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Road Rage - Unequal Treatment?


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Biker fined $1,500 for slapping motorist
Elena Chong
A biker who parked in a space meant for cars slapped a motorist in the face repeatedly after the motorist told him to move his motorcycle.
Technical support officer Cho Chee Onn, 56, was fined $1,500 yesterday after admitting to hurting Mr Oei Tsong Kian, 46, in the carpark at Block 62, Chin Swee Road, on Jan 31 last year.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Sarah Shi told the court that Mr Oei, who is self-employed, was looking for a space that evening when he reversed his car into the spot where Cho was still on his bike.
Cho's lawyer Foo Ho Chew said in mitigation that the assault was totally out of character as his client is "usually a very patient and calm individual''.
Mr Oei reversed his car slowly into it until he could not reverse any further, then got out and asked Cho to move as the space he was parked in was meant for cars.
Cho became aggressive and shouted: "I do not like people talking to me like this."
He then slapped Mr Oei in the face repeatedly. Mr Oei did not fight back and tried to reason with Cho.
A 50-year-old man who witnessed the incident intervened by holding the motorcycle down when he saw Cho trying to get on it to flee.
Police were called and arrived shortly afterwards.
Cho's lawyer, Mr Foo Ho Chew, said in mitigation that the assault was totally out of character as his client is "usually a very patient and calm individual''.
He said Cho was "mentally and emotionally troubled" at the time as his wife of 25 years had divorced him and his son chose to move out of the home. He had also lost his managerial job of many years.
Mr Foo said on that day, Cho was taking directions to a venue to attend a meeting and was already late.
"That caused him some anxiety. When the victim approached him, he could not understand why the victim could not take another parking lot that was available," he said.
He added that his client deeply regretted his action and had compensated the victim for his medical expenses.
The maximum punishment for voluntarily causing hurt is two years' jail and a $5,000 fine.




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The video above looks scary.  How the hell the lancer drive until like that ?  He could have easily killed someone.  Crazy.


Easy. No licence, drunk and young. 

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tiao kang one lah

got other lot don't park, wanna disturb biker


biker cannot take it, so fight lor


the biker also cannot make it la..


if don't want people to provoke then guai guai park elsewhere


instead of moving off he still went to slap people.. he really need to work on his anger management 

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the biker also cannot make it la..


if don't want people to provoke then guai guai park elsewhere


instead of moving off he still went to slap people.. he really need to work on his anger management

When two guai lan chaps meet, we get free show! [laugh]
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I am highlighting this case. Main point in red. Do note that the scuffle happened away from the road at a lift landing. I'm interested to know whether he was jailed for reckless driving or for punching someone who was a passerby and NOT involved in the road incident.




Man gets four weeks' jail for road rage


SINGAPORE - Unhappy with a motorist for overtaking his car, a self-employed man stopped and started his car a few times along the way for no apparent reason, just to obstruct the other driver.


And this went on for nearly an hour from Potong Pasir Avenue 3 to Potong Pasir Avenue 1.


The self-employed man Malvinder Singh Hari Singh followed the other man, Mr Neo Poh Wee, after the latter had parked his car and punched and slapped him.


On Tuesday (Feb 16), Malvinder Singh was jailed for four weeks for hurting Mr Neo.

The court heard that on Aug 10 in 2015, the two motorists were travelling along Meyappa Chettiar Road with their respective families.


At the traffic light junction at Potong Pasir Avenue 2, Mr Neo Poh Wee's car was directly behind Malvinder's car.


When the lights turned green, they moved off and went straight along Potong Pasir Avenue 3. Malvinder, 39, took the right lane and Mr Neo, the left.


Mr Neo's car soon went ahead of Malvinider's car, which was travelling at about 10kmh to 15kmh.


Near St Andrew's Secondary School, Mr Neo noticed that Malvinder's car had suddenly sped up to be travelling alongside his.

