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Hi , I am trying to avoid spending money on MS Office as my usage basically is preparing invoices ,doing spreadsheet for stocks and pricing and from time to time publish product flyers for sales purpose.

I am think of using OpenOffice, if you happen to be using this free program I will be most happy to hear from you.


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I find LibreOffice better. OpenOffice can be quite a pain when converting/importing docs from Microsoft docs, difficult to use their formating tools, always end up a mess.


Alternatively, use Google docs: fast and easy to use.


Microsoft also has "free" office online, but is very restrictive when toggling docs opened/saved between online version and paid version.


Hi , I am trying to avoid spending money on MS Office as my usage basically is preparing invoices ,doing spreadsheet for stocks and pricing and from time to time publish product flyers for sales purpose.

I am think of using OpenOffice, if you happen to be using this free program I will be most happy to hear from you.



Edited by Kangadrool
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I find LibreOffice better. OpenOffice can be quite a pain when converting/importing docs from Microsoft docs, difficult to use their formating tools, always end up a mess.


Alternatively, use Google docs: fast and easy to use.


Microsoft also has "free" office online, but is very restrictive when toggling docs opened/saved between online version and paid version.




Thanks for the input, yes I come across LibreOffice and I thought it's same as OpenOffice.Great I may try out LibreOffice this weekend.

Do you have similar programs for Ms Publisher and Acrobat PDF, kindly adv.


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Hi , I am trying to avoid spending money on MS Office as my usage basically is preparing invoices ,doing spreadsheet for stocks and pricing and from time to time publish product flyers for sales purpose.

I am think of using OpenOffice, if you happen to be using this free program I will be most happy to hear from you.


Do spreadsheet for stocks?

If your company has plans for expansion get one which 99% people know how to use.

So you can pass the role down to someone else next time.


My office I think use OpenOffice and all of us are complaining.

I spend like 2 hours to do a work which is 1/2 done which I will probably take 10mins in mircosoft office.

Save $ on software yet user per hour rate is so damn high = cost more in long run.

Additional perks, user will not get demoralise (which one of my colleagues left) because ain't no support from the company.

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I'm using kingsoftoffice


Works the same as microsoft office.


It free...been using for the past 1yr.

So far so good....no advert at all

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I would love to give a serious reply (and maybe I will later), but for now I'll just say that @Porker is the authority on OpenOrifice. He's also very good at BackOrifice. :D

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I forgot to mention that @Porker prefers to use his OpenOrifice because he always has problems with MicroSoft. More specifically, his problem is that he is Micro and always Soft. :D

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I forgot to mention that @Porker prefers to use his OpenOrifice because he always has problems with MicroSoft. More specifically, his problem is that he is Micro and always Soft. :D

Muayhahahaha you mofo 😂😂😂

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I forgot to mention that @Porker prefers to use his OpenOrifice because he always has problems with MicroSoft. More specifically, his problem is that he is Micro and always Soft. :D


This is very ... Below The Belt ... 😂

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I'm using kingsoftoffice


Works the same as microsoft office.


It free...been using for the past 1yr.

So far so good....no advert at all


Thanks for the new info, will check it out this weekend

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You seem to be enjoying it alot 😂


He appears whenever you appear. You have a stalker fan [laugh] [laugh]

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I am using LibreOffice for home use, wordprocessing and spreadsheet. So far so good, but didn't need to explore beyond the basic functions

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Try out Libre OpenOffice this morning using a previously prepared invoice document template with MS words. The document open very fast but apparently the frames have alignment problems, difficult to align back to the original setting.

Looks like I have to revert to MS office to save time


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