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Are SCDF services chargeable?


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aiyah...put it this way.....call or no call the gov still have to pay the scdf their salary......the firefighting vehicle already bought for. The only thing need to pay is the diesel.....and the scdf personnel sure tulan.....hahaha! I have worked in a plant (protected area) and the fire detector always trips (due to fault and false alarm) and in a few occasions the guy in charge forgot to call 995 staying it was a false alarm. In less than 1/2 an hour the firegighters ftom the nearest firestation is already up to our control room with their fire retardant suit,helmet and axe......they got so pissed off that gave verbal warning if such case happens again they will charge monetary penalty to our department. But they never charge eventhough it happen a few times again. Just treat it like its a mobilisation like those during our army days.


This sounds logical!!


Maybe the culprits just have to buy the SCDF crew members a good makan and some beers, everything settled [grin]:D

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This sounds logical!!


Maybe the culprits just have to buy the SCDF crew members a good makan and some beers, everything settled [grin]:D

cannot take de....tantamount to taking bribes! Tell you.....the time that the scdf was activated was at an unearthly hours as at that time there will only be skeletal crew running the plant....office hrs there will be about 100 personnel so there will be people to remind each other...but come night....there will be about 10 staff....thats why we always forget to call off the scdf....muahahaha!
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Can I use my MCF points? ^_^

Unfortunately, not at this stage, but, this is definetely one option which is under consideration. Public opinion seeking exercise is currently underway.

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Maybe the neighbors should pay part of the rescue costs because if SCDF didnt kill the fire, their houses next door may be burnt down also [bigcry] [bigcry]


On a serious note, the root cause of the fire is carelessness of the culprit, if the person doesnt want to suffer such costly damages, he can choose to be careful and this wont cost him a single cent. [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]


I sympathise with him having to renovate the whole house, but the fact that he started it all remains. [:(]


Accidents happen ma. And these are public services. If need to pay some enterprising idiot will come out and say, "I settle for you, cheaper". And then he take newspaper to put out your fire. [rolleyes]


They will charge for misuse, probably. That I understand. But genuine case they really should't.

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