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2016 Recession Year? Gloom and doom 2017!


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a couple i know are going to safari (somewhere in africa) just to watch wide animals in close range. for the trip, the 2 are spending $20k+. 


my 5 years PQP gone like that.  [sweatdrop]


well .... I will charge them $10K for watching wide ME in close range . Swee bo ?   [thumbsup]

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a couple i know are going to safari (somewhere in africa) just to watch wide animals in close range. for the trip, the 2 are spending $20k+.


my 5 years PQP gone like that. [sweatdrop]

Alamak, one solid gold Rolex gone.....sigh....but for the experience, might be worthwhile.

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Ama keng ... sounded familiar like one of those hotspot during army days :D

Yeah last time got Ama Keng Primary Skool
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not all F&B enjoy thriving business leh.....


these 2 swat flies until going to close down liao




All quiet at foodcourts in two Kallang malls


The Sports Hub often hosts fast-paced sports competitions, but when it comes to business at foodcourts in the nearby Kallang Wave Mall and Leisure Park Kallang, things are decidedly sluggish.


A Straits Times check found that many of the stalls in the foodcourts are now unoccupied.


NTUC Foodfare, which operates the foodcourt at Kallang Wave Mall, said it will "resize" to have fewer stalls. An NTUC Foodfare spokesman said: "Over the past 11/2 years, we have gained a better understanding of the footfall and customer preference in this location, and have decided to resize the foodcourt to better utilise our resources and to provide a better dining experience for our patrons.


"The section of the foodcourt where the empty stalls are located will be returned to the landlord."

Resizing work is expected to be done by the third quarter of this year and the foodcourt will have 10 stalls - all tenanted now - down from the 17 it started with in 2014.


One former stallowner, who declined to be named, said he noticed that even when there were events at the Sports Hub, customers bypassed the foodcourt. He said: "Traffic at my stalls at other shopping malls is good. It is not the food, but the lack of people."


One employee at a Korean stall still in business, who gave her name only as Ms Nurbasyisah, 24, said customers comprise mostly workers on weekdays. She added: "It gets busier on weekends but generally business is quite poor."


Meanwhile, a spokesman for SMRT Alpha, which manages Kallang Wave Mall, Singapore Indoor Stadium and Water Sports Centre, said the space will be reorganised to bring in a new tenant.


Over at the nearby Leisure Park Kallang, about five stalls at the Koufu foodcourt were closed, too, when ST visited recently.

A cleaner who declined to be named and has worked there for about eight years, said: "With customers now spread out over two foodcourts, business has suffered."


A spokesman for Jack Investment, landlord of Leisure Park Kallang, said it was understood that Koufu was in the midst of changing the food stall mix. Koufu did not respond by press time.


Location not good lah ... on normal weekdays, who actually goes there?!

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I would not second guess you.

many industries going thru cost cutting .....

Jobless is fine.....just be ready by not being moneyless....


So to be ready, we should buy gold Rolexes when employed?



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anyone got friends or relatives kena laid off this year?


been hearing many news of retrenchment

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Location not good lah ... on normal weekdays, who actually goes there?!


last time buses used to be routed thru Stadium, eg 16, CSS 8 etc ...


now can get to Stadium via Circle Line only. 


buses now stop at Nicoll Highway. 


was there on Monday and Tuesday. very quiet actually ... finally got to try Poulet cos they have $9.90 promotion there for quarter chicken. 

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anyone got friends or relatives kena laid off this year?


been hearing many news of retrenchment



A few friends resigned and found better jobs. These are the PMET in the 40s


A few friends resigned and become uber driver. These are the young ones < 35 yrs old


See already also faint

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A few friends resigned and found better jobs. These are the PMET in the 40s


A few friends resigned and become uber driver. These are the young ones < 35 yrs old


See already also faint


PMETs in the 40s still can find better jobs in this kind of market? glad to hear that... means I have chance [laugh]


those under 35 still can YOLO, still got time on their side

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PMETs in the 40s still can find better jobs in this kind of market? glad to hear that... means I have chance [laugh]


those under 35 still can YOLO, still got time on their side


PMETs in 40s with right skills set are still alright. There are truth in what the political leaders have been saying... Jobs are still available if we have the correct skill set.

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Yeah i know of a few expats in the marine and offshore/energy industry that got yanked back home to Europe without warning earlier this year.

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anyone got friends or relatives kena laid off this year?


been hearing many news of retrenchment



saw yesterday paper that 1300 already been retrenched as of April, and 1000 more to come.

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Hyflux offers up to $300m perpetuals at 6% a year


Water treatment firm Hyflux has launched an offer for up to $300 million in perpetual capital securities, paying out 6 per cent a year.


The bulk of the perpetuals - up to $230 million - will be offered to the public, the group announced yesterday.

Of the remaining, up to $20 million will be offered to directors, management and employees of Hyflux and its units, and up to $50 million will be set aside in placement to institutional and other investors.


This one can buy  ?  [confused] 



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Hyflux offers up to $300m perpetuals at 6% a year


Water treatment firm Hyflux has launched an offer for up to $300 million in perpetual capital securities, paying out 6 per cent a year.


The bulk of the perpetuals - up to $230 million - will be offered to the public, the group announced yesterday.

Of the remaining, up to $20 million will be offered to directors, management and employees of Hyflux and its units, and up to $50 million will be set aside in placement to institutional and other investors.


This one can buy  ?  [confused]


hyflux share price even lower than 2009 low... u decide if u dare. i wont bother

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Yeah i know of a few expats in the marine and offshore/energy industry that got yanked back home to Europe without warning earlier this year.


You know a few?


I know at least 100 hehehe. But at least they are still with a job back home (those who are from parent company). Those indian expats are mostly out of job.

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