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2015 Forester 2.0


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Yes, i read the same from FB here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1069286409823991/search/?query=damper


Compare the price, Richard tat OEM one sure value for money..... this one high end brand, one Yahama damper = two OEM dampers.... [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]


Happen to see the front n rear selling price in Carousell: https://sg.carousell.com/p/subaru-sti-s204-performance-dampers-last-set-in-japan-170131837/?ref=search&ref_sort_by=time_created%2Cdescending&ref_query=yamaha%20dampers&ref_cc_id=1995&ref_session=eyJhZ2dyZWdhdGVfY291bnQiOjQwLCJzZXNzaW9uX2luaXRfYXQiOiIyMDE4LTEwLTEyVDA2OjU4OjM4LjYyNTc1NDEzMloiLCJzaWduYXR1cmVfaGFzaCI6IjRBakVHVHhWUjAvTTJ2VVYxL3VqMDVEaEhhaz0iLCJzbG90cyI6eyJkZWZhdWx0Ijp7Im9mZnNldF90aW1lIjoiMjAxOC0wNy0xMCAwNDoxMzo1Ny4xNDkwMDArMDA6MDAifSwiZmlyc3RfdGltZV9saXN0ZXIiOnt9fX0%3D&ref_referrer=%2Fsearch%2Fproducts%2F%3Fsort_by%3Dtime_created%252Cdescending%26query%3Dyamaha%2520dampers%26cc_id%3D1995%26session%3DeyJhZ2dyZWdhdGVfY291bnQiOjQwLCJzZXNzaW9uX2luaXRfYXQiOiIyMDE4LTEwLTEyVDA2OjU4OjM4LjYyNTc1NDEzMloiLCJzaWduYXR1cmVfaGFzaCI6IjRBakVHVHhWUjAvTTJ2VVYxL3VqMDVEaEhhaz0iLCJzbG90cyI6eyJkZWZhdWx0Ijp7Im9mZnNldF90aW1lIjoiMjAxOC0wNy0xMCAwNDoxMzo1Ny4xNDkwMDArMDA6MDAifSwiZmlyc3RfdGltZV9saXN0ZXIiOnt9fX0%253D&ref_reqId=un4YTj3HG3ChML0UtGRAclukZi9JZB7R


Cost more than S$1.8k :a-bang:

I saw that carousell, i think he charging too much. How can it be the front damper cost 400 bucks but rear damper will cost 1400? The Cox one Richard mentioned is only 1500.


One day when i free I go find the part number and search online just for fun lol. Japanparts don't have the rear damper. I'm guessing total should be between 1k to the 1.5k Cox dampers.


Agreed, the lobang Richard found good. Even if spoil can buy 3 times compare to the Cox hahaha

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Hi bro Shox,


Thanks ! I tried to google and could not find suitable photo but you did :)


Aside to Hoseybo,


Can check if there is any spot shown below photo ..that what was shared by 2 bros previously. Cheers.





Thanks Unker Richard.


Sent the car to my mechanic. Condenser Boh Tai Chee but compressor seems a bit loud. Topped up some gas and will go down to MI to get them to do a check...


BTW, compressor still under 3 year warranty right?

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Got our venetian red FNA last week. Complete pleasure to drive so far. Our big dog has comfortably claimed the boot for himself and doesn't get car sick like in previous sedan car. Wife and I are both light footed drivers and 10 kmpl at city/hwy 50/50 in the first 500 km. Only regret is purchased when list was still $97.8K in August, now drop 3K already.


SE was excellent and gave advice to help us save $2K (told us to take 8 bid non-guaranteed COE bec said he knows for sure that MI plans to deliver all they sell, when risk averse wife wanted to take 6 bid guaranteed). We didn't have a trade in so ended up paying $95.8K after the $2K off.


Took the minimum allowable loan of $30K for 1 year, but still got the full range of freebies with some prying - Hella DR 760 2 ch DVR, Morbella N53 GPS, sun-screen, front parking sensor, floor mats, rear cargo mat and rear step panel. No window visor but we didn't want it either.


Outstanding service from our SE, coordinating delivery on a Sunday when wife and I were both traveling for work on other days. And follow up messaged on wechat to contact him to help arrange first 2 free services.


Bro, job well done. You are more pro than me

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Neutral Newbie

Hi All, 


For the FNA, Looks like after the list price, there is

1. non-bid guarantee (-2k); 

2. Finance rebate (-2.5k)

3. Trade-in rebate (-3k)

4. Insurance rebate (-0.3k)


After which, I was offered additional 1K discount (but with no freebies / accessories  beyond standard). Wanted to check if any bros / sis managed to get your SE to throw in freebies even with this 1K discount. 


