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Which is the lowest price n value for $$ new car?


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you can't be too overweight to drive the Mx-5

it's really designed for a certain type of body habitus.

Ideally u should be like 1.75m and below and definitely less than 80kg or else the seat just feels plain uncomfortable lol.


Haha the car made me feel damn fat.



nb...how you know @spring fat..... :grin:  :grin:


he's ginomous in case you din know....hahhahaha. He can go in...but need call SCDF to extricate him out...hahahaha



eh thot you drove 4 b4?

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nb...how you know @spring fat..... :grin:  :grin:


he's ginomous in case you din know....hahhahaha



eh thot you drove 4 b4?


i've sat inside both the previous and the current Mx5.

Last time i not so fat, so still found it tolerable. the newest one, wah lao, go inside, i immediately think "i gotta lose at least 5-10kg to feel comfortable in the seat lol"

i definitely don't think i can sit inside for an hr.

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i've sat inside both the previous and the current Mx5.

Last time i not so fat, so still found it tolerable. the newest one, wah lao, go inside, i immediately think "i gotta lose at least 5-10kg to feel comfortable in the seat lol"

i definitely don't think i can sit inside for an hr.



you sit in the i8...then you see how....hahaha

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you can't be too overweight to drive the Mx-5

it's really designed for a certain type of body habitus.

Ideally u should be like 1.75m and below and definitely less than 80kg or else the seat just feels plain uncomfortable lol.


Haha the car made me feel damn fat.


a colleague of mine, used to drive sunny ---> gallant-----> accord------> kia suv (I donno the name)

now he says: now way he is going to drive a saloon car anymore, very hard to get in get out :grin:

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Mai gong jiao wei


You can get 5.5% risk free?


Haven't jiak medicine sibo


MCF a lot of multi-millionaire investment experts. We were not a noob bunch.


5.5% guaranteed returns over 5years is tough.

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Is the photo his car?

The Wish from the photo does not look like the 2006 model... it look more like the current model that was release in 2009...


hehe I donno :grin:

5.5% guaranteed returns over 5years is tough.


easy: buy SBS/SMRT shares :grin:

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"Professor Kishore Mahbubani's opinion piece last month which said we should not worship our cars"  :a-m1212:


I dont worship i only pray that it dont break down  [drivingcar]

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"Professor Kishore Mahbubani's opinion piece last month which said we should not worship our cars"  :a-m1212:


I dont worship i only pray that it dont break down  [drivingcar]


you drive VW? [lipsrsealed]  [lipsrsealed]


:grin:  :grin:

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you can't be too overweight to drive the Mx-5

it's really designed for a certain type of body habitus.

Ideally u should be like 1.75m and below and definitely less than 80kg or else the seat just feels plain uncomfortable lol.


Haha the car made me feel damn fat.


Height I qualify but weight I 82Kg so still got chance haha

Edited by Spring
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Height I qualify but weight I 82Kg so still got chance haha



eh i report you to SPCC...Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Cars...pity the MX-5 lah..you go in, the chassis bengkok :grin:

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nb...how you know spring fat..... :grin:  :grin:


he's ginomous in case you din know....hahhahaha. He can go in...but need call SCDF to extricate him out...hahahaha



eh thot you drove 4 b4?


Haha, actually that i8 I ever sit inside at the showroom and admittedly quite tough to get out.

Nearly get backache and muscle cramp lol [grin]

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i8 is meant to get ladies to sit inside.

And then see zhaogeng when they get out



eh dun remind me...when i see lao KB sit in, really tak glam man...get in and out....ewwwwwwwwww....better sit fairprice trolley... :XD:



but you gib me idea....hahahah

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eh dun remind me...when i see lao KB sit in, really tak glam man...get in and out....ewwwwwwwwww....better sit fairprice trolley... :XD:



but you gib me idea....hahahah

U comprain simi? The hantu white sheet onli how heavy?
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eh dun remind me...when i see lao KB sit in, really tak glam man...get in and out....ewwwwwwwwww....better sit fairprice trolley... :XD:



but you gib me idea....hahahah

When u drive i8.....

Usually should be able to get xmm to sit in.

Y u get lao KB?


Ha ha ha

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U comprain simi? The hantu white sheet onli how heavy?


nb....i hope this sit ON your car tonight....pontianak2.JPG

When u drive i8.....

Usually should be able to get xmm to sit in.

Y u get lao KB?


Ha ha ha


muahahhaa...beggars cannot be choosers...kekek

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