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Sabah quake tragedy


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i thk u shld b comparing 12yr olds to 12yr olds, regardless of generation. In the 60-70s, do u thk ure parents wld have agreed to letting u go climb Mt KK at 12yrs? Its different frm going downstairs to n playing catching...

my family objected me fr gg to mt ophir during my upp sec days.

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different generation also see different parenting method, how we come out in the 60s,70s also has to do with how the parenting then. They practically let you out the whole day as long as you come home for dinner.


Today the overly protection call for opportunity of such activities, do you think the parents nowadays allow kids to go lokang with flowing water to catch fish, or climb trees?

actually not allowing children to go longkang or climb trees is wise i'd say. imagine if suddenly hide tide or falling from tree, surely the parent wil b guilt-stricken. go longkang / climb tree? conduct risk assessment, provide safety measure / briefing / training? true but if it's daily play stuff, unsure if anyone will go to such extent.


i recalled my childhood where i went to one of those monsoon drain to catch fish; mistook a footing covered by water n whole body submerged into it for a moment - i didnt even know how to swim then. when frens helped me up, they all laughed at my drenched body. i still remembered the stench of lonkang water until now; somewat similar to palau tekong lonkang during my nsf fieldcamp.


another incident that could've happened was i was literally balancing myself on a parapet wall along a corridor - if i'd fell, no chance i'd b an mcfer n posting.


there is actually a fine line between safety / kiasi and exposure; it's like taking "calculated" / "estimated" risk. for the Sabah issue, i can only say it is an "act of God".


nowadays, after hearing about serious contagious diseases, traffic accidents in neighborhood roads, potential increase in crime rates n other freak accidents, i'd rather b kiasi n b wif my kids as often as possible, even if they r just downstairs playin w their peers. i rather "expose" them by educating them such issues instead of having them at actual location since i'm unable to provide most of the safety measures other than close supervision.

Edited by Fuelsaver
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Haiz... just got to know one of my close colleague's daughter is one of the deceased. :TT_TT:


I'm sorry to hear that. Please convey my deepest condolences to your colleague. [smallcry]

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teachers used their bodies to shield the students


and some MF can still comment that the teachers only want to go to enjoy free holidays [thumbsdown]



As far as I know, teachers normally have to pay for their own full fare. So teachers are there solely for the love of their charges.

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As I've noticed 99% of those supporting young children climbing Mt KK via the Ferrata route are the ones who have not tried climbing the mountain themselves. And then they will compare climbing Mt KK via Ferrata with climbing trees, rollerblading at East Coast Park and jumped to conclusion if you do not ask kids to scale mountains is equivalent to not allowing children to roller-blade or climb trees. It just shows how ignorant these people are. That is the problem with parents - they don't conduct enough of due diligence or take an interest in their children's activities.


And its shocking how the mass media is in damage control. It is reported in foreign media that those who died are those who took the more dangerous Ferrata route. Those that took the usual Mt KK route like the secondary school older students and all the rest are all safe and sound. There have always been casualties at Mt KK - be it injury or death - even without earthquakes - just not widely reported here. And for the 7 climbs that the school has "successfully" organised, how many have been aborted? Obviously last year was aborted right because a parent said so on FB? I just hope facts are presented objectively and not half-truths. And if secondary schools make their risk assessment to take the normal route, why does the primary kids have to pay extra for the "thrill" via walk the torq?


I don't think MOE should be blamed. It's the society of one-upmanship. I am sure if the small children successfully climbed Mt KK via a more dangerous route, they can always laugh at the secondary school students who obviously chose the usual route. And risk assessment is not just probability. Its both probability AND impact. So even if you think that scaling Mt KK is a walk in a park for a kid, the impact of anything happening will be fairly serious (i.e. death which has happened before even without earthquake) esp those who took the dangerous route.


And in the few times I have done KK, never have I a seen a child. Most are adults making their own decision to challenge their fear. If anything happens, they are responsible for their actions. And looking at the list of climbers released from Malaysia, it appears the 12 year olds are Singaporeans? Do you see whole bunch of Malaysian 12 year olds? NO. This kind of things can wait. FEAR OF LOSING OUT (FOMO) is a serious problem here in Singapore. Parents and kids scared if their friends go and they don't, then they lose out on character building and lost leadership skills etc.


