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Idiocies of a Rich Man


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Not sure if any of you guys have seen this, but I find it damn stupid, plus this guy is actually my neighbour... sigh...

Now I know I really live in an estate filled with idiotic people, probably me included.



Go ahead to SHARE and STOMP

Case: Intentional Harassment
Case Report #: J/20151107/0097
Date: 7 November 2015
Time: 9:10AM
Place: Cold Storage Sime Darby Centre
Car : Citroen SKV 2898 S

This male aggressor barged in at the Delicatessen counter and demanded a Pioneer Generation staff "Huey Li" to throw away a sweet wrapper for him, whilst she was attending to me. As she was handling ham, she redirected another colleague Vicnicswari who is nearer to the kitchen bin to attend to him. It pissed him off that he again interrupted the staff attending to me yelling "WHAT KIND OF CUSTOMER SERVICE IS THIS?! I ONLY ASKED YOU TO THROW AWAY A SWEET WRAPPER!". Due to his middle-finger pointing aggressiveness at the elderly staff, I told him to calm down, it's already thrown and there are plenty of bins at the main entrance only 4metres ahead of him. He turned his aggression towards me yelling "Mind your own business" whilst pointing his middle finger at my face aggressively and said "f**k You!". I warned him I will call the police on such verbal abuse. He challenged me "f**k You! Go ahead! Nobody heard! Who see it?!". I pointed to the CCTV whilst the duty manager got hold of the store manager Don. While we waited for the police to arrive, Don confronted him not to be verbally abusive to his staff and customer in his store, that he should behave like a gentleman. Which he twisted it to a complain on the store's customer service level. We followed him around the store which he eventually escaped 20minutes before the police arrived from Bukit Panjang. His "wife" visibly scanned my empty trolley and confronted the store manager that she is a bigger shopper and has perishable food (which there were none other than tissues, toilet rolls and canned food), she can't wait for the police and drive off. He laughed exiting "get the police to call me Lah!"

The police left instructions to the store manager that should this man come to Cold Storage Sime Darby Centre again, to call 999 with the case number.

It is wrong for such aggressor to pick victims at women and counter staffs, challenging the law that the police cannot catch him.

If you feel such bullying is unacceptable, please share to public.

Surely you won't condone such abuse hauled at your mother, grandmother, sisters or daughters serving over a counter, or shopping anywhere, irregardless of how much he spent, what car he drives and where he lives.

Everyone of us placed a vote in this first world country. None of us deserves to be treated this way.

I believe I have seen this face before in the music scene 20 years ago, perhaps frequenting "Anywhere", Tania or even Great Eastern Life Horace's agency, if my memory is correct. He could be an unsuccessful ex-band boy. He was a complete sober jerk at scene.

He has also taken videos of me without consent.


Sauce: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153694088972866&set=pcb.10153694089247866&type=3&theater

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Trying to indirectly say u live in the same neighborhood so u also rich man rite?


Talk big.. Hao lian :p


Not sure if any of you guys have seen this, but I find it damn stupid, plus this guy is actually my neighbour... sigh...

Now I know I really live in an estate filled with idiotic people, probably me included.



Sauce: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153694088972866&set=pcb.10153694089247866&type=3&theater

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Seriously? A sweet wrapper? The sweet/candy is laced with brain damaging toxins? :D


But seriously, it's up to the ppl being abused to do something. W/o a video it's tough to garner support. And looking at the person being abused the fb ask ppl to share and stomp.....no wonder the bully got away with it. Ppl are angry they are being verbally abused but they dun wan to do something about it and expect social media to do it for them. Can put in some effort to stand up to the bully?

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You know him personally ?

New car skv ?


we've crossed paths a few times. that is his newest toy but he has a few more....

TS is trying to tell us he is rich man also lah :ninja:


you like that say you win liao loh... I don't drive GTR leh...  :TT_TT:

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