Malvinder's car overtook Mr Neo's car shortly before the two lanes merged into one.


Subsequently, Malvinder's car sped up and suddenly stopped at a zebra crossing for a few seconds even though there were no pedestrians.


Mr Neo then sounded his horn. Malvinder's car did not move until 10 to 15 seconds later, and again stopped his car after travelling about 10 to 15m.


Mr Neo sounded his horn and decided to overtake Malvinder's car. He continued driving along Potong Pasir Avenue 3 until he reached the junction of Potong Pasir Avenue 1.


As the victim was getting ready to turn left onto Potong Pasir Avenue 1, Malvinder suddenly pulled up his car to Mr Neo's right. Mr Neo let him move first.


Between the junction and a roundabout on Potong Pasir Avenue 1, a distance of about 170m, Malvinder repeatedly stopped his car, obstructing Mr Neo's car.


Deputy Public Prosecutor Tan Yanying said that each time, Malvinder would drive his car a short distance, suddenly brake and remain stationary for a while before moving off again. When Mr Neo sounded his horn at him, Malvinder got out of his car and went to Mr Neo's car in an aggressive manner, gesturing at Mr Neo to come out but the latter refused to be engaged by him.


After Mr Neo had parked his car, he and his family walked towards the lift lobby of the block.


Mr Neo, who was carrying his daughter, saw Malvinder check his car and run towards him. Malvinder used his hand to block the lift door from closing when the family got in, and shouted in Hokkien: "Potong Pasir is not your road!''.


Mr Neo told Malvinder his child was sick and needed to take her medication. But this cut no ice with Malvinder. When Mr Neo said he would report to the police and reached for his mobile phone, Malvinder shoved Mr Neo in the shoulder and slapped him on the cheek.


Four men saw the assault. One of them, Mr Tay Kiang Seng, 55, asked Malvinder why he was assaulting someone who was carrying a child.


Mr Neo took the opportunity to close the lift door and proceed up. Malvinder shouted at the group and threw a punch at Mr Tay. Both men fell to the floor during a scuffle. Police arrived and broke up the scuffle.


Malvinder was allowed to defer sentence until March 1 and is out on $10,000 bail.


District Judge Eddy Tham said time and again, the Courts had sent out a strong message to road users not to take the law into their own hands no matter how aggrieved they might feel over the manner of driving by the other party.


"If violence is used, they can expect custodial sentence to be meted out. The accused had behaved in a thuggish and provocative manner, stopping his vehicle several times without good reason,'' he said.


The maximum penalty for causing hurt is two years' jail and a $5,000 fine.



Edited by Vid
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I am highlighting this case. Main point in red. Do note that the scuffle happened away from the road at a lift landing. I'm interested to know whether he was jailed for reckless driving or for punching someone who was a passerby and NOT involved in the road incident.




Man gets four weeks' jail for road rage


SINGAPORE - Unhappy with a motorist for overtaking his car, a self-employed man stopped and started his car a few times along the way for no apparent reason, just to obstruct the other driver.


And this went on for nearly an hour from Potong Pasir Avenue 3 to Potong Pasir Avenue 1.


The self-employed man Malvinder Singh Hari Singh followed the other man, Mr Neo Poh Wee, after the latter had parked his car and punched and slapped him.


On Tuesday (Feb 16), Malvinder Singh was jailed for four weeks for hurting Mr Neo.

The court heard that on Aug 10 in 2015, the two motorists were travelling along Meyappa Chettiar Road with their respective families.


At the traffic light junction at Potong Pasir Avenue 2, Mr Neo Poh Wee's car was directly behind Malvinder's car.


When the lights turned green, they moved off and went straight along Potong Pasir Avenue 3. Malvinder, 39, took the right lane and Mr Neo, the left.


Mr Neo's car soon went ahead of Malvinider's car, which was travelling at about 10kmh to 15kmh.


Near St Andrew's Secondary School, Mr Neo noticed that Malvinder's car had suddenly sped up to be travelling alongside his.

