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Toyota Rush SFB 8288 C Kuailan Driver Destroys Bicycle


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Hmmm... What was the "accident"? How was the bicycle "destroyed"? And was anyone injured?


While his facial expression is indeed... well... worth a thousand words, but without any further details it's hard to make head or tails of what really happened. [smallcry]

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Take photo look happi

Don't see what the problem

What bike? whose bike? Ah pek bike? Hero bike? So what?

What's the story?

Primary school 看图写作ah?


I think soon this guy face kena meme [laugh]

From a Vincent Ang https://www.facebook.com/vincentacy who wanted to use that bike for SEA games. Now destroyed already.



Now I see the bike

Insurance gao gao [laugh]

Wonder why happi man look so happi

His insurance no pay? [laugh]

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Take photo look happi

Don't see what the problem

What bike? whose bike? Ah pek bike? Hero bike? So what?

What's the story?

Primary school 看图写作ah?


I think soon this guy face kena meme [laugh]


Now I see the bike

Insurance gao gao [laugh]

Wonder why happi man look so happi

His insurance no pay? [laugh]


One of those bicycle not cheap. Costs more than car go workshop repair.

I'm sure driver will not be laughing when he sees the bill for a new bicycle.

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No head no tail.


I can say that the bike owner deliberately threw his bike under the car...


Come on, who knows what happened? Tell us.

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I have been pointed middle finger by one cyclist last week at a traffic light cos he felt I was driving toooooo near him on the left lane during peak hour. No kidding. He was cycling way out of the double yellow line and I zoomed past at 70km/hour causing him to wobble, which I feel is not my fault.



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No doubt the driver got a face ONLY his mother would love wats the whole story about?

I have been pointed middle finger by one cyclist last week at a traffic light cos he felt I was driving toooooo near him on the left lane during peak hour. No kidding. He was cycling way out of the double yellow line and I zoomed past at 70km/hour causing him to wobble, which I feel is not my fault.



He won't live to point again had tat been a cement mixer. Let him enjoy his min of fame ba. Haha Edited by So_nice
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its funny how the bicycle is under the right front tyre of the car, and the car is over the dividing line..


was the cyclist in the middle of the road?


no head no tail leh hard to judge..

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cos he will be getting a brand new bike. :D


looks very 得意洋洋.


As a bro said, no heads or tail leh....





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