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About LKY's eldest grandson - Li Yipeng


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What this taught me is that: everyone, the rich the poor, the weak the strong, the powerful the ordinary, we all are subjected to the laws of nature. Hence, we all should be proud of who we are and also be grateful for what we are and what we have.


Li Yipeng is lucky, very lucky, to be born to a good family. How many more are like Li Yipeng but are not so lucky to be born to a good or well off family? Some may also be abused because it is tough bringing up a kid like that? So we should be humbled and do our part in society and be more caring.


Don't let the passing of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew go to waste. Let us be a better person but if not at least we try to contribute to make Singapore a better place. We now carry the torch that Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had passed to us. It is up to us now.


Well said [thumbsup]

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there was a program on channel 8 last night on autism mentioned about Pathlight school for autism. The students can actually speak quite well.


By the way 27 March (tomorrow) to 2 April is the World Autism Awareness Week.

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Which school dare to reject them??

Think it should be dont dare to accept.


In circumstances such as this, not meeting expectation is not an option.

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Autism-MMR vaccine link:


Vaccines are made from cultivated viruses. A 3-in-i vaccine is like mixing kerosene, diesel and petrol and filling up a car with the mix.


BTW the albinism gene has to be in both parents for their offspring (not all, tends to affect makes more) to be born albino.

Edited by Kklim
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Anecdotal evidence but my colleague's son is also autistic and goes to Pathlight. The boy can be said to speak with an angmoh accent (when he does speak) because he mimics the tones and accents from the cartoons/shows he watches and often speaks in phrases from the cartoons/shows.


More anecdotal evidence, when I was younger a family acquaintance was actually assigned as a guard/driver (i cannot remember which) to the family for a period. Feedback was that the albino son was the most well-mannered and polite.

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Speaking in ang moh accent is actually a trait of autism

In this case its because he went to singapore american school after few yrs in local school

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Where is the daughter?

I meant Lee Wei Ling


Indeed....was trying to look out for her presence in video and reports....didn't seem to find her...strange

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why can't we just leave them alone... -_-


Unlikely people will leave them alone...there's always talking point......public figures are not easy to have such privacy...

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Indeed....was trying to look out for her presence in video and reports....didn't seem to find her...strange

straits times reported she did not join procession cus was unwell. Only God knows how she mus be feeling.. afterall shes the 1 tat was living wif Lky
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Just like royal families in Britain, Thailand and other countries, the Lee family is like a royal family in Spore. All cameras and focus will be on them all the time.

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