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Uncivil Driver Break my car side mirrors


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Just take legal action, scare him into compensating you, or kajiao back his car.


No point make YouTube video with long essays inside where you 'wonder' why mata cannot do anything and prevent further mishap to your car..


All these are richies staying in private estate, they got lotsa money to compensate and maybe hardly make any dent to their fortunes


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Edited by Pinobii
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okie, next time u wanna be safe from lawsuit, just transfer all of your 700K to me :grin:

Sure...if you want to take over my 700k debt


I willing to transfer to u



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All these are richies staying in private estate, they got lotsa money to compensate and maybe hardly make any dent to their fortunes


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Not necessary la, not like they stay at sentosa cove or what. They didnt get there wasting money like that.
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All these are richies staying in private estate, they got lotsa money to compensate and maybe hardly make any dent to their fortunes


edited spelling

The $ is not the point. Nobody likes to get into legal trouble.

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Why don't you check with the car owner infront or the car owner at the back to see whether they got Car Cam and managed to capture the guy in action?


after reading 8 pages worth of advice, i was also wondering, why the TS didn't do that.

the alternative to not troubling others? add one more camera in the car lah, one that can run off a portable battery and is pointed at the mirrors.

even a $40 cam can do that kinda capture.

i am sure the culprit is gonna do it again. it won't be the last, given that the parents are not involved and denying it as well.

The whole point is to de-escalate the matter and resolve it. 


Yes, the neighbour is a complete idiot and that stretch of road is a public road, it doesn't belong to him, anybody can park. 


What is the point of going to the police and have video recording? He continues to wack the mirror. Why not have a good talk with him and understand why he has to do that and explain TS's presence in the area. 


It better to continue to have a neighbour then an enemy and constantly having the fear of walking back to car to see a twisted side mirror. 


if everyone in this world is like you, there would be world peace.

the worry is, when you try to de-escalate the matter, they may think you are a pussy that may be worth their effort to fug around sommore with your ride.


gather more evidence. then go to the fella before going to the authorities again.

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after reading 8 pages worth of advice, i was also wondering, why the TS didn't do that.

the alternative to not troubling others? add one more camera in the car lah, one that can run off a portable battery and is pointed at the mirrors.

even a $40 cam can do that kinda capture.

i am sure the culprit is gonna do it again. it won't be the last, given that the parents are not involved and denying it as well.


if everyone in this world is like you, there would be world peace.

the worry is, when you try to de-escalate the matter, they may think you are a pussy that may be worth their effort to fug around sommore with your ride.


gather more evidence. then go to the fella before going to the authorities again.

Totally agree, install some more cameras, caught red handed then grandfather or father come also cannot deny.

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TS also teekee, insist to park there again 2nd time, too timid to confront the mirror breaker but can only go home be keyboard warrior call people "uncivil", hahaha...  [grin] 

Might as well dismantle both your mirrors and park there again the 3rd time. hahaha


ppl is free to park anyway on public road as long as not causing obstruction to other , he is only try to highlight the incident to us , 


if that happen to our car , think everyone is angry also .

so why want to go vandal other car if he is not obstructing you.


unless there are other bad blood btw them . that I don't know .      

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TS also teekee, insist to park there again 2nd time, too timid to confront the mirror breaker but can only go home be keyboard warrior call people "uncivil", hahaha...  [grin] 

Might as well dismantle both your mirrors and park there again the 3rd time. hahaha

IMO, if TS moves away, it might make the vandal even more daring. Cuz that is what he wanted. That is why I feel TS should just install CCTV at his brother's house pointing at that spot. This way, can get concrete evidence against this vandal rather than giving in to him and letting him feel that he can continue doing that to cars that park at his "private" spot.

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IMO, if TS moves away, it might make the vandal even more daring. Cuz that is what he wanted. That is why I feel TS should just install CCTV at his brother's house pointing at that spot. This way, can get concrete evidence against this vandal rather than giving in to him and letting him feel that he can continue doing that to cars that park at his "private" spot.

Ts in first posts used the words broke the mirror.. in the video.. it was not mentioned that was the case..


And wld like to reiterate.. there is some prior bad blood that ts is not revealing/hiding


Cant find myself believing what he is saying is true.

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Ts in first posts used the words broke the mirror.. in the video.. it was not mentioned that was the case..


And wld like to reiterate.. there is some prior bad blood that ts is not revealing/hiding


Cant find myself believing what he is saying is true.


Ya la. But based on what he say, if it is true then that would be the best option lo.

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Reading this thread, i suddenly thought that i need camera that can scan 4 way..., including the sides.

Anyone got good recommendation?

I now use x500 think ware front and back...


And hor, some bros here say correctly.. why this CB Kia ignore other people car huh?

Not that i condone his behavior..

Both are a little cowardly IMO..

Angry, dun dare to confront, break people mirror

Mirror kena break, also dun dare confront..

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i teach you, go step step on his exhaust and break his exhaust mount rubber, after that, go put some super glue on his door handle

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i teach you, go step step on his exhaust and break his exhaust mount rubber, after that, go put some super glue on his door handle

Wah... superglue on door handle is really evil sia.

Edited by Jellandross
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i teach you, go step step on his exhaust and break his exhaust mount rubber, after that, go put some super glue on his door handle


Superglue will dry before he even touches it. The better way is to put those razor blade behind the door handle. The kind used with those DE razors.

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Superglue will dry before he even touches it. The better way is to put those razor blade behind the door handle. The kind used with those DE razors.

superglue so door handle cannot lift up la, otherwise is pcc on his door handle

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superglue so door handle cannot lift up la, otherwise is pcc on his door handle

ok first method on left door and 2nd method on right door [laugh]
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An uncivil Honda driver broke my car side mirrors because I parked my car in his parking area in a private housing area.http://youtu.be/3mPjeSJMqL4





Curious to find out any further action by the police beside informing the father of the culprit. 

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Stupid guy


Want to break also need see car got car cam anot haha


What an idiot.


If got car cam wear mask then break lah.


How stupid can this guy be?



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