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Donald Trump US President: The next 4 years


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Please la. This kind of reasoning will not even fly with children.


Even 5 year old kids know that middle kingdom means China.

Oh... his Middle Kingdom mean 中原
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Trump is the "disruption" to world order

he tweet to suggest UK to put Nigel Farage as the UK ambassador in US ... LOL

a yankee telling a brit what to do ... [sly]


Nothing new about the Yanks telling their little anglox-saxon brothers across the Atlantic pond what to do.

They do the same to their "allies" in S Korea, Japan, Australia...


In fact, that is exactly what Obama did early this year before the Brexit referendum during his visit to UK when he tried to influence the voters by threatening with that famous "back of the queue" statement if the Brits decided to leave the EU.


Later, Obama found himself having to shallow those words.



US President Barack Obama has warned British voters that the UK would find itself "at the back of the queue" for a trade deal with the US if they vote against staying in the European Union in the June 23 referendum.


British proponents of a so-called Brexit said they were outraged that an American president appeared to be trying to influence the outcome of such a crucial vote.   




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If I was the PM of UK I would put Nigel Farage as the UK ambassador in US.


You always want your ambassador to have the ear of the leader of that 


country. Not much good if no one in power wants to speak to your ambassador right?





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My fiend is not an idiot, he will say anything to get into power cos that's


democracy but when he is in power he will always do the right things.


All the people who voted for him - you suckers, he was just bluffing.


Thump will be a great president and is very sensible, just look at his answers.


He likes Obama a lot


He will not prosecute Hillary


He believe in climate change and wants to stop it.


He like the New York Times.


Open minded, fair, flexible.


He is a good man.




I read the original Yahoo news with that same title



Some of those "flip flops" reflected a clear realist stance which we do not see in during the election campaigns.

That includes building that Mexican wall, banning Muslims from entry, climate change and yes, about the threat of prosecuting Hillary.


Trump knows what are the priorities.


Looking this, I am getting more confident of his level-hardheadedness, as his presidency  approaches.

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I read the original Yahoo news with that same title



Some of those "flip flops" reflected a clear realist stance which we do not see in during the election campaigns.

That includes building that Mexican wall, banning Muslims from entry, climate change and yes, about the threat of prosecuting Hillary.


Trump knows what are the priorities.


Looking this, I am getting more confident of his level-hardheadedness, as his presidency  approaches.


The New Yankee Times call it flip flops like a pair of slippers to make Donny look bad.


Its actually open minded, flexibility, adaptability, nimbleness.


All the stupid things he said he will do.


None of it will be done.


Watch the stock market soar till July next year.



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ahjib kor can only claim No 2 in world flipping prata championship because there is always Trump




Trump flip-flops 6 times in 1-hour NYT interview
Edited by Wt_know
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I read the original Yahoo news with that same title



Some of those "flip flops" reflected a clear realist stance which we do not see in during the election campaigns.

That includes building that Mexican wall, banning Muslims from entry, climate change and yes, about the threat of prosecuting Hillary.


Trump knows what are the priorities.


Looking this, I am getting more confident of his level-hardheadedness, as his presidency approaches.

Actually more due to Miss quote. His original rally speech never mention banning all Muslim. Only those from terrorist infested country.


The Mexican wall definitely is anyhow Pom.

Edited by Joseph22
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Trump criticised the NYT and to get him back they put up this story about


flip flops. American is crying out for a President that can bring both sides 


of the country together. One that is not divisive, one that is not vindictive.


So he won't open investigations into Hillary. Big deal. So he will listen to 


climate change people and stop global warming. Big deal. So he says


he likes Obama. Big deal. This has always been his position but to get


the angry votes he has to say Hillary is a crook, Obama is a bad man,


there is no global warming. It was just to fool the suckers. He would not


have won with out the white trash vote and he knew it so he pandered


to the idiots.  [thumbsup]



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NYT is silly la ... even a 5 years old kid know that you can talk big during campaign

can talk until pig can fly and move mountain not just building walls

Obama got 8 years and what did he deliver?

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Why didn't the NYT put a more positive light on this?


That Donny is willing to listen, he is willing to compromise,


that he is a president for all Americans. For blacks, white, Hispanics,


Asians, that he believes in climate change and will do anything to stop


it. That none of the bad and irresponsible things will be done.


You all know why? He will build the wall sells newspaper.


All Hispanics are criminals sell new papers. Hillary did a great


job does not sell newspaper. I like Obama does not sell newspaper.


I will not investigate Hillary does not sell newspaper.


I believe in climate change does not sell newspaper.



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Actually more due to Miss quote. His original rally speech never mention banning all Muslim. Only those from terrorist infested country.


The Mexican wall definitely is anyhow Pom.

Ya lor, media always like to exaggerate things to make news more juicy. Should teach them a lesson man, if not they keep report article which is not 100% accurate.

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Jill Stein raises money to request recounts in key swing states where Trump won



Green Party nominee Jill Stein is asking her supporters for more than $2 million by next week to request a recount in WisconsinMichiganand Pennsylvania, three battleground states where "voting anomalies" have been alleged and Donald Trump won.


The campaign did not point out any specific evidence of fraud or irregularity, but cited reported hacks into voter and party databases that it says are "causing many Americans to wonder if our election results are reliable." Prominent cybersecurity experts have recently said that although the chances of the election results being tampered with are slim, a recount would be the best way to ensure that results are valid.



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Jill Stein raises money to request recounts in key swing states where Trump won



Green Party nominee Jill Stein is asking her supporters for more than $2 million by next week to request a recount in WisconsinMichiganand Pennsylvania, three battleground states where "voting anomalies" have been alleged and Donald Trump won.


The campaign did not point out any specific evidence of fraud or irregularity, but cited reported hacks into voter and party databases that it says are "causing many Americans to wonder if our election results are reliable." Prominent cybersecurity experts have recently said that although the chances of the election results being tampered with are slim, a recount would be the best way to ensure that results are valid.





And they dare criticise my fren for rigging the election with light going out and all that.


That US&A country should put its own house in order.



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US&A country is a bunch of cheats.


Its all about voter fraud and phantom votes.


Its all about money politics and dirty campaign


by that Hillary women. 



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US&A country is a bunch of cheats.


Its all about voter fraud and phantom votes.


Its all about money politics and dirty campaign


by that Hillary women. 




Yea, the first time I have heard people spending money, and cheating to loose


She must not like to be president very much


While Donald without donations, is suspected to rig the election.


He must be Jib's Ultimate Idol

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