Should I take 1K discount or negotiate on the full range of freebies / accessories (like dashcam, alarm with speedlock, cargo step panel, etc. 



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Hi All, 


For the FNA, Looks like after the list price, there is

1. non-bid guarantee (-2k); 

2. Finance rebate (-2.5k)

3. Trade-in rebate (-3k)

4. Insurance rebate (-0.3k)


After which, I was offered additional 1K discount (but with no freebies / accessories  beyond standard). Wanted to check if any bros / sis managed to get your SE to throw in freebies even with this 1K discount. 


Should I take 1K discount or negotiate on the full range of freebies / accessories (like dashcam, alarm with speedlock, cargo step panel, etc. 



Booked our FNA in August and got it 2 weeks ago. Finance rebate and insurance rebate are built into list price from what I was made to understand (97.8k when we got, and 94.8 currently). The only rebates after that are for non-guarantee bid (-2K) and trade-in rebate (-3K). Our SE was quite upright and adivsed to go for non-guarantee bid because he know for sure MI will deliver what it sold (at least of FNA). We didn't have a trade in car, so ended up paying 95.8k which included 6 month road tax, but 2.4k insurance (no NCD) was over and above that.


If you total up the full range of freebies on Lazada its close to 1K. We were offered all, but as you may see from others on the forum, that is not the norm, depends on the SE (again he was quite straightforward about it and basically said I could check around if this is a good deal, but no further nego). If you take from MI, accessories come pre-installed. But if you want to keep the option of using any accessories at all, take the 1K additional discount. We were not offered the option of 1K discount in place of the freebies, but if we were, would have taken only the dash cam and step panel (which needs some installation), with the rest in rebate. External GPS is unnecessary with these days, and mats are much cheaper on taobao)


Keep the forum posted on how it goes. Cheers

Edited by con_sultan
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Thanks Unker Richard.


Sent the car to my mechanic. Condenser Boh Tai Chee but compressor seems a bit loud. Topped up some gas and will go down to MI to get them to do a check...


BTW, compressor still under 3 year warranty right?


Hi Hoseyboh,


Good to know boh tai chee ! :)


Yes, all parts are 3 years warranty except:


- Engine and gearbox are for 5 years

- Locally add on accessories at Loyang e.g. headunit, leather seat, dvr cam, bumper sensor, alarm etc. are for 1 year (isolated changes may be 2 yrs but max e.g. leather seat)





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Hi All, 


For the FNA, Looks like after the list price, there is

1. non-bid guarantee (-2k); 

2. Finance rebate (-2.5k)

3. Trade-in rebate (-3k)

4. Insurance rebate (-0.3k)


After which, I was offered additional 1K discount (but with no freebies / accessories  beyond standard). Wanted to check if any bros / sis managed to get your SE to throw in freebies even with this 1K discount. 


Should I take 1K discount or negotiate on the full range of freebies / accessories (like dashcam, alarm with speedlock, cargo step panel, etc. 




 Bro the cost estimation paper below got most of the the freebies listed. They abit hao xiao you with the accessory pricing on that piece of paper.


If I am not wrong, now MI gt lelong some of the accessories for the forester cos its out-going model. U check wad are the accessories you die die want de then compare against the 1k discount. i duno gt 1k accessories discount until i make the down payment so i onli squeeze the SE almost everything except sun visor SE told me cheap dont bother to squeeze him. its up to your SE honesty liao, some will advise you to take the expensive ones.


Most important be patient, keep your composure and can squeeze just squeeze. Its an out-going model accessories, MI wont wanna priced it high and keep stock de

Edited by alex976
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Hi Jaffa,


Great news for those bros eyeing at both fna and fxt albiet still 90k vs 125k or 35k more ... borneo motors may lose some potential harrier turbo though.


But also hard to say .. dunno how PIs still can sell non turbo harrier with underpowered and noisy engine, floating suspension, instructions in Japanese at 135k vs 145k for the turbo harrier with song song AD's warranty .. guess they just go for price and not car lovers ..or simply ignorant.






Hi Yeow,


Primacy 3 ST is fine .. grippy enough for raining days and wet roads ..tested on nshwy and guess 4 wheels drive helps.


Neverthelss, my primacy 3 st will be replaced by latitude sports as I wish for 55 profile to have more rubber for hoelpefully a more compliant ride for my fxt after harder pink spring and pending cusco touring A adjustable dampers.


Both good for bro Tohto ...






