imagine who has a bigger smile when they wake up this morning   [laugh]  [laugh]

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the ironic thing is even while the whole world and USA ( expect a few country )

accept and agree that china is the only china and Taiwan  is part of china ,


usa insists that Taiwan cannot reconcile with china, and continue to supply arms to Taiwan to def against china.

but at the same time while refuse to let Taiwan reconcile with china, they also disagree to let Taiwan declare independence.

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really?? u think KMT lost becoz MYJ did a bad job with the economy??


no.. i feel taiwanese are not pragmatic people... they are voting with their hearts...


phrase it this way... imho.. many taiwanese vote for the ''bigger picture'' without realizing the micro issues which previous may have pumped $$ into.. and discontinued by the new administration...


maybe i am too pragmatic... when i toured some other parts of taiwan... always see alot of ''wastage'' and money wasted for the parties to fight each other...

Beside MYJ did a bad job, KMT is leaning to warmly towards CCP. That makes youth uncomfortable especially after 周子喻saga.


KMT talks about 拚經濟for 8 years. Wage level still stagnant but rich is getting richer.


Eric Chu was a last minute candidate. Tsai Ing Wen has planned this move for 8 years. She is able to engage youth especially after sunflower movement.


Lastly, DPP has younger candidate than KMT. There is a 27 years old legislator in 台南 from DPP

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Lastly, DPP has younger candidate than KMT. There is a 27 years old legislator in 台南 from DPP

You think Taiwan has durian trees everywhere?

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US and the A like to stir s.hit ma ... if not ...

who to offload obsolete weapons including fighter aircraft and battle ships in billion dollars? lol


the ironic thing is even while the whole world and USA ( expect a few country )

accept and agree that china is the only china and Taiwan  is part of china ,


usa insists that Taiwan cannot reconcile with china, and continue to supply arms to Taiwan to def against china.

but at the same time while refuse to let Taiwan reconcile with china, they also disagree to let Taiwan declare independence.


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the ironic thing is even while the whole world and USA ( expect a few country )

accept and agree that china is the only china and Taiwan  is part of china ,


usa insists that Taiwan cannot reconcile with china, and continue to supply arms to Taiwan to def against china.

but at the same time while refuse to let Taiwan reconcile with china, they also disagree to let Taiwan declare independence.


That is what strategic ambiguity is about, which allows players room to change position when situation suits them.


US has a lot to gain from this and had been playing this game since KMT lost the civil war.


a) US can legallize arms sales to Taiwan under "Taiwan Relations Act" law (1979)

Funny thing is this Law was created by US Congress as a domestic law without any consultation with Taiwanese authority



b) Allows US to continue to engage China positively without having to deal with another "enemy" such as Russia. That is seems to be more useful during Cold War era.


Question is how long can this Game continue when the economy and military gap between China and US continue to narrow.


Xi made it very clear that there is a time-frame for this and the Game cannot go on indefinately.

Edited by Wishcumstrue
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It should be tionghoa



Becos cina is an insult to indonesian chinese. Cina refers to the country not ethnic and i am surprised malaysian called chinese race as orang cina


I remember MediaCorp Malay channels use  "Tionghua" for many years, until a while ago, for some unexplained reason, switch to "Cina". I suspect the policy is following what the Malaysian is doing...


Sadly, this degetaroy word shows up again during M'sia racial tension, especially during the Red Shirt protest and violence at shopping malls..





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I remember MediaCorp Malay channels use  "Tionghua" for many years, until a while ago, for some unexplained reason, switch to "Cina". I suspect the policy is following what the Malaysian is doing...


Sadly, this degetaroy word shows up again during M'sia racial tension, especially during the Red Shirt protest and violence at shopping malls..






the picture sure looks like photoshop.

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actually Tzuyu dun have to be bothered by the China netizens.... she doesn't even have to apologize


there will always be online trolls or and keyboard warriors around (just look at hwz forums for our local ones), trying to see the world burn


i believe majority of the China people dun give a damn


but of cos, nationalism is a double-edged sword... it always being used by some people with agenda to create trouble or chaos

Actually its the company under pressured



It affects the company badly even share prices and other groups from same company.



Majority in china dont give a damn but somehow many of their concerts are cancelled. Tzuyu bo pian but forced to make that statement. Pity her

I remember MediaCorp Malay channels use "Tionghua" for many years, until a while ago, for some unexplained reason, switch to "Cina". I suspect the policy is following what the Malaysian is doing...


Sadly, this degetaroy word shows up again during M'sia racial tension, especially during the Red Shirt protest and violence at shopping malls..



Red shirt is bumiputera extremist lol


They are the problems for malaysia and subordinates of BIJAN

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Notice you use traditonal characters. Why ?




There is no Republic of Taiwan.  Only got Republic of China


Pro-independence factions (DPP, Lee Teng Hui etc) promoted renaming of ROC to ROT. (Rot ?!)




Taiwan independence movement is a political movement whose goals are primarily to formally establish the Republic of Taiwan or the State of Taiwan by renaming the Republic of China (ROC) ...

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Beside MYJ did a bad job, KMT is leaning to warmly towards CCP. That makes youth uncomfortable especially after å¨å­å»saga.


KMT talks about æç¶æ¿for 8 years. Wage level still stagnant but rich is getting richer.


Eric Chu was a last minute candidate. Tsai Ing Wen has planned this move for 8 years. She is able to engage youth especially after sunflower movement.


Lastly, DPP has younger candidate than KMT. There is a 27 years old legislator in å°å from DPP

Yes MYJ is proven to be useless gentleman lol



Eric Chu too last min hence unable to gain much vote and he recently became the new taipei mayor so people would like to see first how he handle the city and keep to his promises before going presidential election



DPP has one young politician. I believe he has the potential with good educational background and fluent english speaker

Notice you use traditonal characters. Why ?





Pro-independence factions (DPP, Lee Teng Hui etc) promoted renaming of ROC to ROT. (Rot ?!)




Taiwan independence movement is a political movement whose goals are primarily to formally establish the Republic of Taiwan or the State of Taiwan by renaming the Republic of China (ROC) ...

But the passport still REPUBLIC OF CHINA lol
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