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Ang Moh Cyclist charged for throwing bike at car


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Scary man. Kena honk only throw bike.

Imagine what he could have done if he was behind the wheel of a car....... [shocked]


Throw the car?

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Generally, Chinese are not well-liked, not only ATs, because of our conspicuous consumption and showy attitude. Singaporeans are also champion complaint king and like to hao lian. So if they see a nice scenery, they will say "Nice meh? I have seen even more beautiful scenery in another country" to show they are very well traveled etc. And when overseas, you see both sinkies and PRCs chiong the factory outlets and buy the branded bags etc and show off etc., and when many of these European countries are suffering from recession and Chinese people flaunting our wealth and complaining all the time, they even more buay song.





Ahtiong tourists are good at one thing at the least:- annoying the locals, sometimes other tourists with their loud, inconsiderate behaviours in public maybe because they believe their RMB is more powerful even than the amtk!!?? [sweatdrop][shocked]:o:wacko::blink:[crazy]


When some sgpreans visit other countries and behave the same as ahtiong tourists, maybe they believe coming from little red-dot which "punches above it's small size" gives them the right to show-off??!! At home, they keep hearing propagandas reminding them sgp is first in this and that, this turns confidence into some kind of arrogance?!

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Will this be a deterrent to other AM to behave? :huh:


Nowadays AM can tahan hot curry, must give them some spicy sichuan ma-lak food, maybe they will be detered. [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]

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Canadians are generally more mild mannered and friendly than their neighbours down south.


But once in a while, you will see this type of Canadian immigrant.



After the embarrassment that is Justin Bieber, we should blockade canadians into their own country


BTW - one of the chaps on kiss 92 is a canuck

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A lot of these rubbish, are still cycling the whole lane on a 2 lane road at Telok blangah....when you honk at them they

give you the WTF face......they should be taught to learn the right way before someone kills them.

A lot of other rubbish are also road hogging on the right hand lane. So I just signal left. Change lane when it is safe. Overtake and proceed with my journey.

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FT throw bicycle on your car's bonnet and yet driver can stay ballessly inside car. singaporeans will be displaced by FT soon.

the japs must have killed all the brave and strong during the occupation of Singapore.

Edited by darth_vader_
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FT throw bicycle on your car's bonnet and yet driver can stay ballessly inside car. singaporeans will be displaced by FT soon.

the japs must have killed all the brave and strong during the occupation of Singapore.

and you part of the equation?

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Taken from the same news report.

This could be the moment when the AM stopped and squared off with the car.



And this his bike which some speculate cost 10K . . .




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woah and i tot canadians are the seebeh relax and laid back kind of ppl

Turn of century SMS writing aside, I think he was relax back in Canada, but become stress when come to Singapore. :D


Anyway, I agree what he did was wrong. Though it is understandable. There was once, I wanted to kick a car, because the driver drove at speed at zebra crossing when I was trying to pass. Whether it was becuase the car had alraedy driven far passed me, or I manage to calm myself, I did not do it.


My point is, there is no need to turn this into a race/FT thing. He was wrong, but judge him for what he did, no need to bring in race, or his hairstyle into the argument.


Anyway, we can best guess why he may get so upset, base on his experience. I do not know about Canada, but in Germany, you are not allowed to horn at cyclist, let alone intimidated them by driving closely or anyway that can endangered them. (& I have certainly not seen anyone doing these in my 3 years living in Germany). Upset/urgent or not, you wait for your chance to overtake safely.


Obviously Singapore have still a bit more before we reach this level of tolerance in road usage, which is why I told people I never cycle on the road in Singapore, as it risky. Also because, I do not want to slow down traffic due to our high road density.


Weel, he got his lesson, & hopefully, he will learned. You cannot apply your standard when you are oversea, the one thing I have learned. Learned to accept. No harm suggest ways to improve though, if people listen.


I think as road user, we can improve our level of tolerance, both as driver, as well as cyclist and pedestains. cheers

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Somehow abusive cyclist behaviour is linked to the cost of their bikes. We have yet to see videos of the foreign workers/locals on $80 bikes behaving in similar manners. More expensive bikes are equated to more respects on the road, and if they don't get the expected "respect", they go crazy.


Same principle probably applies to car owners too....


PS, did this guy shave his armpit???

Edited by Volvobrick
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Taken from the same news report.

This could be the moment when the AM stopped and squared off with the car.



