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Liverpool 2015/16 Part 1&2: A new hope with Klopp


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And you called yourself a Liverpool fan? Better don't tell others you are because your knowledge of our club sucks.

WA. Talk big. I ask big question can.? How many times you been to Anfield?!
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WA. Talk big. I ask big question can.? How many times you been to Anfield?!


I don't have much knowledge .... I only know I support Pool wholeheartedly :)


And I have been to Anfield 2 times in my life so far .... hopefully I will be able to go there again in the near future :)


oh ya, as Pool fans, we shall stand together as one... cos You Will Never Walk Alone :))

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Rafa signed some great players and some for rotation. Thats why we have some average or below par players.


His hand was really tied during his reign thats why most of the supporters appreciate his contribution. He made some mistake but done a lot of gd to liverpool fc. We are constantly involved in UCL, look at our past few mgrs after rafa.

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I thought going to Anfield is a measure of pocket depth...

We all Reds fans here. We wear red underwear n sing YNWA.. So let's enjoy. No need to suan la. Not talking about you bro. Hee Hee.
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WA. Talk big. I ask big question can.? How many times you been to Anfield?!

you call that talking big? [laugh] I dare not. But really though I accepted that not everyone like Rafa and I can accept a difference of opinion. but facts are facts, it must be differentiate between opinion and facts.



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you call that talking big? [laugh] I dare not. But really though I accepted that not everyone like Rafa and I can accept a difference of opinion. but facts are facts, it must be differentiate between opinion and facts.



Still no need to Suan la another Red bro la. I also don't like to Suan managers. But I like to Suan the previous owners and SingTel! Esp SingTel! Damn making SG the most expensive place to watch Liverpool play.
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And you called yourself a Liverpool fan? Better don't tell others you are because your knowledge of our club sucks.


Just because i insulted Rafa and have my own opinions means my knowledge sucks?? Challenge my facts. before u insult a fellow kopite..I find it insulting that you never challenge my facts but insulted me, its rather offensive, at least the others challenged it and i take it with pride that we all learn things everyday even history. But your replies.. i wonder if u even support them..


I breathe LFC inside out.. and i stuck by BR till the last season b4 he got sacked..

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Just because i insulted Rafa and have my own opinions means my knowledge sucks?? Challenge my facts. before u insult a fellow kopite..I find it insulting that you never challenge my facts but insulted me, its rather offensive, at least the others challenged it and i take it with pride that we all learn things everyday even history. But your replies.. i wonder if u even support them..


I breathe LFC inside out.. and i stuck by BR till the last season b4 he got sacked..

Bro, I like the part of supporting BR till last season. Me also. After that.. Another story
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Rafa signed some great players and some for rotation. Thats why we have some average or below par players.


His hand was really tied during his reign thats why most of the supporters appreciate his contribution. He made some mistake but done a lot of gd to liverpool fc. We are constantly involved in UCL, look at our past few mgrs after rafa.


As what i mentioned he did alot of good for Reds, i did mentioned in my earlier part.. but also he was hand in hand with the previous owners to cause the downfall, if your owner dun support u, u dig deep n work it. that's what the best managers are, not whine about not getting money or players dat u want, that was the last straw with BR when he said that about not getting the tools to succeed.. when i started giving up on him..


Look at Klopp did he spend big? How he transform Dortmund to what it is today, did he whine when Gotze or Kagawa 2 of his best playmakers were sold, no he dug deep, find the best talents and try to fight on.. That's what i call a true great manager..


I'm not here to suan others and i dun have the intentions to.. if you don't like my opinions, challenge it, not insult it..

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WA. Talk big. I ask big question can.? How many times you been to Anfield?!


 I have not been to Anfield but I have Anfield in my pocket ..... :we-all-gonna-die:


In fact 2 pictures of Anfield in my wallet ... :secret-laugh:



[laugh]    [laugh]

Edited by Picnic06-Biante15
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Bro, I like the part of supporting BR till last season. Me also. After that.. Another story


Thanks bro, i also supported him even thou results didn't go our way.. but when u go to the media to talk about owners not supporting you, whining about not getting this and that, i'm sorry that's it.. i don't see the past reds manager (other den rafa) whining to the media about not getting support from the owners.. etc etc.. It's just weak.. Move on..


I'm done here..

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Haha i just can't believe how rafa is still so worshipped by some of the LFC fans worldwide.. Yes he brought us the 5th UCL as an underdog, an achievement and a feat not seen b4 in the history of the UCL, he brought us the FA cup, he brought us the love for Torres, Alonso, Reina, Mashcerano, etc..