Read with interests about the comments about the Latitude Sports 3.


Currently on these tyres (240kpa front and 230kpa rear) with the following setup

- STI Pink Springs

- 20mm upgrade rear sway bar

- STI Rear Flexible subframe


Can't complain about the grip as these tyres are excellent in the dry or wet, aided by the AWD.

Road noise is quite apparent in the cabin even though tyres have clocked less than 10,000km.


For those who place comfort above driving experience should stick to the Primacy range.

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Read with interests about the comments about the Latitude Sports 3.


Currently on these tyres (240kpa front and 230kpa rear) with the following setup

- STI Pink Springs

- 20mm upgrade rear sway bar

- STI Rear Flexible subframe


Can't complain about the grip as these tyres are excellent in the dry or wet, aided by the AWD.

Road noise is quite apparent in the cabin even though tyres have clocked less than 10,000km.


For those who place comfort above driving experience should stick to the Primacy range.

Hi Xefer,


Thanks ! Long time no hear ..busy making $ ? Lol !


This is bad news for my plan ... btw, were you on primacy 3 ST to compare ?


Nog doubting your good feedback but just to gage since subjective to past experience and one's sensitivity albeit passing my sound/noise test should be a good gage ..keke ! If not, may still go ahead and also hope my SP works still with noiser tyres.





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Doubt MI can match that price if ur estimation is correct hahaha

I sent pictures to SKM, J one and MI. SKM replied with 200-280 + gst. J one not replied in 2 days. MI replied they will give estimate when I bring in for first service


SKM is simply too high. Wont do. But it could be due to my wrong description. Along with the pic, I wrote the scratches are down to the metal, but after watching a few youtube videos I realized its barely past the clearcoat


I already ordered H2Q paint code from some Polish vendor on ebay for $17 (with delivery) but not sure if I'll use it as FIL says don't do anything its only cosmetic (which is actually correct if it is only a clearcoat scratch, but he didn't explain his reasoning when he said don't do anything)

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Hi Sultan,


SKM's contact here and you can whatsapp him photos to get respray quote in an instance.


Do today and tmrw your ride will be good as showroom with this scratched look a far far corner of your memory unless you want to use it against your wife ...lol !





I sent pictures to SKM, J one (suggested by fellow bro Augustine) and MI. SKM replied with 200-280 + gst. J one not replied in 2 days. MI replied they will give estimate when I bring in for first service


SKM is simply too high. Wont do. But it could be due to my wrong description. Along with the pic, I wrote the scratches are down to the metal, but after watching a few youtube videos I realized its barely past the clearcoat - if the scratch disappears when wet, it is a clearcoat scratch


Now I understand why FIL said don't do anything its only cosmetic (which is actually correct if it is only a clearcoat scratch, but he didn't explain his reasoning when he said don't do anything). Anyway, wife says don't touch it bec dad says so. [laugh]

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Hi Xefer,


Thanks ! Long time no hear ..busy making $ ? Lol !


This is bad news for my plan ... btw, were you on primacy 3 ST to compare ?


Nog doubting your good feedback but just to gage since subjective to past experience and one's sensitivity albeit passing my sound/noise test should be a good gage ..keke ! If not, may still go ahead and also hope my SP works still with noiser tyres.






Hi Richard


Haven't been checking the posts for a while. Cleared 20 pages in one go today :)


Think ride comfort is very subjective depending on individual driving style and expectations.


To me, my current setup still has much to go in achieving the level of NVH that is acceptable to me.

Maybe the dampers and switching to primacy st3 may just do the trick, but for the time being just enjoy the car as it is.


The sub-par insulation of our forester lets in too much tyre noise and I believe your autofoam and SP helps significantly in cutting them out from the cabin.


btw, swapped direct from dueler to LS3, no experience with primacy st3 at all

Edited by Xefera
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I sent pictures to SKM, J one and MI. SKM replied with 200-280 + gst. J one not replied in 2 days. MI replied they will give estimate when I bring in for first service


SKM is simply too high. Wont do. But it could be due to my wrong description. Along with the pic, I wrote the scratches are down to the metal, but after watching a few youtube videos I realized its barely past the clearcoat


I already ordered H2Q paint code from some Polish vendor on ebay for $17 (with delivery) but not sure if I'll use it as FIL says don't do anything its only cosmetic (which is actually correct if it is only a clearcoat scratch, but he didn't explain his reasoning when he said don't do anything)

Problem with touch up paint is that it usually lacks the clear/glossy coat. So ur scratches might end up as dull red in your case. If just clear coat scratch, u might wanna consider polishing Edited by Zpliu
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would like to know for those owners who have applied vinly overlay over the emblem, how do you get the edges to conform?

cos our Subaru emblems are not flat, i tried to apply on my car today, steering wheel one already edges doesn't stay well (that's fine, inside car) but tried rear also similar problem so i didn't finish the job first.


not like stay US most people just park garage use heatgun/hairdryer.... me only HDB carpark no 230V power source  [dead]

shrink the vinyl using hot water?....