And this his bike which some speculate cost 10K . . .





Tis cyclist jst not forgiving at all........................ take it its a warning to alert u tat there is danger and wave "Thanks"........... tat is call cool........ [:)]


Tats why I wonder why girls/ladies call foreign ppl (like tis cyclist) cool guys........ [hur] tink up there screw loose [knife]

Edited by FourZero
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The cyclists are trying to out-do one another - throwing own bike now!



Cyclist charged with throwing bike at car after honking incident



Published on Jan 14, 2015 12:13 PM

524 30 1 0 PRINT EMAIL









Canadian Jason Blair Unger, 39, allegedly threw the bicycle on the bonnet of Mr Woo Wing Onn's car on Selegie Road on the morning of Oct 17 last year. -- ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW



By Elena Chong










SINGAPORE - A cyclist who allegedly threw his bike at a car after believing its driver was honking his horn at him was charged in court with mischief on Wednesday.

Canadian Jason Blair Unger, 39, allegedly threw the bicycle on the bonnet of Mr Woo Wing Onn's car on Selegie Road on Oct 17 last year.

Dents and scratches were caused to the front part of the vehicle, resulting in damage costing about $2,220.

Unger sought an adjournment to engage a lawyer.

His bail was extended and he will be back in court on Jan 28.

The incident was caught on Mr Woo's in-car camera and he posted the video on citizen journalism website Stomp four days later.

Mr Woo said he was driving home with his wife when he honked at a taxi which was travelling slowly and hogging the road.

But a cyclist who was just up ahead thought he was honking at him instead and became enraged.

The maximum penalty for mischief is two years' jail and a fine.- See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/courts-crime/story/cyclist-charged-throwing-bike-car-after-honking-incident-20150114#sthash.j2WzuhI7.dpuf


If this the case, jail him jail him jail him jail him jail him jail him jail him jail him jail him jail him jail him.


Dunno y but felt current yrs legal administration too kind too foreigners. So unlike the caning days for some Fay guy.


believe locals got priority to eat free rice.


confirm eat by the buckets-full of free rice if local throw bike at AMDK car.

No tks, I'd rather pay to eat KFC bucket rice any day in my life.

Turn of century SMS writing aside, I think he was relax back in Canada, but become stress when come to Singapore. :D


Anyway, I agree what he did was wrong. Though it is understandable. There was once, I wanted to kick a car, because the driver drove at speed at zebra crossing when I was trying to pass. Whether it was becuase the car had alraedy driven far passed me, or I manage to calm myself, I did not do it.


My point is, there is no need to turn this into a race/FT thing. He was wrong, but judge him for what he did, no need to bring in race, or his hairstyle into the argument.


Anyway, we can best guess why he may get so upset, base on his experience. I do not know about Canada, but in Germany, you are not allowed to horn at cyclist, let alone intimidated them by driving closely or anyway that can endangered them. (& I have certainly not seen anyone doing these in my 3 years living in Germany). Upset/urgent or not, you wait for your chance to overtake safely.


Obviously Singapore have still a bit more before we reach this level of tolerance in road usage, which is why I told people I never cycle on the road in Singapore, as it risky. Also because, I do not want to slow down traffic due to our high road density.


Weel, he got his lesson, & hopefully, he will learned. You cannot apply your standard when you are oversea, the one thing I have learned. Learned to accept. No harm suggest ways to improve though, if people listen.


I think as road user, we can improve our level of tolerance, both as driver, as well as cyclist and pedestains. cheers

So then they applied their "standard" upon us! So we have to be tolerant when they cycle on carriageways? When in Rome, do wat Rome do doesn't apply to amdk.
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So then they applied their "standard" upon us! So we have to be tolerant when they cycle on carriageways? When in Rome, do wat Rome do doesn't apply to amdk.



Not commenting on this case,


But when you say something like this it sounds very much like you think threatening cyclists, bullying them is a good thing?


Is being tolerant to bikes the correct thing to do, regardless of who and where you are?

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Turn of century SMS writing aside, I think he was relax back in Canada, but become stress when come to Singapore. :D


Anyway, I agree what he did was wrong. Though it is understandable. There was once, I wanted to kick a car, because the driver drove at speed at zebra crossing when I was trying to pass. Whether it was becuase the car had alraedy driven far passed me, or I manage to calm myself, I did not do it.


My point is, there is no need to turn this into a race/FT thing. He was wrong, but judge him for what he did, no need to bring in race, or his hairstyle into the argument.


