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Lady robbed and raped by 'kind soul' who gave her a lift


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As I was reading some of the comments in this thread, I would probably like to give my two cents worth in response(in bold):


  • Should not have a problem getting cab in River Valley Road area at 5am - For those who are not aware, most night shift cabbies would handover the taxi to the day shift driver before 6am. At around 5 to 5plus am, most either are on the way to return the vehicle or are picky on the destination of the last customer they picked up, as they do not wish to make a long detour. It is hardly surprising that they are actually way fewer cabs to hail at 5am. If you do it at 4am, cabs are probably still in abundance.
  • Why would the gal want to get into a car like Proton? - I not sure if such comments are made because people really want to show they look down on cars like Proton. If you are intoxicated and desperate, you would jump at the chance to get into any vehicle with 4 wheels to get to your destination. Why would anyone still be picky at the fact that it is "only a proton"
  • Why would the gal fall asleep in a stranger's car? - Those who made these comments have probably not drank much before or never gotten into a state of intoxication. If you drank a lot to the state of being highly intoxicated (not able to stand or walk properly), chances are you would have problem keeping awake. It is normal to just drop off and sleep like a pig within 5 minutes when you are being laid to rest. I can confidently say this as I have experience it myself before.

okie..seriously dont think too much, not good for health and dangerous too

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At your own home or somebody else (stranger) car ... :blink:


Since you are quoting your experience.... :XD:

It doesn't matter home or at somebody else car. When one is highly intoxicated, he/she already loses much of his/her senses or alertness to the potential danger surrounding him/her. His//her judgement towards things or danger would be seriously impaired. The person in this sort of situation wouldn't be able to keep an alert intent just because he/she is not in an environment where he/she feels comfortable with. Edited by Damienic
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It doesn't matter home or at somebody else car. When one is highly intoxicated, he/she already loses much of his/her senses or alertness to the potential danger surrounding him/her. His//her judgement towards things or danger would be seriously impaired. The person in this sort of situation wouldn't be able to keep an alert intent just because he/she is not in an environment where he/she feels comfortable with.


Just wondering, when drinking one must know your limit ..... [:(]


Why 'piah mia' drink until like no tomorrow & drunk to such a zombie stage ... :brzzzzz:

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It doesn't matter home or at somebody else car. When one is highly intoxicated, he/she already loses much of his/her senses or alertness to the potential danger surrounding him/her. His//her judgement towards things or danger would be seriously impaired. The person in this sort of situation wouldn't be able to keep an alert intent just because he/she is not in an environment where he/she feels comfortable with.


not forgetting it is 5am and without prior few hours sleep, most of our body clocks would have force our body to be on hibernation or shutdown mode. with the alcohol, it just makes the shutdown minute.


people cast doubts at the lady without considering precisely the situation she was in. even if the forumers who said those things can hold liquor well, they probably have not kept awake after 5am. even if they did keep awake after 5am, their body mechanics are probably much different from the lady.


Just wondering, when drinking one must know your limit ..... [:(]


Why 'piah mia' drink until like no tomorrow & drunk to such a zombie stage ... :brzzzzz:


sometimes it is not piah miah.....sometimes it is inexperience.


when I first went disco and drinking with my current colleagues, it was after a prolonged period of no alcohol. I forgot that long island tea shouldn't be gulped down in a jiffy for a guy like me who don't drink a lot. I did exactly that and found my head so heavy and I kind of doze off on the table.....


few days after the session,my boss ask me why I drink so much so fast to be knocked out so quickly. he asked whether I was drowning my sorrow....... [laugh]

Edited by Acemundo
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  1. Why would the gal want to get into a car like Proton? - I not sure if such comments are made because people really want to show they look down on cars like Proton. If you are intoxicated and desperate, you would jump at the chance to get into any vehicle with 4 wheels to get to your destination. Why would anyone still be picky at the fact that it is "only a proton"




Some people have a Proton, is better than some who don't even have a car. ^_^

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Some people have a Proton, is better than some who don't even have a car. ^_^

in here...most pay cash what!😆😆😆😆
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Just wondering, when drinking one must know your limit ..... [:(]


Why 'piah mia' drink until like no tomorrow & drunk to such a zombie stage ... :brzzzzz:


True. But normally it is only when you are drunk once, then you will roughly know what is your max limit right? Lol [laugh]

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Just wondering, when drinking one must know your limit ..... [:(]


Why 'piah mia' drink until like no tomorrow & drunk to such a zombie stage ... :brzzzzz:


Not everyone can have no limit like you :XD: :XD:

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True. But normally it is only when you are drunk once, then you will roughly know what is your max limit right? Lol [laugh]


And the poor lady happened to test her max drinking tolerance on that day only.

A case of wrong place, wrong time.


Hope the trauma will not be lasting forever on her [:|]


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which number were you? 😅😅😅😅


Sorry. I don't do public "toilets".

Edited by Sabian
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More drama...


Storeman accused of raping and robbing woman he gave lift to now says the sex was consensual. str.sg/Upk

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He will argue on the ground that it was a transaction that went wrong.


Seems like he admitted to robbing the woman. Now is challenging the rape charge.

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Once a woman cries rape...the sex (eventhough consensual) will be treated as rape.....and the benefit of the doubt will be given to the women.


Yeah, our law gives favor to women in all situations. that's the danger for men........ even with consenual, the woman can turn around and accuse. The guy will be [confused][confused]


anyway, i also find it funny that the rape can happen in a small car like Savvy. How the man can overpower the woman in a tight space, unless the man beat up the woman until go into coma


anyway, the man is guilty of theft/robbery already

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