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Car pricing on sgcarmart and actual dealer pricing?


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Based on sgcarmart, used camry (05-06 registration) is about 13k.


So Jap vs Continent is

24690 vs 21346.42


So continent is cheaper contrary to what some people feel.




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Total insanity for those buying 2nd hand cars, while waiting for coe to fall.they are just letting car dealers chop carrot.

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Total insanity for those buying 2nd hand cars, while waiting for coe to fall.they are just letting car dealers chop carrot.

Willing buyers, willing sellers
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Maybe the plate?


Nice 26 Years Old Bidded Number 808

I don't think its the plate.


I notice this for many cars that are expiring in a month or so.


So that's why I am asking if I am missing anything here

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This shop is famous for COE renewal cars. Their prices include COE for 5 years.

COE hasn't been extended yet cause there are no buyer yet, in worse case, they can scrap and get the parf.


Edited by James996
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This shop is famous for COE renewal cars. Their prices include COE for 5 years.

COE hasn't been extended yet cause there are no buyer yet, in worse can, they can scrap and get the parf.

If they want to include 5 year COE in the price, they shld have stated it as we shouldn't assume. So this advert is misleading to say the least.

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but the coe hasn't been extended yet

One more month left, who would buy? Of course quote price based on extended COE lah.

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If they want to include 5 year COE in the price, they shld have stated it as we shouldn't assume. So this advert is misleading to say the least.


I thought they did in the adverts?

I went down to see as I was looking for these cars (going to scrap, renew 5 years COE) in last Dec.


I haven see used cars section since Feb after I decided to get new one instead.


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Can someone explain how this pricing works?


The PARF for this is about $15k.

The body value max is about 5k.


Why is the seller selling at 49k?

Even if he sells it at 10k discount, the car will still cost 39k.


Am I missing something here?

He is not selling a car, instead he is selling a 26 year old license plate number .

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He is not selling a car, instead he is selling a 26 year old license plate number .


Surely that no. can't be worth that much?

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Camry depreciation on used car market is closer to 13-14k...last time I trade-in mine at 8.5 years, only paper plus 1.5k.

Yup - in that order of magnitude lah.

Trade-in quotes from used car dealers (for a typical B&B car) from my personal experience, as follows:

- 6 year old: paper + $10K

- 7 year old: paper + $5K

- 8 year old: paper + $1.5K

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