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i know of 2 parents whose kids are involved ; One girl died and the other ones son is in serious condition in Glenagles hospital; I could not stop shed tears once I heard of the tragedy and I started remembering my boys when they were 12 - so innocent and curious and full of excitement/ gusto and mischief in anything that they want to do and how will their parents come to terms; My sympathies to all involved

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And in the few times I have done KK, never have I a seen a child. Most are adults making their own decision to challenge their fear. If anything happens, they are responsible for their actions. And looking at the list of climbers released from Malaysia, it appears the 12 year olds are Singaporeans? Do you see whole bunch of Malaysian 12 year olds? NO. This kind of things can wait. FEAR OF LOSING OUT (FOMO) is a serious problem here in Singapore. Parents and kids scared if their friends go and they don't, then they lose out on character building and lost leadership skills etc.




how you know this is the agenda??

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i dun, that why i ask?


anyway, watever the motivation for the trip, end of day if those kids parents dont agree, they didnt have to send their kids there, so as i said before their parents signed the indemnity forms so they are responsible IMO. IMO cant blame school, MOE etc

Edited by Duckduck
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As I've noticed 99% of those supporting young children climbing Mt KK via the Ferrata route are the ones who have not tried climbing the mountain themselves. And then they will compare climbing Mt KK via Ferrata with climbing trees, rollerblading at East Coast Park and jumped to conclusion if you do not ask kids to scale mountains is equivalent to not allowing children to roller-blade or climb trees. It just shows how ignorant these people are. That is the problem with parents - they don't conduct enough of due diligence or take an interest in their children's activities.


And its shocking how the mass media is in damage control. It is reported in foreign media that those who died are those who took the more dangerous Ferrata route. Those that took the usual Mt KK route like the secondary school older students and all the rest are all safe and sound. There have always been casualties at Mt KK - be it injury or death - even without earthquakes - just not widely reported here. And for the 7 climbs that the school has "successfully" organised, how many have been aborted? Obviously last year was aborted right because a parent said so on FB? I just hope facts are presented objectively and not half-truths. And if secondary schools make their risk assessment to take the normal route, why does the primary kids have to pay extra for the "thrill" via walk the torq?


I don't think MOE should be blamed. It's the society of one-upmanship. I am sure if the small children successfully climbed Mt KK via a more dangerous route, they can always laugh at the secondary school students who obviously chose the usual route. And risk assessment is not just probability. Its both probability AND impact. So even if you think that scaling Mt KK is a walk in a park for a kid, the impact of anything happening will be fairly serious (i.e. death which has happened before even without earthquake) esp those who took the dangerous route.


And in the few times I have done KK, never have I a seen a child. Most are adults making their own decision to challenge their fear. If anything happens, they are responsible for their actions. And looking at the list of climbers released from Malaysia, it appears the 12 year olds are Singaporeans? Do you see whole bunch of Malaysian 12 year olds? NO. This kind of things can wait. FEAR OF LOSING OUT (FOMO) is a serious problem here in Singapore. Parents and kids scared if their friends go and they don't, then they lose out on character building and lost leadership skills etc.


Eh stop playing the role of a discipline master lah. People already lost their children whom they had raised for 12 yrs. so wat if u are right? Dun keep biting on it.

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Sapinggi, who leaves behind a wife and six-month-old son, was himself an avid traveller like many of those he guided up the sacred mountain.


6 month old son :TT_TT:



teachers used their bodies to shield the students


and some MF can still comment that the teachers only want to go to enjoy free holidays [thumbsdown]


one of the SG teacher has a baby 2 month old! And i can assure you bringing students overseas is no holiday! Must take care of them, assure their safety, food makan and drinks! Last i brought students was to Batam.....slept at 12AM (some teachers at 2AM) after checking the students are settled.....wake up at 6 before the students starts waking up......very tiring 3 days!
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it was a very unfortunate incident with resulting in kids with bright future having their lifes sadly cut short...


nobody wants this... now is the time for our condolences... today is declared day of national rememberance... inquest can start after everything settle... please...

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one of the SG teacher has a baby 2 month old! And i can assure you bringing students overseas is no holiday! Must take care of them, assure their safety, food makan and drinks! Last i brought students was to Batam.....slept at 12AM (some teachers at 2AM) after checking the students are settled.....wake up at 6 before the students starts waking up......very tiring 3 days!


Agreed ....... :a-good:


Not a joke bring children below 12 oversea.


I had gone through that myself, piew .. [sweatdrop]

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it was a very unfortunate incident with resulting in kids with bright future having their lifes sadly cut short...


nobody wants this... now is the time for our condolences... today is declared day of national rememberance... inquest can start after everything settle... please...


ma hou pao people just can't keep their mouths shut one lah.

Don't bother.

If the news of the last 2 are found, then just lock the thread.

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