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Donald Trump US President: The next 4 years


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Yea, the first time I have heard people spending money, and cheating to loose


She must not like to be president very much


While Donald without donations, is suspected to rig the election.


He must be Jib's Ultimate Idol


You are right.


I can confirm that Ah Jib is Donald's favourite PM.


I wouldn't believe this except that Ah Jib told me


himself. That's like from the horse's mouth and we


all know what an honest man he is.  [thumbsup]



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If he got this bunch of sexy xmm.... dont think he can last 1 year, let alone 1 term.... looks like he can only have short term plan....

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US&A country is a bunch of cheats.


Its all about voter fraud and phantom votes.


Its all about money politics and dirty campaign


by that Hillary women. 



actually talking about cheats, wc country isn't. recalled some nation up there can black out suddenly during vote count, n politics usually dirty whr i recalled some comment about fixing oppo..


we peasants just hope the leaders don't screw the peasants up..

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actually talking about cheats, wc country isn't. recalled some nation up there can black out suddenly during vote count, n politics usually dirty whr i recalled some comment about fixing oppo..


we peasants just hope the leaders don't screw the peasants up..


Msia don't have cos my fren Jibby is an honest man.  [thumbsup]



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Msia don't have cos my fren Jibby is an honest man.  [thumbsup]



i didn't know he has so many endearing alias lol..


jib, jib kor, jibby.. maybe if he really steps down is jib-bye???

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Trump criticised the NYT and to get him back they put up this story about


flip flops. American is crying out for a President that can bring both sides 


of the country together. One that is not divisive, one that is not vindictive.


So he won't open investigations into Hillary. Big deal. So he will listen to 


climate change people and stop global warming. Big deal. So he says


he likes Obama. Big deal. This has always been his position but to get


the angry votes he has to say Hillary is a crook, Obama is a bad man,


there is no global warming. It was just to fool the suckers. He would not


have won with out the white trash vote and he knew it so he pandered


to the idiots.  [thumbsup]



Blue-collar dems : Shaky Jobs Message Doomed Clinton


David Betras could see trouble coming.


The Democratic Party chairman in Youngstown, Ohio, wrote to Hillary Clinton's advisers in May warning she needed to put a jobs-focused message at the heart of her White House campaign or else watch blue-collar voters in states like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania slip away to Republican Donald Trump.


Clinton never responded to Betras, and in the final weeks of her campaign she spent much of her time portraying Trump as unfit, rather than highlighting her economic plans. On Nov. 8, Election Day, Betras' warning proved prescient—she lost Ohio and Pennsylvania and, on Wednesday, Michigan, too, based on the latest unofficial ballot counts.


The surprising upset by Trump, a wealthy businessman who made his promises to renegotiate trade deals and restore jobs a centrepiece of his agenda, was fuelled in part by support from white working-class voters in those vital Rust Belt states and elsewhere.


After the disastrous election losses at the state and national level, Betras and other Rust Belt Democrats who have found success in blue-collar districts have some advice for their anxious party: the key to recapturing those voters is not a broad change in policy, but a new commitment to listen and act on their economic concerns, and to show Democrats care.


Read on.....

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Democrats represent the richer coastal states.

If they don't change their policies and pay more attention to the poorer industrialised states, such as the Rust Belt; they will continue losing.

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H A H A...now itis the Clinton turn to claim the election is "RIGGED" !!!


Clinton camp splits from White House on Jill Stein recount push




Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign said on Saturday it would help with efforts to secure recounts in several states, even as the White House defended the declared results as “the will of the American people”.
Bernie Sanders meets Spike Lee: ‘Where do we go? Where is the hope?’
Read more

The campaign’s general counsel, Marc Elias, said in an online post that while it had found no evidence of sabotage, the campaign felt “an obligation to the more than 64 million Americans who cast ballots for Hillary Clin

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Now the US media is going overdrive to De-throne the yet to be inaugurated President Elect


Recount the ballot using $ to justify the argument...


This can only happen in an African country or the most power country in the world...



Jill Stein’s call for a recount of the US election result is a public service – but is it possible?



ill Stein didn’t stand even a remote shot at winning the White House, but her efforts to secure recounts in swing states that went to Donald Trump will likely be her greatest political moment – even if those efforts end up failing.

Stein has launched a campaign to raise more than $2m to fund voter recounts in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania; as of today, more than $4.5m has been raised, which is more than the $3,509,477 contributors gave to Stein’s 2016 campaign; the goal has now been raised to $7.


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Be WARNED - people are getting sick of hearing Trump talking about "China"...

...because he "love China". [:p]



You may start counting from 0.05min...



Trump promised to impose 45% tax on all Chinese imports to America...that does not include his campaign materials, banners and flags. -


Yet, his Chinese supplier trusted him by taking his order without deposit !

A true story about a small-time Chinese business owner with great business acumen and his prediction that Trump will win.


The Chinese city that makes the world's flags knew Trump would win


The Chinese city that makes the world's flags knew Trump would win



中国小老板掌握大秘密 ---> 称川普必胜!

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Mean while in the U S of A...



Trump attacks Clinton over Wisconsin vote recount



US President-elect Donald Trump has attacked Hillary Clinton over her campaign's support for a recount of votes in the state of Wisconsin. Mr Trump reminded his Democratic rival that she had already conceded, and published remarks from the presidential debates in which she had urged an acceptance of the poll results. Mrs Clinton was then reacting to Mr Trump's refusal to respect the outcome.


The recount in Wisconsin was initiated by Green Party candidate Jill Stein..




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The new love of both US and China



Najib, Trump agree to strengthen US-Malaysia ties in phone call




POSTED: 28 November 2016 at 8:17 AMNajib, Trump agree to strengthen US-Malaysia ties in phone call

POSTED: 28 November 2016 at 8:17 AM

UPDATED: 28 November 2016 at 8:20 AM


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said he and US President-elect Donald Trump has agreed to strengthen ties between the two countries.


The Malaysian leader wrote on Facebook on Sunday (Nov 27) that they engaged in a “very warm and productive” telephone conversation earlier that day.


"Among other matters, we talked about economic growth in the US and Malaysia.


"I congratulated him on his election victory, and we agreed to further strengthen US-Malaysia ties," Najib said, adding that it was "great to reconnect with Trump following his outstanding win".



Republican Trump, 70, defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in the presidential race earlier this month to become the 45th president of the US.





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©2016 Mediacorp Pte Ltd

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I been saying all along


Hillary want to cheat Donald


of the presidency. Hillary is a


dirty cheat. She will never be


my president.





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I been saying all along


Hillary want to cheat Donald


of the presidency. Hillary is a


dirty cheat. She will never be


my president.




Donald is also never your president what. He is your fiend right?  [laugh]

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Donald is also never your president what. He is your fiend right?  [laugh]


You are absolutely right.


He is my fiend my very good fiend.  [thumbsup]



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