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Help! Birds nesting on rooftop, how to remove/prevent !


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have been buying 4D (my house number) until the baby bird flew off



then hor today #$%^&*)@!#$%^&$#@ my house number came out (one of the top 3 prize) [bigcry][bigcry][bigcry]


I also missed tonight sg.pool 3rd price opened 4654, my new passport queue serial numbers of three placing away only, S$100,000 :onfire::a-m1524::a-shoot: ICA

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I also missed tonight sg.pool 3rd price opened 4654, my new passport queue serial numbers of three placing away only, S$100,000 :onfire::a-m1524::a-shoot: ICA


Wa, $100K can get a new jap car.

I normally buy $5/day. I just want a new lorlet watch

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Wa, $100K can get a new jap car.

I normally buy $5/day. I just want a new lorlet watch

Collected new passport on friday noon and went to opposite HDB block Sg.Pool to invested $200 bet Big [smallcry]

Your young birdie flew away, my old birdie no mood and soft goings :beaten:

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I went to search... got video [laugh] [laugh]




NSFW [rolleyes] [rolleyes]

Your bird mating cannot beat this


Watch from 0.35 onwards.


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Pigeon Leaves Behind a Surprise

Forgetting to close a window in your home while you’re out can have chaotic consequences. A pigeon seized such a perfect opportunity to sneak into your kitchen for camping exploration.

Traces of bird droppings show it did searching about in all the rooms, she eventually came to rest in a most dangerous place..... that is a frying pan!

She even left behind her precious gift of an egg, though the founder has “no intention of becoming a pigeon father” any time soon!


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Pigeon Leaves Behind a Surprise

Forgetting to close a window in your home while you’re out can have chaotic consequences. A pigeon seized such a perfect opportunity to sneak into your kitchen for camping exploration.

Traces of bird droppings show it did searching about in all the rooms, she eventually came to rest in a most dangerous place..... that is a frying pan!

She even left behind her precious gift of an egg, though the founder has “no intention of becoming a pigeon father” any time soon!



this type, must buy 4d, toto, big sweep, legal undeground, internet, everything!!!!!

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This bloody bird: Asian Glossy Starling was found and keep loitering on my rooftop. Then it comes in a pair, producing very sharp chirping sounds...... I'm ok and delighted, but when I noticed that it has become a daily business....... I realised that the birds had started hiding on my rooftop, nesting by itself. But worst, their shits were everywhere on the balcony.

No matter how many times you clean and wash them, those bird shits are always there.....

Worst! Seeds, twigs, and more seedings were everywhere as these birds brought them in......And these particles are dropped all over my house.............. no matter how many times we swept the floors.


I cannot believe I am intruded, and my place is messed up with just these 2 bloody birds !!!!


I tried to erect those colorful windmill, putting up a flag and even spray water to the rooftop, in desperate spurs to chase these birds away. Night & day, the bloody birds will insist and fly back...... very persistent ! They would even hide in some place and fly back the moment they saw you retiring into the rooms!


I welcome if there's anyone out there whom have better, logical, feasible ideas to help me in removing these bloddy birds, please. And hopefully to prevent them from coming back !!!


I once thought " Live & let Lived" but the messes arises just from these 2 bloody birds are indeed drivng you very very crazy!


Please advice, thanks!

Hope this is helpful to you. Saw this at Horme

HORME - 1 Ubi Crescent #02-01

Number One Building


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The brand very funny

Jiao ong [laugh]

I like the manufacturer sense of humor

Got target bird

Human like it but bird hate it [laugh]

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Hope this is helpful to you. Saw this at Horme
HORME - 1 Ubi Crescent #02-01
Number One Building

Attached Thumbnails
  • post-25827-0-46566900-1434101517_thumb.j


Hmmmm, thanks!

I will definitely buy & try when I find time yo go over Ubi Cresent next week.

Btw, how is iyt applied?


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<p>Hope this is helpful to you. Saw this at HormeHORME - 1 Ubi Crescent #02-01Number One Building Attached Thumbnails

  • post-25827-0-46566900-1434101517_thumb.j
Hmmmm, thanks!I will definitely buy & try when I find time yo go over Ubi Cresent next week.Btw, how is iyt applied?

I copy paste one ah

Work or not, I do no one ah

But that place very addictive one

Like a giant home fix

I go wow at the range of their hardware






No sticky gels, no pungent volatile chemicals, no poisonous and environmentally harmful or unfriendly substances.

Now you can get rid of noisy birds that nest on trees that are far beyond your ability to reach.

No need to cut or trim trees. Continue to enjoy the shade provided by your surrounding trees.

Humans like it and birds hate it. That makes BirdKing the perfect bird repellent. Get rid of noisy and dirty birds with our latest zero-toxic, aromatic and biodegradable water-based sprays.

All substances used in our sprays are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRASS) items by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorities. Keep birds at places where you want them to be and not where they want to be.


Usage Instructions:

Any large open man-made spaces like canteens, factories, air-fields, swimming pools, warehouses, garbage dumps, public or private fountains and nature-like flowering trees, fruit bearing trees, evergreen trees, grass turf, ponds and most areas. Mix the concentrate to the correct proportions and spray to wet the target surfaces thoroughly. Repeat treatment if heavy rains occur within 24 hours of application.


Most Recommended Programme

4 continuous treatments on a weekly basis. If problems persist or only partially solved, continue treatment till satisfaction is achieved. No sticky gels, no pungent volatile chemicals, no poisonous and environmentally harmful of unfriendly substances.



Contents : 100ml/ bottle,12 bottles/ Carton

Carton Size :

Gross Weight/ Carton :

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thanks . . .

i'd also need to figure out how to get up or reach the roof 1st . . .

and if I could use my kids' water pool gun to spray the repellent onto the roof upwards . . .



fyi . . .

last few weeks . . . we (plus the kids) invested into a drone and fly it over our roof whenever it takes as a fun hobby over the holidays.

yes, it drives the birdies away for a awhile, but they just come back at night, messed the place and leave by 5-6am!

these are the stubborn Mynas and Starlings, very persistent and dominant.


my worst expectation is to put up the stainless s bird mesh over the roof if it really needs to . . . (though urgly but not visible at all).




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thanks . . .

i'd also need to figure out how to get up or reach the roof 1st . . .

and if I could use my kids' water pool gun to spray the repellent onto the roof upwards . . .



fyi . . .

last few weeks . . . we (plus the kids) invested into a drone and fly it over our roof whenever it takes as a fun hobby over the holidays.

yes, it drives the birdies away for a awhile, but they just come back at night, messed the place and leave by 5-6am!

these are the stubborn Mynas and Starlings, very persistent and dominant.


my worst expectation is to put up the stainless s bird mesh over the roof if it really needs to . . . (though urgly but not visible at all).




Hormes hardware shop to the rescue again!!! [grin]




Free shipping above $100!

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Birds like many animals are territorial by nature.


So if you are a guy show the pesky bird your kuku bird and show the pesky bird who is boss.


Hope this helps. Have a good week ahead




if too small, may actually backfire, pesky bird may think he hit jackpot, a worm

if too big, also may backfire, if pesky bird is a single female bird, may get her gang of lady friends to come visit you

I can see you have a serious problem



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