Anyway, we can best guess why he may get so upset, base on his experience. I do not know about Canada, but in Germany, you are not allowed to horn at cyclist, let alone intimidated them by driving closely or anyway that can endangered them. (& I have certainly not seen anyone doing these in my 3 years living in Germany). Upset/urgent or not, you wait for your chance to overtake safely.


Obviously Singapore have still a bit more before we reach this level of tolerance in road usage, which is why I told people I never cycle on the road in Singapore, as it risky. Also because, I do not want to slow down traffic due to our high road density.


Weel, he got his lesson, & hopefully, he will learned. You cannot apply your standard when you are oversea, the one thing I have learned. Learned to accept. No harm suggest ways to improve though, if people listen.


I think as road user, we can improve our level of tolerance, both as driver, as well as cyclist and pedestains. cheers


Bro, i saw a few of your post & u always tends to compare us with Germany, which u r well acquainted with.


I know u mean good with these comparisons & said observations.. BUT


If these foreigners r in Singapore, they should respect local cultures & behave as such "When in rome do as the Romans do".


Yes, we are not as gracious or advanced as these caucasians, be it culture or mindset wise, but this is our country, they come, they goddamnit will respect & follow our laws & to a certain extent our culture values.


Whether or not we are lacking in grace or tolerance is not the crux here, the onus is on these foreigners, they come & expect to be treated like superior beings and hence the recently minted derogatory moniker AMDK.


Imagine we Sporeans go overseas to countries like Msia or Indonesian or Vietnam throw bicycle at their locals, most probably we will left with nothing but bones.

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Bro, i saw a few of your post & u always tends to compare us with Germany, which u r well acquainted with.


I know u mean good with these comparisons & said observations.. BUT


If these foreigners r in Singapore, they should respect local cultures & behave as such "When in rome do as the Romans do".


Yes, we are not as gracious or advanced as these caucasians, be it culture or mindset wise, but this is our country, they come, they goddamnit will respect & follow our laws & to a certain extent our culture values.


Whether or not we are lacking in grace or tolerance is not the crux here, the onus is on these foreigners, they come & expect to be treated like superior beings and hence the recently minted derogatory moniker AMDK.


Imagine we Sporeans go overseas to countries like Msia or Indonesian or Vietnam throw bicycle at their locals, most probably we will left with nothing but bones.

I gave you 5 praises, for the mere fact that when we are visiting a country, we follow the norms and culture.

BUT - I can't agree with the rest of what you say. We should always be trying to improve ourselves, to do better and to be more - benchmarking is a fantastic way of improving ourselves. Unless you can say that you are "satisfied" with the current level of care and concern expressed towards cyclists then I won't say a word.


Also, please don't use this single case, of an idiot that over-reacted to "justify" that the current level of behaviour of drivers is ok. This guy that threw the bike over-reacted, and he would be condemned wherever he is - be it here, (I think) in Germany or where I am more familiar - in New Zealand.


But he should not be the standard - in the general case, motorists should not be honking at bikes to be "getting out of the way" (lycra clad TDF wannabes blocking the whole road excepted)

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Bro, i saw a few of your post & u always tends to compare us with Germany, which u r well acquainted with.


I know u mean good with these comparisons & said observations.. BUT


If these foreigners r in Singapore, they should respect local cultures & behave as such "When in rome do as the Romans do".


Yes, we are not as gracious or advanced as these caucasians, be it culture or mindset wise, but this is our country, they come, they goddamnit will respect & follow our laws & to a certain extent our culture values.


Whether or not we are lacking in grace or tolerance is not the crux here, the onus is on these foreigners, they come & expect to be treated like superior beings and hence the recently minted derogatory moniker AMDK.


Imagine we Sporeans go overseas to countries like Msia or Indonesian or Vietnam throw bicycle at their locals, most probably we will left with nothing but bones.


They can come here and expect to be treated like superior beings but that's because some of us still treat them like AMTK. They think we are still living in the colonial era.

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woah and i tot canadians are the seebeh relax and laid back kind of ppl


The environment changed them.


Here so hot and when it rains every 50 years it pours,


Bus caught in jam, trains late and packed, taxi so many bogus charges, car so expensive.


Cycle under hot weather, wait until night time cooler to cycle home but reach home late but still gotta wake up early because need to cycle to work the following day.


Then when car horn at him, he throw bicycle lor.

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