But don't forget how he dangled Alonso in the market for a GARETH BARRY! how he under utilized Robbie keane for 6mths and sold him back to spurs, how he failed to resign Owen cus he feels he can't give him regular playing time due to Torres form, but it was the same season Torres had major injuries and our only backup was Ngog....


How he keeps demanding for more players when he signed so many crap players like Nunez, Paletta, gonzales, ngog, kronkramp, and the list goes on..

Also not forgetting his public spat with the owners... Yea GH were bad and money grabbing..but it was just a sad case after all..

Barry for Alonso was due to some uefa rules on no of english / british players.. and Alonso had such a screamer of a season after realising Rafa was trying to sell him.. he's good though


Robbie Keane was not Rafa choice, if i remember correctly was to supplement the eng/brit core. he wasnt a bad signing, just at 20m, over priced. din do much back and spurs after they resign him


Owen? he can go f**k spider. Rafa is right for this, showing what Owen is all about.


we would be leeds if we sign the players we dream of signing. we were 1 day from administration under G&H, despite signing many squad players.


you may not like Rafa, but that does not mean he is not a good manager.

Valencia? he won the lge there.

Pool? the most successful premier lge period for us.

Inter and Real? clearing special one shit.


what he is good is making the best of the resources avail to him.

i believe he won the europa lge at chelski as p/t manager, won the ucl with pool with taore, biscan, baros, pongolle in the squad. for liverpool, he just lack that killer instinct over the park the bus teams. 


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Barry for Alonso was due to some uefa rules on no of english / british players.. and Alonso had such a screamer of a season after realising Rafa was trying to sell him.. he's good though


Robbie Keane was not Rafa choice, if i remember correctly was to supplement the eng/brit core. he wasnt a bad signing, just at 20m, over priced. din do much back and spurs after they resign him


Owen? he can go f**k spider. Rafa is right for this, showing what Owen is all about.


we would be leeds if we sign the players we dream of signing. we were 1 day from administration under G&H, despite signing many squad players.


you may not like Rafa, but that does not mean he is not a good manager.

Valencia? he won the lge there.

Pool? the most successful premier lge period for us.

Inter and Real? clearing special one shit.


what he is good is making the best of the resources avail to him.

i believe he won the europa lge at chelski as p/t manager, won the ucl with pool with taore, biscan, baros, pongolle in the squad. for liverpool, he just lack that killer instinct over the park the bus teams. 


This is what i meant by challenging the facts.. Spot on bro.. Thanks for bothering to type unlike some people who just throw insults just because they deem worthy of..


Yes the alonso saga was one which i thought Benitez could have done better.. sorry Barry for Alonso.. not even when his off form would i have wanted Barry..


Even thou Keane wasn't Benitez choice, he's a workhorse, like Kuyt.. a fighter, somebody who will do the shit work from defence to attack.. but more often he was always thrown out of position on the left flank..


Owen, i'm still pissed he didn't wanna sign him on a free transfer..


I never said Benitez was a lousy manager nor do i condemn him as one, i didn't like him towards the end, and as what i said i really appreciated him for all the magical nights at anfield, to Istanbul to the cardiff stadium.. How he managed to put gerrard and torres as crazy strike pair.. but more often, he never had a plan B, which really sucks when u needed one and he had some oppurtunity to..


I thank him for all the nights he given us, but also pissed that he got us into this shit mess after he left. Yes we can all blame Hicks n Gillett, but u have to partially blame him for the squad mess he left..


Thanks bro, really appreciate this kinda reply..




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Barry for Alonso was due to some uefa rules on no of english / british players.. and Alonso had such a screamer of a season after realising Rafa was trying to sell him.. he's good though


Robbie Keane was not Rafa choice, if i remember correctly was to supplement the eng/brit core. he wasnt a bad signing, just at 20m, over priced. din do much back and spurs after they resign him


Owen? he can go f**k spider. Rafa is right for this, showing what Owen is all about.


we would be leeds if we sign the players we dream of signing. we were 1 day from administration under G&H, despite signing many squad players.


you may not like Rafa, but that does not mean he is not a good manager.

Valencia? he won the lge there.

Pool? the most successful premier lge period for us.

Inter and Real? clearing special one shit.


what he is good is making the best of the resources avail to him.

i believe he won the europa lge at chelski as p/t manager, won the ucl with pool with taore, biscan, baros, pongolle in the squad. for liverpool, he just lack that killer instinct over the park the bus teams. 

[nod]  [nod] Tomorrow praise you.

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