Malvinder's car overtook Mr Neo's car shortly before the two lanes merged into one.


Subsequently, Malvinder's car sped up and suddenly stopped at a zebra crossing for a few seconds even though there were no pedestrians.


Mr Neo then sounded his horn. Malvinder's car did not move until 10 to 15 seconds later, and again stopped his car after travelling about 10 to 15m.


Mr Neo sounded his horn and decided to overtake Malvinder's car. He continued driving along Potong Pasir Avenue 3 until he reached the junction of Potong Pasir Avenue 1.


As the victim was getting ready to turn left onto Potong Pasir Avenue 1, Malvinder suddenly pulled up his car to Mr Neo's right. Mr Neo let him move first.


Between the junction and a roundabout on Potong Pasir Avenue 1, a distance of about 170m, Malvinder repeatedly stopped his car, obstructing Mr Neo's car.


Deputy Public Prosecutor Tan Yanying said that each time, Malvinder would drive his car a short distance, suddenly brake and remain stationary for a while before moving off again. When Mr Neo sounded his horn at him, Malvinder got out of his car and went to Mr Neo's car in an aggressive manner, gesturing at Mr Neo to come out but the latter refused to be engaged by him.


After Mr Neo had parked his car, he and his family walked towards the lift lobby of the block.


Mr Neo, who was carrying his daughter, saw Malvinder check his car and run towards him. Malvinder used his hand to block the lift door from closing when the family got in, and shouted in Hokkien: "Potong Pasir is not your road!''.


Mr Neo told Malvinder his child was sick and needed to take her medication. But this cut no ice with Malvinder. When Mr Neo said he would report to the police and reached for his mobile phone, Malvinder shoved Mr Neo in the shoulder and slapped him on the cheek.


Four men saw the assault. One of them, Mr Tay Kiang Seng, 55, asked Malvinder why he was assaulting someone who was carrying a child.


Mr Neo took the opportunity to close the lift door and proceed up. Malvinder shouted at the group and threw a punch at Mr Tay. Both men fell to the floor during a scuffle. Police arrived and broke up the scuffle.


Malvinder was allowed to defer sentence until March 1 and is out on $10,000 bail.


District Judge Eddy Tham said time and again, the Courts had sent out a strong message to road users not to take the law into their own hands no matter how aggrieved they might feel over the manner of driving by the other party.


"If violence is used, they can expect custodial sentence to be meted out. The accused had behaved in a thuggish and provocative manner, stopping his vehicle several times without good reason,'' he said.


The maximum penalty for causing hurt is two years' jail and a $5,000 fine.


amdk violence, The Government prosecutor actually faulted the accident for the attack:


“It was the accident that caused the accused’s momentary outburst of violence



seng gah poh lang violence, If violence is used, they can expect custodial sentence to be meted out.



hard truth :ph34r:

malvinder knows hokkien [grin]

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amdk violence, The Government prosecutor actually faulted the accident for the attack:


“It was the accident that caused the accused’s momentary outburst of violence



seng gah poh lang violence, If violence is used, they can expect custodial sentence to be meted out.



hard truth :ph34r:

malvinder knows hokkien [grin]


This one follow the person to his lift and hit another passerby. Cannot use momentary outburst as excuse [laugh] [laugh]

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This one follow the person to his lift and hit another passerby. Cannot use momentary outburst as excuse [laugh] [laugh]


Wah like that I kua le buay song, have a momentary outburst and punch your head in, can siam liao.  [laugh]  [laugh]  [laugh]


Ok, comments aside, so far no picture no sound on the judgment.  [lipsrsealed]

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This one follow the person to his lift and hit another passerby. Cannot use momentary outburst as excuse [laugh] [laugh]


Aiyah, how about 2 momentary outbursts!!!??? One for the other car driver and another for the kaypoh [laugh]

Edited by kennytansk
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