Read with interests about the comments about the Latitude Sports 3.


Currently on these tyres (240kpa front and 230kpa rear) with the following setup

- STI Pink Springs

- 20mm upgrade rear sway bar

- STI Rear Flexible subframe


Can't complain about the grip as these tyres are excellent in the dry or wet, aided by the AWD.

Road noise is quite apparent in the cabin even though tyres have clocked less than 10,000km.


For those who place comfort above driving experience should stick to the Primacy range.


for me i use freeware soundmeter app on phone to compare quantitatively between tyres and ride. else ears cannot really be sensitive enough some times...


found that my last ride switch to GY AS3 from Michelin PS3 also same amount of noise cos sound insulation of that car poor (so cannot always assume GY AS series are quite haha...)

and then now my XV on stock tyres no insulation added was 15dB lower then previous ride...  [laugh]

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Hi Richard


Haven't been checking the posts for a while. Cleared 20 pages in one go today :)


Think ride comfort is very subjective depending on individual driving style and expectations.


To me, my current setup still has much to go in achieving the level of NVH that is acceptable to me.

Maybe the dampers and switching to primacy st3 may just do the trick, but for the time being just enjoy the car as it is.


The sub-par insulation of our forester lets in too much tyre noise and I believe your autofoam and SP helps significantly in cutting them out from the cabin.


btw, swapped direct from dueler to LS3, no experience with primacy st3 at all

Hi xefera,


Noted and indeed subjective and indeed the excessive SP, autofoam, 3M thinsulate into dashboard etc. helps alot at the expense of FC which is fortunately not too bad cos fxt got torque and dun struggle with more engine noise.


Noted on dueler to LS3 and will soon find out about it when I change.


For me, last thing on ride is probably cusco tourinng A especially for rear as I find stock rear dampers are a bit too soft especially since on pink springs .. incabin remote control and preset will the icing.


Need to move on to see how to fix up any shortcoming of pending mazda 6 for collection .. keke !





Edited by richard_crl032
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I sent pictures to SKM, J one (suggested by fellow bro Augustine) and MI. SKM replied with 200-280 + gst. J one not replied in 2 days. MI replied they will give estimate when I bring in for first service

SKM is simply too high. Wont do. But it could be due to my wrong description. Along with the pic, I wrote the scratches are down to the metal, but after watching a few youtube videos I realized its barely past the clearcoat - if the scratch disappears when wet, it is a clearcoat scratch

Now I understand why FIL said don't do anything its only cosmetic (which is actually correct if it is only a clearcoat scratch, but he didn't explain his reasoning when he said don't do anything). Anyway, wife says don't touch it bec dad says so. [laugh]

Hi Sultan,


Oops .. sorry to heard.


Can share photos of the scratches ? Not sure what are scratches only on clear coat i.e. lacquer which then can be polishes off ? Or nice red paint is scratched off and there is still undercoat which is visually different whitish color ?


This range of 200-280 cannot be if only lacquer being scratched abd also ranges too big ... force request 200 when there cos he probably played safe to do so or he priced up liao ? :(


Nevertheless, wife say so regardless FIL says or you say is for world peace and best decision. :)





Edited by richard_crl032
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Hi xefera,


Noted and indeed subjective and indeed the excessive SP, autofoam, 3M thinsulate into dashboard etc. helps alot at the expense of FC which is fortunately not too bad cos fxt got torque and dun struggle with more engine noise.


Noted on dueler to LS3 and will soon find out about it when I change.


For me, last thing on ride is probably cusco tourinng A especially for rear as I find stock rear dampers are a bit too soft especially since on pink springs .. incabin remote control and preset will the icing.


Need to move on to see how to fix up any shortcoming of pending mazda 6 for collection .. keke !






Yes, I am also tempted to try the cusco touring a, read good reviews not just in this forum but also elsewhere on the web. Pricing wise also hits the sweet spot as replacing the stock shocks will probably cost more.


But many other mods need to come first ie. cvt cooler, SSBH, etc


Still seating on the fence whether to change to BBK. Having mickey mouse brakes is the only reason I am not breaking any speed limits. Haha

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